The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
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Celebrating 188 years of Service
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Caleb really shone as a lector this past Sunday, with his bow tie coordinated to match the liturgical season! | |
Donations for a Parishioner with financial difficulties are being collected in the lock box just inside the lobby front desk area. If you are able to contribute, this long-time member of our community would be most grateful. | |
Souper Bowl of Caring, February 9
We're collecting cans and cases of soup that Sunday at church, for the Westminster Downtown Food Pantry.
Clearly marked cash or check donations also welcomed. Or donate online here.
~Outreach Ministry
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Sign Up by Saturday for Small Dinner Groups
By February 1, sign up at the Welcome Desk or here on Google docs (no login required).
We’re starting another round of small groups of six to eight fellow parishioners who meet in each others’ homes for a casual dinner several times in the coming months. Groups will be assigned once RSVPs have been received. ~ Newcomer Ministry
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Any photos you'd like shared with the congregation can be emailed to Kate (or send her a Google Photos shared album invite or Drive link). | |
Announcements & Celebrations | |
Annual Meeting Moments, 2024 to 2025 | |
Sweet little Linden continues to bring the most smiles at the Annual Meeting. Thanks to Allison and Luke for sharing this joy with us.
Sounds like much fun and many snacks were had by the other youth, too - thank you to Jeff and our parent volunteers!
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Parish Vote on the Building Project
The annual parish meeting was well attended in person, with an additional 45 parishioners requesting an absentee ballot. The discussions were heartfelt, with many questions asked and answers given where possible. All questions were noted. As the Building Planning Team and the Vestry make decisions with the architects and the construction team, answers to these questions will be shared with the congregation.
This campaign to raise revenue is still in the phase of seeking public and foundation support. The internal campaign will commence once approximately 75% of the funds are raised. The timing of the congregational vote was important, since we must commit to spending the $1.5 million of State funds this year. We hope to begin work on the long-awaited elevator system and more in the late spring of 2025.
The final vote totals were 80 in favor and 20 in opposition. As this work unfolds and more information is shared, we hope our entire congregation will be excited about how this project will allow St. Mark’s to live into its mission, serving those both inside and outside of the church.
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New and Renewed Vestry Members after Sunday's Vote | |
Feeding America Food Truck, February 13, 4 – 6 pm
Contact Scot to help unload and distribute food at our partner Gerald R. Ford Academic Center. | |
Valentine Favorite Opera Love Duets
February 14, 7:30 pm
This romantic concert is presented by the Kent Philharmonic Orchestra (KPO) at St. Cecelia Music Center. Tickets available online and at the door: free for kids under 10, $7 for Students/Seniors/Military, $14 for adults. The orchestra will perform Tchaikovky’s Overture to Romeo and Juliet and Wagner’s Introduction to Act 1 of Tristan and Isolde. In addition there will be love duets from Puccini’s La Boheme, Bizet’s Carmen Suites I and II, and Verdi’s La Traviata sung by mezzo-soprano Hyouang Jung and tenor Brysien Beer. There will be a lovely Chocolate Reception afterwards and flowers for the ladies. The KPO celebrates its 50th Anniversary, with Music Director Dr. Libor Ondras.
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Family Game Time
February 15 3-5 pm and March 29 1-3 pm
Bring your favorite snacks and games to the Social Hall.
All are welcome.
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Ongoing Adult Formation
Old Testament Video Study, Sundays at 9:15 am
Love God, Love God’s World, Wednesdays at 7 pm - Feb. 5 and 19
We meet in person at the church to discuss creation care and our obligations to it. The gathering starts with snacks, then discussion of readings and short videos. Contact Rich Hiskes,, for free access to all materials online.
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Glimpse Ahead in 2025
March 4 Shrove Tuesday (Save the date for Mardi Gras dinner and Pancake Race!)
March 5 Ash Wednesday
April 20 Easter Sunday
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New Adult Formation,
Wednesdays of Lent:
March 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9 and 16.
Join us for soup supper at 6 pm. Sessions will begin at 6:30, led by Rev. Dr. Steven Manskar and Steve Bell.
We will explore the book Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer by Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury. We will close with Compline and dismiss by 8 pm.
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Safety and Security Ministry Updates
How do you trigger emergency calls on your cell?
Set up 'Call Quietly' for 911 calls, even in areas without cell service.
Happy New Year! ~ Safety and Security Ministry
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Together West Michigan
It has been a big year even though we didn't get everything we wanted. Thank you all for your support and interest this year.
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Call from the Dismantling Racism Ministry
How do you fit in to our important, creative, fulfilling work?
Any way that suits you. Be a leader or a member of the team. Dream big. Choose books. Imagine a seminar. Direct a play. Plan a trip. MAKE A
DIFFERENCE! Read the full letter here. Contact any DRM member for details - Kate can connect you if you aren't sure how.
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Campus Ministry Every Wednesday 11-1
Students continue to be fed at St. Mark's, in more ways than one. Are you interested in hosting a lunch, volunteering, or serving as a point of contact for this program? Please email Laura Kozminski. Program partner is United Campus Christian Fellowship, a partnership ministry program supported by local Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist and Christian Reform congregations.
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Do You Want to Stay “In the Know” with Vestry Activities? Great!
Vestry Person of the Day: Bring your questions or ideas to the Vestry representative at the Welcome Desk, after the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. The Vestry also welcomes any parishioner to Vestry meetings that are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month (with the exception of July) at 6:30 p.m. Vestry Minutes from each previous month’s meetings are always posted on the bulletin board next to the main entrance.
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Is Education for Ministry (EfM) for You? EfM offers you a small, mentored group setting for college level study of our Christian tradition. EfM is for adults of any age, and no prior knowledge of scripture or theology is required. The four-year curriculum fosters spiritual growth through study, reflection, prayer and worship. It develops a theologically informed, reflective and articulate laity. Contact the church office or Doug Karsen for more information. | |
All staff, Vestry and volunteers in contact with vulnerable youth or adults must re-certify with Safe Church every 3 years. For the online, self-directed platform, reach out to Kate or Jeff for instructions.
Zoom opportunities for this training are forthcoming from the diocese.
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Be the Help & Grow Our Community! | |
St. Mark's partners with Westminster's Downtown Food Pantry. Items needed for January are pancake mix, syrup, canned fruit, boxed rice mixes. |
St. Mark's Volunteers:
St. Mark’s relies upon a significant volunteer effort to fulfill its mission – within the congregation and in the community. There is an online form to see volunteer opportunities you can fill out to alert staff and ministry leads. If you prefer a more personal option, do not hesitate to reach out to Mike or Kate, 616-456-1684. Thanks to all our ongoing volunteers!
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Clothing Donations: The Outreach Ministry welcomes donations of belts, jeans, shirts and sweatshirts, coats, socks and warm weather items, to be given out to our unhoused neighbors at Breakfast Café. There is a basket in the coat room for these. | |
Downtown Food Pantry: Just bring your cans or boxes to church with you and leave them by the basket just inside the Sanctuary doors. ~Outreach Ministry | |
New to St. Mark's? Welcome!
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Sunday Services at 8:00 a.m. and at 10:30 a.m. (recorded live)
Healing Prayer during Holy Communion, near the piano in the South Transept
Mid-week Eucharist at noon on Wednesdays from September-May
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St. Mark's Episcopal Church is a growing, welcoming, and affirming community of faith in a vibrant urban community. In our worship and in our service to the community, we proclaim that all people are worthy of God's love. We celebrate and uphold the dignity of all people whose ethnicity, cultural heritage, and denominational traditions are examples and celebrations of God's love. We welcome visitors and parishioners from all social, political, and educational backgrounds, and all abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We affirm all people and celebrate diversity, as we work to fulfill God's love for all people as a community of faith. | |
Parking and Restrooms on Sundays
Please respect the handicap parking spaces at St. Mark’s, especially on Sundays. These are needed by many parishioners.
Consider the free metered parking on Pearl, Ionia, Lyon, Fountain and other streets near the church. The small Kendall College lot across Division from the church is available when the gate is open. Paid options include the upper and lower levels of the GRCC building on Fountain Street, and the Ellis Parking Lot at 210 Ionia just west of Lyon Street. For Sundays only, white validation tickets for the Ellis lot can be found from an usher or greeter.
Main floor restrooms are limited. The second floor has additional restrooms.
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Thank you for your continued
support of St. Mark's!
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Ways to Give to St. Mark's
1.) Mobile App Square Cash - Cashtag: $stmarksgr Web address:$stmarksgr or use the top QR code
2.) Online at our website at through PayPal
3.) Electronic Giving (email Pam for form – see the attachment in our e-news)
4.) Vanco Mobile App from any mobile device (Search: St Marks Episcopal Church - no punctuation) or use the QR code below
Or go to (use invite code EVDBRF)
5.) Pay by text - text 616-205-9714 from your phone and send in a payment
6.) Mail in a check to the church
7.) Gifts or Transfer of Stock
8.) Remember St. Mark's in your Estate Planning
9.) Life Insurance or Gift Annuities
10.) IRA/Retirement Accounts
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Background image credit: Angel Pattern Vectors by Vecteezy | | | | |