Come worship with us this Sunday

at 3810 Ridgewood Rd. Copley, OH

or on Facebook Live at 10:00 AM

Or visit our website:

Click Here to view this Sunday's Bulletin

Scriptures for Sunday, September 24th

Jonah 3:10-4:11 • Psalm 145 • Philippians 1:21-27

Matthew 20:1-16

An evening with Kelvin Crombie

Saturday, October 21st, St. Luke's will host a thought-provoking evening with Kelvin Crombie, historian, author and international speaker, sharing about the fate of Jewish believers in Jesus, our brothers and sisters in the Lord, who suffered during World War II, and telling their stories.

Join us at 5:00 PM, for a light supper 'Meet and Greet' with Kelvin. There is a $10.00 charge to cover the cost of the supper.  Please RSVP by October 14th (text to 330-697-0332).


At 6:00 PM, Kelvin Crombie will present 'They Also Died as Jews: The Plight of Jewish Christians in the Holocaust.' Until now, very little hard evidence has been assembled of what happened to Jewish believers in Jesus at the hands of Nazi Germany and their allies, and their tragedy largely remains an untold chapter in the history of the Holocaust.


A free-will offering will be received for the support of CMJ-USA, the Church’s Ministry Among Jewish People.

New St. Luke's Directory Photos, October 5th-7th

It's time once again to update the St. Luke Directory. Photo sittings for the new directory (printed & online) will take place October 5th (2:00-8:30PM), October 6th (2:00-8:30PM), and October 7th (10:00AM-4:00PM).

You can signup for your photo sitting after the service each Sunday in the Café thru October 1st.

You can also schedule your sitting online at Click on 'Photography Appointment Scheduling Login.' Use the church code 'oh2642' and the password 'photos'. Then select from the available dates and sitting times.

Photos can be formal, semi-formal, or casual. Extended family, friends, pets, even props (e.g. instruments, hobby items) are also invited to participate. Everyone photographed will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 photograph and a directory.

We want as many people as possible to take part.

Contact Jim Fulton if you have ANY questions.

St. Luke's will be hosting MOPS beginning in October. This ministry to mothers in our community is vital. For some it is their only exposure to the Gospel.

We need voluteers to help in set up, tear down, and childcare. Please prayerful consider taking part with us as we serve as the hands and feet of Jesus together.

Contact Rev. Joy Unger for more information.

Anglican: Biblical and Historic Roots and the Anglican Way of Doing Life Together in Christ

Our Anglican Communion is the third largest Christian body worldwide, tracing its roots back through the Reformation to the New Testament Apostolic Church. 

Join us each week thru October 29th as Fr. John Wagner teaches about and refreshes our understanding of all things Anglican: the history, heritage, and Anglican way of being Christ’s Church. 

It will be a refresher course for long-time members, as well as informative teaching for newcomers to St. Luke’s, and preparation for those becoming confirmed members of our Church. And there will be an opportunity to ask your questions for all. 

After coffee and a bite to eat in the Café, we’ll meet in the sanctuary for 90 minutes of teaching, conversation, and answering questions. 

The course will include such topics as basics of denominational differences and Church history, Anglican heritage and history, worship and faith (the Book of Common prayer, liturgy, Creeds, Catechism, etc.), Anglican structure, polity and ministers of the Church, the authority of Scripture and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and the history and renewal of and mission at St. Luke’s.

Christmas is coming soon! Which means our outreach to local children of incarcerated parents through Angel Tree Ministries is coming soon, too!

St. Luke’s would like to continue our ministry to these children, but we need volunteers to make calls and volunteers to serve. Contact Jim Fulton if you are able to help.

Mission Update from Fenny Joy

Dear St. Luke's family,

Sharing with you a beautiful view from my midweek with friends in the Polish Beskids. As well as my short monthly newsletter with a special announcement.

Please CLICK HERE for a 3 minute read. So thankful for your continued prayers and support!

Together in His service,


To submit a prayer request through our website,



If you would like a prayer request sent out to the St. Luke's Prayer Team, call or text (330)-703-2932.


If the request is for someone other than yourself, please obtain permission from them before sharing to preserve their privacy.

August Offering: $17,208

Needed Monthly: $38,333

YTD Offering: $301,274

YTD Other Income: $27,644

YTD Budget: $352,432

YTD +/- ($23,514)

Ways to support St. Luke's Church

  • Mail checks to St. Luke's Church 3810 Ridgewood Rd Copley, OH 44321

  • PayPal - send to

  • St. Luke's Website ( in the upper right corner, click on the button that says, "Give." You can fill out the form with a credit card/debit card or bank routing and account number. You will receive a receipt by email. This can be set up as recurring if you choose. There is a 2.9% surcharge for this option. Click here to be taken to the website.

  • Your Own Bank - send a payment through your own bank account's bill pay on the bank website. The church will receive a paper check in the mail. This can be set up as recurring if you choose.

  • Drop off in the church mailbox or come inside to the office.

Senior Pastor

Rev. Daniel C. Morgan

Associate Pastor

Rev. Andrew D. Unger

St Luke's Church

3810 Ridgewood Rd.

Copley, OH 44321


Click below to email our staff:

Jim Fulton - Parish Administrator

Laura Ghrist - Director of Worship Arts

Terry Hamilton - Bookkeeper

St. Luke's office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

St Luke's Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes

under the leadership of Bishop Mark Engel.

Follow Jesus. But click below to find us on Facebook or YouTube.

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If you have a ministry announcement or event you would like added to the weekly newsletter or Sunday announcements, please email us or send the information to the church office by Wednesday at 12:00 PM. Thank you.