St. Mark's Episcopal Church

Celebrating 186 years of Service

The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

The Sunday of the Transfiguration

Eucharist for All Ages

February 19, 2023

We are offering two Sunday Services

at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. 

and a mid-week Eucharist at noon on Wednesdays

The 10:30 a.m. Service will be recorded live from the St. Mark's Sanctuary through our Facebook page and YouTube Channel.

A copy of the Bulletin may be found on our website, in the button below

or on the Facebook page.


Healing Prayer: Today and moving forward, we return to offering a brief prayer of healing during the distribution of Holy Communion. A healing minister will be available near the piano in the South Transept.

February is Black History Month

We offer a prayer during the Prayers of the People and all are encouraged to spend time at the Foyer Bulletin Board for information and resources. All of us are encouraged to observe this month to honor our siblings of color and to do all we can to end systemic racism in our nation.  

Eucharist for All Ages

this Sunday

We are holding Eucharist for All Ages this Sunday, during the 10:30 service. 

What is Eucharist for All Ages? It is a special service geared towards the children and youth in our church — yet open to all — giving children the opportunity to fill the roles generally held by adults to teach them what it truly means to worship God in our space.

Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday, February 21

5:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. 

Please, plan to join us for a fun night with Jambalaya, Jazz, Games, Crafts and more, as we celebrate prior to the beginning of Lent. Please, bring a dessert to share. 

Bring your old palms to Church to be burned that night. We will collect them and burn them at the celebration and will also 'bury' the Alleluia Banner for the Season of Lent. 

At 7:30, Ashes will be imposed in the Sanctuary for anyone who wishes to receive them. 

Ash Wednesday Services will be at noon and at 7:00 p.m. with Ashes also offered in the Parking Lot from 12:45 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Lent Begins February 22

The Season of Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 22. On that day, we will offer Eucharist with Ashes at Noon and at 7:00 p.m. (Choral Eucharist) in the Sanctuary. Ashes will be offered outside with parishioners and guests remaining in their cars from 12:45-1:15. 

Lenten devotional booklets and other resources will be available. Special Lenten formation opportunities will be offered for all ages. An in-person Lenten Retreat for adults will be offered on Saturday, March 4, from

10:15 am - 12:15 pm.

Lenten Devotional 

Worship during Lent

During Lent, our liturgies take on a different and somewhat less celebratory character due to the penitential nature of the Season of Lent. The liturgical environment will be sparse, and the liturgical color changes to a deep purple. The prayers of the liturgy will reflect the season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22, and ends at midnight on Wednesday of Holy Week, April 5. Lenten devotionals are available on the Resource Table in the North Transept. This year, Easter Sunday is April 9.

Stations (Way) of the Cross: February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, Fridays at Noon throughout Lent.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Especially offered during the Season of Lent. Please, see Mother Sue or Fr. Christian for an appointment.

Individual Private Prayer at St. Mark’s during Lent:

St. Mark’s is open during the week to parishioners who wish to pray in the Sanctuary or Chapel. Books of Common Prayer and Prayer Walking Cards are available for individual prayer. All are welcome.

Adult and Youth Formation Opportunity this Sunday

“A Theology of Transition, Epiphany to Lent”

with Fr. Christian 

Join us as we look at the Season of Light and peer into the upcoming Season of Lent. We will discuss the opportunities which both Seasons of the Liturgical Year provide. We will especially look at Lent which provides ways to deepen our relationship with Christ and with one another through prayer, fasting and the giving of ourselves in intentional ways. All are welcome, adults and youth.

Grab a cup of coffee and join us!

Adult Formation Sunday & Wednesday Forums 

Downtown Food Pantry

The Pantry will distribute 4,000-6,000 cans of soup in 2023. Soup is a staple for many of our Heartside neighbors. It’s delicious, nutritious, easy and can be mixed; often it can be opened without a can opener! Donations are a huge help! We can purchase soup through Feeding America for a fraction of the cost. Even though this year’s “Souper Bowl” has passed, you can still bring to church your cans/cases of soup, cash or checks to assist the pantry in its mission to feed the hungry and assist our neighbors, or scan this QR code to give online:

Kitchen/Alley Door 

We are currently experimenting with a keyless lock entry system for the back kitchen door. Those who have had keys in the past have been or will be sent a code for entry along with instructions. Please, be patient and thanks to Rob Marmion who installed the new lock and is overseeing the system. Please, contact Rob at or at 609.709.9069.

Lunch Bunch

Please join us on March 12th, after the 10:30 service, as we plan to gather for lunch and fellowship. Children will have childcare available and will be served pizza and watch movies.

We will be gathering at a local restaurant for lunch within walkable distance.

This is a great opportunity to get to know folks in our congregation.

Kent Philharmonic Orchestra Presents


Friday, February 17 at 7:30 pm

The concert program will feature Peer Gynt Suites 1 and 2 by Edvard Grieg and Finlandia by Jean Sibelius. The headliner will be internationally renowned violinist, Dylana Jenson. She will perform Felix Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E minor.  Dylana won the Silver Medal in the International Tchaikovsky Competition at the age of 17. She has performed all over the world with all the major orchestras. 

Do not miss the opportunity to see this fabulous violinist.  The Kent Philharmonic Orchestra is proudly sponsored by Grand Rapids Community College.


Award Winning Concert Tour Coming to St. Mark's!

April 21

The Concert for the Human Family is an inspiring collaboration between musicians and church leaders who believe in the power of music and storytelling to foster Beloved Community.

Experience genre-crossing original music that bridges jazz, hip-hop, rock and bluegrass, performed by a multi-cultural, award-winning team of recording artists, led by GRAMMY-nominated pianist and composer Kory Caudill and Wordsmith, a Baltimore-based songwriter, performer and recording artist. Guided by their music and friendship, they invite concertgoers into an exploration of Beloved Community and the power of racial reconciliation through relationship.

The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan are thrilled to host two stops on the nationwide Spring Tour: in Grand Rapids on April 21st and in Flint on April 22nd. This is a destination experience -- see below for tickets!!

Get a taste of the concert here!

Tickets are on sale now! Tickets are $18 per person with our local discount codes and additional savings are available for students and group registrations. This event is open to all, regardless of denomination or faith background -- please share!Discount Code: STMARKS


Many hands make light work! We will need volunteers for this event.

Please speak with Fr. Christian for details.

Did you know?

St. Mark’s has three memorials to fallen soldiers. The oldest one is from 1865 and commemorate those who gave their lives in the Civil War. The listing of those who died in World War II is in the back of the church to the left of the staircase to the balcony. The stone Celtic cross on the north lawn and recently illuminated at night, remembers those who died in World War I. These are important benchmarks of a community of faith committed to God and the nation.

~ Christian

Assessing St. Mark’s for the Future

A committee appointed by the Vestry continues to evaluate our long-term building needs as were determined in the last Strategic Plan for St. Mark’s As you can imagine, this is a sensitive and significant effort. We are in the very early stages of a disciplined process to explore needs, options and potential support. As we move through the process and develop well-informed recommendations, we will share those recommendations with the entire congregation and welcome broad engagement in the discussion. This is an exciting time for our congregation! 

Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to many constructive conversations as the process moves forward. 

All Things Episcopal — An Inquirer's Journey

The schedule for the sessions is posted on the bulletin board in the Foyer and copies are available in the bookcase of the Canterbury Room. Hard copies of the texts are available for those who signed up for the program. 

Please, know that anyone can attend any of the sessions as an adult formation opportunity. All are welcome.

~ Christian+ 

Safety Ministry at St. Mark's

Each month we plan to showcase a feature of the Safety Ministry at St. Mark's.

February, which is heart awareness month, we are featuring how to use an AED.

Did you know we have two AEDs located in the coat room and the other on the third floor?

See more details on Facebook

Click here for YouTube Video on how to use AED

Safety & Security Ministry - Volunteers Needed!

The good news: We are growing and becoming ever-more visible in downtown Grand Rapids! The not-so-good news: increasing violence throughout the nation, the Grand Rapids community and even here at St. Mark's. 

We find it necessary to expand and formalize our Safety and Security Ministry to safeguard not only our property, but also our congregation, staff and visitors

Please prayerfully consider whether this is an area where you may be able to serve - and contact Father Christian to learn how you can help!  

Full-Time Job Opportunity at St. Mark’s 

Parish Administrative Associate 

The Parish Administrative Associate presents St. Mark's "face" to the community, serving as building receptionist during published office hours. The person in this position reports to and assists the Rector in his/her role as leader of the parish, compiles and publishes bulletins and documents, keeps the church calendar up to date, and provides administrative support to the parish staff and ministry groups. 

Minimum requirements at least two years’ previous office experience, competency with Word, Constant Contact, Gmail and calendaring, plus strong interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills. Must be able to pay special attention to accuracy and details and to multi-task in a busy environment with regular interruptions. Familiarity with Episcopal liturgy helpful. 

For more information or to obtain the full job description, please contact

Marie McKendall, HR Ministry Chair, at or phone


Part-Time Job Opportunity at St. Mark’s

Operations Manager


The Operations Manager will coordinate and perform a diverse set of support tasks, concerning people, property, and events. This position supports the Rector by helping facilitate the efficient operations of the Church.  

For more information or to obtain the full job description, please contact

Marie McKendall, HR Ministry Chair, at or phone


Social Hours at St. Mark's Assistance

Please, consider offering to host a Social Hour either after the 8:00 or the 10:30 on Sunday mornings. You might partner with another parishioner or whichever ministry in which you might be involved might sign-up as well. Coffee is always provided, and really as simple as cookies, cheese and crackers, or whatever is all that's needed. With receipts, costs can be reimbursed by Pam Stevenson, Finance Manager. 

There's a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Desk of the Parish House. Please, consider offering your gifts for this important ministry at St. Mark's. 


Man Cave

February 25

St. Mark's “Man Cave” is for our male neighbors in the homeless community. Guests will be invited to spend the day in the Parish Hall, where they may receive a haircut, attend the foot care clinic, select clothing items and enjoy a home-cooked meal. If you have gently used men's winter clothing items, please consider donating them for use at Man Cave. Jeans, sweatshirts and winter shirts are especially welcome. Donations may be left in the cloakroom.  

If you are interested in volunteering that day, please sign up at the Welcome desk or speak to Mother Sue or Sharon Bossemeyer.


Sunday Children's Opportunities

During the 10:30 Service, opportunities for children are offered in the Lower Level of the Parish House. Please plan to be with us!

For more information and to volunteer to be of assistance, please contact Evan Knill, Director of Children's Formation at

Prayers Requested

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the LORD's people.
Prayers Requested

Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth

For information on our Virtual and In-person Youth Group Meetings as well as events and activities, please contact Jeff Brown, Director of Youth Ministries at

Pledges for 2023 

If you have not yet pledged and would like to offer a pledge for 2023, we are graciously still accepting pledges towards our life together. Pledge cards are available at the Resource Table and the Welcome Desk. 

Please join us if you are able!

Ways to Give to St. Mark's

1.)  Mobil App Square Cash - Cashtag: $stmarksgr Web address:$stmarksgr

2.) Online at our website at through PayPal 

3.)  Electronic Giving (email Pam for form – see the attachment in our e-news)  

4.)  Vanco Mobile App from any mobile device (Search: St Marks Episcopal Church - no punctuation)

Or go to (use invite code EVDBRF)

5.)  Pay by text - text 616-205-9714 from your phone and send in a payment

6.)  Mail in a check to the church 

7.) Gifts or Transfer of Stock

8.) Remember St. Mark's in your Estate Planning

2023 Pledge Card

Thank you for your continued support


St. Mark's!

Please see the ways to give to St. Mark's in the link below.

Link Here for Financial Update
Electronic Giving Form

Parking on Sundays

Limited parking is available in the Parish Lot. Therefore, consider the free metered parking on Pearl, Ionia, Lyon, Fountain and other streets near the church, the upper and lower levels of the GRCC building on Fountain Street and the Ellis Parking Lot at 210 Ionia just west of Lyon Street.

For the Ellis Lot, please, pick up an exit ticket from an Usher, a Greeter or on the little table where the bulletins are in the north transept. Parking is free on Sunday only. A white ticket is required to accompany the parking ticket and to exit the lot.

St. Mark's is a part of the
For a calendar of events visit here.
Visit our website

St. Mark's Episcopal Church

134 N. Division Avenue

Grand Rapids, MI 49503
