St. Mark School
A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
St. Mark School is a Christ-centered learning environment that teaches Gospel values and fosters academic excellence. Aware of the dignity and uniqueness of all students, we are committed to the spiritual, intellectual, moral, social, and physical development of each child.

October 4, 2020
Dear St. Mark Families,
Please join me in welcoming the newest members of our St. Mark Faculty and Staff.

Mr. Matthew Bonito
Grade 6/6-8 History

Mr. Bonito is a graduate of Southern Connecticut State University where he earned a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree in History, and History/Social Studies Teacher Certification. As an educator and historian, Mr. Bonito has worked in several school districts throughout Connecticut, including Newtown and Westport, as well within state government. While working in these districts, Mr. Bonito gained previous teaching experience in middle school and high school grade levels, volunteered for afterschool activities, and chaperoned field trips. We are pleased that the students of St. Mark School will benefit from Mr. Bonito's passion for History and Social Studies blended together with his Catholic upbringing.

Ms. Sarah Carrano will co-teach with Mr. Bonito on Monday, October 5th to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of instruction for students.

Ms. Jennifer Flynn
School Counselor, Catapult Learning

Ms. Flynn is a recent graduate of Southern Connecticut State University where she earned a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and Master's Degree in School Counseling. Ms. Flynn's previous experience includes working in Madison and New Haven, providing a comprehensive school counseling program to service all students and their needs, grades K-12. As school counselor, Ms. Flynn will be working with K-8 students on topics such as respect, being a good friend, mindfulness, classroom skills, and positive self-talk. Ms. Flynn is a proud Catholic school graduate, and we are pleased that her expertise and faith can come together to the benefit of St. Mark students.

Mrs. Kristen Watkins-Blanco
Academic Intervention Teacher
Permanent Building Substitute Teacher

Mrs. Watkins-Blanco graduated from the University of Rhode Island, where she earned a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education. She also holds a Master's Degree in Special Education. Over her more than 10 years of teaching experience, Mrs. Watkins-Blanco has supported students' individual learning needs as a Reading Intervention teacher, math tutor, and extended school year (ESY) Special Education teacher. Mrs. Watkins-Blanco comes to St. Mark from St. Catherine Sienna School, where she taught Special Education.

Ms. Taylor Martin
Preschool Aide
Substitute Teacher

Ms. Martin earned a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education from Berry College in Georgia. An avid lacrosse player and celebrated coach, Ms. Martin earned a Master's Degree in Athletic Leadership from Castleton University in Vermont. Ms. Martin first joined St. Mark School in the 2019-202 school year as a per diem substitute teacher. We are grateful Ms. Martin has joined our school community in a larger role, as a short-term substitute teacher in grade 6 and then grade 4. This week, Ms. Martin transitions to her permanent position, joining Mrs. Larracuente and Mrs. Grant in our Little Lion's Preschool Program.

Ms. Sara Badeaux
Preschool Aide
After School Program Teacher

Also new to our Little Lion's preschool program, Ms. Sara brings her warmth and compassion to our youngest of learners. Ms. Sara has previous experience in early childhood education, most recently as a teacher's aide in the Jumpstart Program at St. Augustine Academy, Bridgeport. Jumpstart provides a language, literacy, and social-emotional program for preschool children.
From the Nurse's Office

As a reminder, please check for the following before sending your child to school every morning:

1.Does your child have any of the following symptoms?
  • fever of 100.4 or more
  • congestion, runny nose, sore throat
  • cough, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell
  • fatigue, chills, headache
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

2.Was your child in close contact (within 6 feet for more than 15
minutes) with anyone confirmed with COVID-19 within the last 2

3.Has your child traveled out of state/country to any of the locations
on the COVID-19 Travel Advisory?

If the answer is Yes to any of these questions, Do Not send your child to school. Instead, begin quarantine of your child and contact your healthcare provider.

Click here for a printable daily screening tool for parents.

Please email Wendy Frate, School Nurse at with any COVID 19 related questions or concerns.  
If you are a room parent for your child's classroom, kindly forward this communication to your fellow grade level parents, ensuring all St. Mark families have the most up to date information.
For Parish information, visit:

For important information and updates on COVID-19, visit the
Please visit our school website regularly at Important school updates including copies of notices, newsletters, HSA links, and school calendars can all be accessed on the website.

Visit our social media pages for updates on our school community.
  • Tuesday, October 6th: Back to School Night, Grades K-5 and Specials

  • Wednesday, October 7th: Back to School Night, Grades 6-8

  • Friday, October 9th: Early Dismissal at 11:25

  • Monday, October 12th: No School, Columbus Day

  • Monday, November 2nd: Winter Uniform begins
St. Mark School | 203-375-4291 |
500 Wigwam Lane, Stratford, CT 06614
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
Melody Beattie