St. Michael and All Angels
8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
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Celebrating 186 years of Service
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What good fun at the picnic last Sunday! | |
Big thanks to Parish Life, our grillmasters and the many helpers who put in the work to put on such a delightful gathering! We're not saying they're angels, but...pretty close. | |
Nursery Care is now available at 9:15 am, during adult and youth formation! | |
Pumpkin Decorating This Sunday:
Friends of all ages are welcome to join us on Sunday in the lower level for a special fall intergenerational activity. Help us decorate craft pumpkins to be used as centerpieces for our upcoming Annual Dinner. No craft skills needed. Feel free to bring your own decorating pieces to personalize your creation. After the Annual Dinner, folks may take these home for a donation to our camp scholarship fund. Thanks to Kelly Muschiana for assisting with this.
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NEW Adult Formation Love God, Love God’s World begins Wed. Oct. 23 at 7 pm
Please join us for a nine-session series of adult formation! This brand-new diocesan curriculum explores what creation care means and what our obligations are to protect and sustain God’s creation. We will meet in person at the church at 7:00 p.m., every other Wednesday beginning October 23. The gathering starts with snacks (earth-friendly, of course), then discussion of the session’s readings and short videos. Contact discussion leader Rich Hiskes,, for free access to all materials online.
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NEW Family Support Group at St. Mark's in November
Limited access to mental health services was a major problem mentioned in house meetings conducted by Together West Michigan in 2022. The TWM mental health team partnered with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) to address this need.
NAMI and TWM are offering a family support group for family members, partners and friends of individuals living with a mental illness. The group will meet once per month for an hour and will consist of ten members or fewer. The first meeting is on November 19 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. The group will be co -facilitated by Cathy and Jim Lozer. If you are interested in attending, please register by calling Jim at 616-498-8723 or by email at Share the word!
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Confirmation, Reception, Baptism
This Saturday, Sept. 28, 4 p.m.,
Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Petoskey
We honor PV2 Cailen W. Donahue-McLea, who will be baptized at this event. He returned home to Grand Rapids after 6 months of Army military police training in Fort Leonard W002, MO. He will be in town while continuing his studies at Grand Valley State University. His mother Tracy Donahue recently finished Episcopal 101 here and will be Received into the Episcopal Church.
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Adult Formation, Sundays at 9:15 a.m.
Meet with Fr. David for a new video and discussion series on the Old Testament.
Book Club Continues September 29 and Oct. 13, 1-3:30 pm
Zoom link here , passcode is 402548
The Dismantling Racism Ministry is leading a book study on Jim Wallis’ new book ’The False White Gospel’ : Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith and Refounding Democracy. The discussions will be led by Penny Larsen and Wendy Wenner. Should be a lively time! Wallis will discuss these: Luke 10:25-37, Genesis 1:26, John 8 :32, Matthew 25: 31-46, Matthew 5:9 and Galatians 3:28
Zoo Day Celebrating the Feast of St. Francis
October 5, 1-4 p.m.
John Ball Zoo, Grand Rapids
Children, youth, and adults of all ages are invited to a bi-diocesan Zoo Day celebrating the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the saint of animals and creation.We’ll enjoy the zoo, snacks, and a short prayer service celebrating St. Francis and all the animals we love.Unable to join us in Grand Rapids? Celebrate at home or at your local zoo! This event is free for those under 18, adults over 18 are $15/person. Please register here by October 3.
Blessing of the Animals October 6
In honor of St. Francis- bring your pet, photo or stuffie to be blessed!
Sharing the Bounty Walk, October 6th, 1—3 pm
Sign up sheets are at the Welcome Desk. This major fundraiser for St. Mark’s Breakfast Café and Westminster’s Downtown Food Pantry is a 1.5 mile guided walk through the Heartside neighborhood. Help us get 20 walkers and double the amount of pledges raised last year. You'll join walkers from LaGrave CRC, Westminster Presbyterian, First United Methodist, Fountain Street Church and St. Andrew’s Cathedral.
| Spa Day Update and Volunteers, October 12: Spa Day evolved into a quarterly Foot Clinic and Hair Cuts, on Saturdays after our Cafe. Volunteers needed. Contact Jane, 616-915-6396 | Flu Immunization Clinics, October 12 and 13: Corewell Health will offer flu shots at Breakfast Cafe on October 12 until 11:00 a.m, as well as to parishioners on Sunday the 13 from noon—1:00 p.m. |
Together West Michigan "Get Out the Vote"
We are asking our members to walk with us for two hours on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings until the election to talk with our "neighbors." RSVP here.
1) We want to listen to their concerns (What keeps folks up at night)
2) Listen to what our elected officials can do about it
3) Invite them to our Candidate Accountability Session on October 12th
4) Remind them to vote!
There will be a brief training before we walk. Please register for one or more walks using the form below. You will receive details about where your walk(s) will begin. St. Mark's committed to bring 10 or more walkers. We can do better I'm sure. ~Jan
Candidates Accountability Meeting, October 12:
Join us as we share real stories and ask candidates for real commitments to work with us if they're elected! RSVP here.
- State House Candidates, Districts 80-84
- Grand Rapids Mayoral & 3rd Ward City Commission Candidates
Anniversary Dinner at Kent Country Club
October 13
Please return your RSVP card this week. If you did not receive an invitation by mail pick one up from the Welcome Desk, and check in with Pam or Kate to make sure we have you on the mailing list. We hope you will join us for a wonderful fall dinner, entertainment and a Silent Auction at Kent Country Club. Any donations of products that reflect a talent of yours, or a new gift or gift card from a business you’re connected to, are welcomed at the church office.
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Our Sunday School program year!
9:15 a.m. 6th-12th Graders - in the upper level
10:30 a.m. Nursery - returns to the lower level
10:30 a.m. K-2nd and 3rd-5th - upper level 3rd-5th will return to the service during The Peace and K-2nd will return to the service in time for the distribution.
To be sure we have the most up-to-date information on each child in our Sunday School programs and can best meet their needs, please fill out this form ahead of time.
Our Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth (G.R.E.Y.) meetups after church begin on Sunday, September 29, from 12:30-2:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's on 3 Mile. Please fill out this form ahead of time. Note that special on- or off-site youth events will require separate signup/registration forms.
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Campus Ministry is Back in the Building!
Every Wednesday
Each Wednesday of the academic year students are welcome here for lunch and a peaceful place where they can connect with interested adults and with each other. Are you interested in hosting a lunch, volunteering, or serving as a point of contact for this program? Please email Laura Kozminski. Program partner is United Campus Christian Fellowship, a partnership ministry program supported by local Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist and Christian Reform congregations.
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Creation Care
This week, the St Mark’s Creation Care Ministries launches our 2024/2025 year. Our Agenda includes:
Pray: Season of Creation (We hope you are enjoying the liturgies.)
Learn: The Love God’s World Curriculum (Launching this year.)
o Solar at St Mark’s
o The Mayors’ Grand River Cleanup
o Recycling/composting (including the Breakfast Café)
Advocate: Community Solar in Michigan. (Joined the Webinar with Rep Rachel Hood on 9/19).
We would love to have your ideas, hands and heart involved in Creation Care at St Mark’s. If you are curious, please join our Zoom meetings on Mondays at 7:00. Here’s the link or reach out:
Safety and Security Monthly Ministry Update
Do you know where the exits are? We will hold a second test of the church emergency alert systems on Sunday, October 20th.
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Do You Want to Stay “In the Know” with Vestry Activities? Great!
Vestry Person of the Day: Bring your questions or ideas to the Vestry representative at the Welcome Desk, after the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. The Vestry also welcomes any parishioner to Vestry meetings that are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month (with the exception of July) at 6:30 p.m. Vestry Minutes from each previous month’s meetings are always posted on the bulletin board next to the main entrance.
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Is Education for Ministry (EfM) for You? EfM offers you a small, mentored group setting for college level study of our Christian tradition. EfM is for adults of any age, and no prior knowledge of scripture or theology is required. The four-year curriculum fosters spiritual growth through study, reflection, prayer and worship. It develops a theologically informed, reflective and articulate laity. Contact the church office or Doug Karsen for more information. | |
All staff, Vestry and volunteers in contact with vulnerable youth or adults must re-certify with Safe Church every 3 years. For the online, self-directed platform, reach out to Kate or Jeff for instructions.
Zoom opportunities for this training are forthcoming from the diocese.
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Be the Help & Grow Our Community! | |
St. Mark's partners with Westminster's Downtown Food Pantry. Items needed for September are macaroni and cheese, rice a roni and pasta mixes. |
St. Mark's Volunteers:
St. Mark’s relies upon a significant volunteer effort to fulfill its mission – within the congregation and in the community. There is an online form to see volunteer opportunities you can fill out to alert staff and ministry leads. If you prefer a more personal option, do not hesitate to reach out to Mike or Kate, 616-456-1684. Thanks to all our ongoing volunteers!
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Clothing Donations: The Outreach Ministry welcomes donations of belts, jeans, shirts and sweatshirts, to be given out to our unhoused neighbors at Breakfast Café. There is a basket in the coat room for these items. | |
Downtown Food Pantry: We so appreciate all your contributions and urge you to continue helping if you can. The Downtown Food Pantry’s Director, Becky Stein-Wells, suffered a stroke earlier this summer and can use our help and prayers as she continues to recover. See below for the needed food items for the month, although all food items are appreciated and used! Just bring your cans or boxes to church with you and leave them by the basket just inside the Sanctuary doors. ~Outreach Ministry | |
New to St. Mark's? Welcome!
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Sunday Services at 8:00 a.m. and at 10:30 a.m. (recorded live)
Healing Prayer during Holy Communion, near the piano in the South Transept
Mid-week Eucharist at noon on Wednesdays from September-May
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St. Mark's Episcopal Church is a growing, welcoming, and affirming community of faith in a vibrant urban community. In our worship and in our service to the community, we proclaim that all people are worthy of God's love. We celebrate and uphold the dignity of all people whose ethnicity, cultural heritage, and denominational traditions are examples and celebrations of God's love. We welcome visitors and parishioners from all social, political, and educational backgrounds, and all abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We affirm all people and celebrate diversity, as we work to fulfill God's love for all people as a community of faith. | |
Parking and Restrooms on Sundays
Please respect the handicap parking spaces at St. Mark’s, especially on Sundays. These are needed by many parishioners.
Consider the free metered parking on Pearl, Ionia, Lyon, Fountain and other streets near the church. The small Kendall College lot across Division from the church is available when the gate is open. Paid options include the upper and lower levels of the GRCC building on Fountain Street, and the Ellis Parking Lot at 210 Ionia just west of Lyon Street. For Sundays only, white validation tickets for the Ellis lot can be found from an usher or greeter.
Main floor restrooms are limited. The second floor has additional restrooms.
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Sunday Children's Opportunities
During the 10:30 Service, in the Lower Level.
For more info and to volunteer, contact the church office.
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Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth
For info on virtual and in-person youth group meetings as well as events and activities, contact Jeff Brown, Director of Faith Formation at
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Thank you for your continued
support of St. Mark's!
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Ways to Give to St. Mark's
1.) Mobile App Square Cash - Cashtag: $stmarksgr Web address:$stmarksgr or use the top QR code
2.) Online at our website at through PayPal
3.) Electronic Giving (email Pam for form – see the attachment in our e-news)
4.) Vanco Mobile App from any mobile device (Search: St Marks Episcopal Church - no punctuation) or use the QR code below
Or go to (use invite code EVDBRF)
5.) Pay by text - text 616-205-9714 from your phone and send in a payment
6.) Mail in a check to the church
7.) Gifts or Transfer of Stock
8.) Remember St. Mark's in your Estate Planning
9.) Life Insurance or Gift Annuities
10.) IRA/Retirement Accounts
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Background image credit: Angel Pattern Vectors by Vecteezy | | | | |