St. Mark School
A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
St. Mark School is a Christ-centered learning environment that teaches Gospel values and fosters academic excellence. Aware of the dignity and uniqueness of all students, we are committed to the spiritual, intellectual, moral, social, and physical development of each child.

January 24, 2021
Dear St. Mark Families,

We did it! The second quarter of the school year comes to a close on Monday, January 25th. Report cards for students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 8 will be distributed on Tuesday, February 2nd.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all our students for continuing to show good citizenship by adhering to our COVID-19 guidelines, practicing healthy hygiene habits, wearing masks, and adhering to social distancing protocols. Collectively, we depend on each other to remain diligent in adhering to CDC and state COVID-19 protocols in school and in public. It is this diligence that will ensure we can continue with in-person instruction as we move into the second half of the 2020-2021 school year. We are truly stronger together!

As a school community rooted in our shared Catholic faith, let us continue to pray for our leaders, for civil servants, for first responders and all who currently suffer and struggle as we continue to navigate a global pandemic. Let us be grateful that God has protected our students, and ask for His continued blessings on our families.

I wish you all continued good health and God's blessings.

Yours in Christ,
Melissa Warner 

Please do not reply to this email. If you have questions, comments or concerns please email me directly. 
Current Family Registration 2021-2022

Registration for current St. Mark families is open for the 2021-2022 school year. Both the Current Family Registration form found here and the registration fee must be submitted for your registration to be complete. Both are due by Friday, February 5, 2021 and will reserve your child’s spot in next year’s class if returned by that date. Click here for 2021-2022 registration and tuition rates.

As you may know, we have had a lot of new families express interest in St. Mark School and we expect to have wait lists in multiple grades next year. We will begin accepting enrollment from new families after February 5, 2021.

For this 2020-2021 school year only, returning families with children in grades Kindergarten through Grade 8 that submit both the registration form and registration fee by February 5th will have up to 10 of the 30 required K- 8 family service hours deducted from their obligation for the 2020-2021 school year. This reduction in service hours applies to family hours only. Family service hours are not transferable year to year. Service hour obligations are not applicable to Little Lions Preschool families.

Please note, registration forms and/or fee received after February 5th, 2021 will not qualify for the reduction in service hours.
2021-2022 Little Lions Preschool Registration

Current Little Lions PK3 families are strongly encouraged to register for 2021-2022 PK4 class prior to Open House on Sunday, January 31st. Space is limited and due to high demand, we expect the Little Lions program to be fully registered shortly after the Open House.
Snow Days and Weather Related Cancellations

With the chance of snow forecasted this week, I would like to take this opportunity to remind St. Mark families of our 2020-2021 weather related delayed openings and early dismissal plans.

When Stratford Public Schools call a weather related school cancellation, it is the policy of the Board of Education Transportation Department that buses do not run that day. This includes buses for St. Mark School.

If Stratford Public School calls a delayed start or early dismissal, it will be posted and announced as usual, regardless of whether Stratford Public School students are in-person or remote learning. Buses will run for St. Mark School on delayed start or early dismissal days independent of the public schools' mode of learning.

Any weather related school cancellations after January 4th, 2021, St. Mark School will transition to remote learning via Google Meet and Google Classroom.

Remote learning snow days will follow an early dismissal schedule with school hours from 8am-12pm. This adjustment will meet the state mandated 4 hour minimum that constitutes a school day while still giving children an opportunity to enjoy the snow and adults time to clean up snow!

On remote learning snow days, students will receive a combination of synchronous instruction via Google Meet and asynchronous assignments via Google Classroom. Classroom teachers will provide students and parents a "snow day" schedule via email. Specials classes will post asynchronous assignments depending on the day of the week and individual specials schedules. As snow day cancellations are sometimes unpredictable, our teachers have curated various resources to enhance their instruction without depending on traditional textbooks that may be in classrooms and not available on a snow day.

In the case of a school cancellation, delay, or unplanned early dismissal, you be contacted by our emergency alert system via phone call, text message, and email to the primary contact information provided to the Main Office. Please contact Mrs. Mannino with any updates to your contact information.

If there is a delayed opening St. Mark School will open at 9:30 a.m. with class beginning at 9:45 a.m.

If school closes early for weather related reasons, dismissal will be at 11:25 a.m. Parents will be alerted through our emergency alert system. Our After School Program will not be held when there is early dismissal due to weather or emergencies.
2021 Catholic Schools Week
January 31st-February 6th

National Celebrate Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States.

This year’s theme is
Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.

This theme encompasses the core products and values that can be found at St. Mark School and in Catholic schools across the country. Not only are we teaching students to become future servant leaders, faith-filled disciples and enriched citizens in our communities, we, as educators, are growing with them. In Catholic schools, we are all learners, servants and leaders.

At St. Mark School we will be celebrating our students, faculty and staff, parish, and community through a variety of special events, service projects, and fun!

Schedule of Events:
Sunday, January 31st: Open House School Tours
by reservation only, 10am-12pm

Monday, February 1st: Silly Sock/Silly Hat Day
  • Wear a silly hat and/or socks to school with your uniform
  • Donate a NEW, warm winter hat or socks to benefit the homeless and less fortunate.

Tuesday, February 2nd: Student Appreciation Day
  • Free Dress Down Day
  • No homework
  • Special student appreciation activity

Wednesday, February 3rd: Care and Share Day
  • School-wide service project

Thursday, February 4th: Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day
  • Thank a teacher and staff member day. Please feel free to make a card, send in a flower or little treat for your teachers and/or staff.
  • Faculty/Staff Appreciation Lunch

Friday, February 5th: Color Wars
  • Free color war dress down
  • Classes will be paired up and assigned a color.
  • The group with the most “color” spirit wins! 

Please note, due the ongoing pandemic the Grade 8/Faculty volleyball game and HSA PJ party have been postponed to the spring.

PlusPortals is the Diocesan Student Information Web Portal System available to all parents grades K through 8. PlusPortals provides parents access to student grades, attendance, announcements, and notices.

For our new families and Kindergarten families, you should have received an email from PlusPortals with an activation link to the primary email address provided on your child's emergency contact form in the fall. If you did not recieve an activation link email from PlusPortals, please email Mrs. Huben at

Any family that needs PlusPortals activation resent, please email Mrs. Huben at the email address above.

If there is a change to your child's dismissal, parents are asked to send a note into school with your child in the morning. You can also contact Mrs. Mannino at or (203) 375-4291.

Any student being dismissed early from school is requested to be picked up no later than 1:50pm.
From the Nurse's Office

Quarantine Guidelines
Please be advised that in accordance with the Stratford Board of Education and Stratford Health Department, St. Mark School will follow the new quarantine guidelines set forth by the CDC, with the exception of testing out of quarantine on day 7.  Please see the below links for more details.

We do stress that an individual who has stopped quarantine on day 10 continues to monitor their symptoms until day 14 from exposure.

Valentine's Day Card Exchange
St. Mark School will be following recommendations of the Stratford Public School Nursing Department regarding Valentine's Day card exchange. The recommendations are simple to follow and allow for students to enjoy some normalcy in a safe way.

  • Parents are asked to send in valentines a day in advance of classroom exchange date.
  • It is recommended for students in PK-grade 2 to address a generic greeting on the cards to make exchanging more efficient for students to participate in independently. (To: My Friend vs. To: John)
  • Candy valentines are permitted (within St. Mark School’s approved class party/food list)
  • All students will wash their hands with soap and water before the exchange.
  • After the exchange, valentine bags will be sealed shut to be sent home. It is up to parents’ discretion to open the bag immediately or quarantine the contents.  
  • Students riding the bus home will be instructed to not open valentine exchange bags on the bus. However, if a student chooses to open their valentine bag on the bus, the school cannot be held responsible.

Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact our school nurse, Wendy Frate, RN via phone 203-375-4291 or email
Scholastic Book Fair
January 19th-February 1st

Our January Scholastic Book Fair is online! Support our school and help your child discover new books, favorite characters, complete series, and more! You'll love the fun new option to shop for Book Fair exclusives directly from the interactive booklist and enjoy free shipping on book-only purchases over $25.

Our interactive Virtual Book Fair empower kids by letting them browse and choose books in the fun and interactive way. Children can experience the joy of book cases, characters, view exclusive book trailers and curated reading lists, and shop over 200 hot, new books and premium titles in a safe and virtual experience.

Click here to shop St. Mark School's Scholastic Book Fair today!

Help support and expand your child's classroom library by purchasing and donating a book from the classroom wish list found here.
DRA Reading Assessment

January 25th-February 5th, Developmental Reading Assessments (DRA) will be administered to students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 3 in accordance with Diocesan curriculum, instruction, and assessment requirements. Students in grades 4 and 5 may also be assessed, based on current levels of academic performance and teacher professional discretion.

The DRA is a valid measurement of accuracy, fluency, and comprehension that evaluates three components of reading (engagement, oral reading fluency, and comprehension) to determine a student’s independent reading level.

Teachers observe and document student reading abilities, and use individual student data to inform their instructional practice.
HSA Service Hour Opportunities

Covid-19 has fundamentally changed the world as we know it and has impacted our traditional school activities that provide parents volunteer hour opportunities. While our students, parents, and faculty are resilient and have adapted, the pandemic has increased the school's expenses in terms of cleaning, office and classroom supplies.

Therefore, in partnership with St. Mark School's HSA Executive Board, we will periodically make requests for cleaning, office, or school supply donations in exchange for family service hours. Donations in exchange for service hours are optional. A family can choose to donate any or all of the items requested. Please send donations to school with your child attention: Main Office.

As a reminder, service hour obligations do not apply to Little Lion Preschool families.

A family can choose to donate:

  • 3 containers of disinfecting wipes (75 count or more) in exchange for 1 service hour. A maximum of 3 hours will be awarded for disinfecting wipes donations. 

  • 5 rolls of paper towels in exchange for 1 service hour. A maximum of 3 service hours will be awarded for paper towel donations.

  • 2 reams of plain white copy paper for 1 service hour. A maximum of 3 service hours will be awarded for copy paper donations.

Please keep track of your own hours by completing the volunteer reporting form or emailing
In the News

We are pleased to share that amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our teachers and staff have increased our emphasis on student well-being. Click here to read more.
In the Classroom

This week, Kindergarten students celebrated the Presidential Inauguration by celebrating other people. Students shared their thoughts on the significance of the day. Students could be heard commenting: “It’s important to be happy for other people.” “It’s just like when we get star student. It’s a day to be happy and celebrate other people.”
Students in grade 3 continued their research for their Presidents of the United States project. Students are learning about Vice Presidents, political parties, and major accomplishments of their chosen president.
The Class of 2021 honed their floor hockey skills this week in P.E. class. Students practiced passing, stopping, and shooting skills.
The Power of Prayer

If you have a prayer intention, please submit your request to St. Mark School's prayer line by clicking here. Your intention will be remembered during our Afternoon Prayers and Announcements.
For Parish information, visit:

For important information and updates on COVID-19, visit the
Please visit our school website regularly at Important school updates including copies of notices, newsletters, HSA links, and school calendars can all be accessed on the website.

Visit our social media pages for updates on our school community.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 19th-Monday, Feb. 1st: Scholastic Virtual Book Fair
  • Thursday, January 21st: Dress Down Day, $1
  • Sunday, January 31st: Catholic Schools Week begins; Open House School Tours By Reservation, 10am-12pm
  • Sunday, January 31st-Saturday, February 2nd: Catholic Schools Week
  • Saturday, February 2nd: Bottle and Can Drive, 10am-2pm
  • Friday, February 12th: No School
  • Monday, February 15th: No School
  • Wednesday, February 17th: Ash Wednesday
St. Mark School | 203-375-4291 |
500 Wigwam Lane, Stratford, CT 06614
The secret to happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for what He is sending us everyday in His goodness.
Saint Gianna Beretta