The Weekly Buzz

November 18, 2022

This Sunday,

November 20, 2022

  • We continue our schedule of one Blended Worship service at 9:30. Onsite and online
  • 10:30 am: Fellowship Hour
  • 10:45 am: Sunday School
  • 11:00 am: Adult Bible Study
  • Remember to wear your name tag so all can get acquainted
  • The nursery will be staffed during worship service
  • Please sign attendance pads in the pews
  • Bring a friend!

Online Worship:

The 9:30 am service can be viewed live here. Click here for Sunday's service bulletin. Click here to see previous worship services on St. Mark's YouTube Channel. Be sure to "like" the service, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, and share the post on your Facebook page so more people can hear the good news!

Christ the King Sunday – the last Sunday in our Church year reminds us of the glorious and gentle reign of Christ, a crucified and risen Lord. Next Sunday, we begin another church year with the 1st Sunday of Advent.

Women of the ELCA Thankoffering Sunday – traditionally, the Women of the ELCA take one Sunday in the year to lift up both the ministry of women in the church and a particular project that lives out the mission of WELCA. Annette Heller will help to bring today’s message, lifting up the work of the Heller Center for Kids with Cancer.


Thank You!

The Stewardship Committee would like to thank everyone who has committed their time and gifts for 2023. The team and the Church Council enjoyed serving over 90 of you in our "Thanks for giving" celebration this past Sunday. To date, we have had over 60 pledges returned, with the majority increasing their giving. We have also had a great response for our 150th anniversary planning team. Please return your pledge cards in the offering boxes throughout the sanctuary on Sunday or mail them to the Church. 

Nominating Committee News

It is once again time to prepare for congregational leadership positions that will be open for election at the 2023 annual meeting.

Members of the Nominations Committee have begun meeting (Beth Bradley, Roger French, Joey Metzloff, Case Pudik, Margaret Swanson and Pastor Kendra) to prepare a slate. We, the Nominations Committee, ask you to prayerfully consider serving in a leadership role. It is extremely important, during this time of transition, to have your expertise, assistance, and ideas going forward. You do not have to be a longstanding member to serve in a leadership position. All you need is the willingness to devote the time and effort required of that particular position. Please respond to Margaret Swanson ( or 309-694-1562 if you would like additional information or are willing to serve. She can put you in touch with persons who have held the position for their input. Thank you!


  • Worship Committee Chair (3 year term serving on Congregational Council)
  • Discipleship Committee Chair (3 year term serving on Congregational Council)
  • Property Committee Chair (3 year term serving on Congregational Council)
  • Stewardship Chair (2 year term serving on Congregational Council)
  • Nominating Committee (appointed, not elected; 2 members needed for 2 year terms)
  • Audit Committee (appointed, not elected; 1 member needed for a 2 year term and 1 member needed for a 3 year term)  

Wanted: Nativity Sets

for December 13th Christmas Walk

St. Marks is participating in the Washington Historical Society Christmas Walk on December 13th. We are looking for members to share nativity sets to be put on display for the event. If you have a nativity that you are willing to share, please drop it off at the church before December 11th. There will be slips for you to fill out with anything about the history of your nativity or perhaps its country of origin. These will be printed up on small tent cards for the display. Please box the nativity and label with your name and phone number. Also, please affix your name to the set on the stable or one of the figures in some unobtrusive spot. Nativity sets can be picked up as early as December 14th.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Faith Lutheran Church, 2206 Washington Rd


Pastor Kendra Nolde, preaching

Add a time of prayer and thanks to your Thanksgiving Celebration

by joining with brothers and sisters in Christ!

Advent SoulCollage Workshop

Saturday, December 3, 2022

9:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Cost $15.00

SoulCollage® is a playful, intuitive, & imaginative process of creating a collage on a matboard to lead us to new understandings & meanings.


In our life today with so much going on around us in our society, church, and personal lives, hope can sometimes seem far away. In this Advent season, we can take some time to reflect on hope and ponder its meaning in our lives. In this workshop, we'll take a look at the scripture story of Mary visiting Elizabeth, and then engage in a creative process called SoulCollage®.

This process will help lead us to new understandings and meanings, and we will come to know more of who we are as God's beloved.

Judy Nolde is a Deacon with the ELCA, a chaplain, and a spiritual director. She is from Madison, WI and is one of Pastor Kendra Nolde's sisters. All supplies & light refreshments will be provided. No art experience necessary! To register, click here!

November WHIP Donations:

Peanut Butter

WHIP is in need of peanut butter. Donations may be left in Beckwith Hall and in the boxes inside St. Mark's East Entrance vestibule (the glass doors facing Main Street). Please note that expired items cannot be accepted by WHIP.


LSSI Christmas Gift Giving Ministry

WELCA invites you to be a part of the LSSI Christmas Gift Giving ministry and make a child’s Christmas special. Stop by the Kiosk in the FLC to choose a name and grab an instruction sheet. Please drop off wrapped gifts by Friday, Dec 9th at the church office.

If you don’t have time to shop, you can be involved with a monetary donation. Drop a check in the offering box and be sure to write LSSI CHRISTMAS on the memo line.Thank you for your generosity.


Sunday, November 20

  • 8:30 am: Choir Rehearsal
  • 9:30 am: Blended Worship - Christ the King and Women of the ELCA Thankoffering Sunday - Annette Heller will be helping to bring the message
  • 10:30 am: Fellowship Hour
  • 10:45 am: Sunday School
  • 11:00 am: Adult Bible Study

Monday, November 21

  • 9:30 am: Staff Meeting
  • 9:30 am: Powell Memorial

Tuesday, November 22

  • 6:00 pm: Music Planning Team

Wednesday, November 2

  • 7:00 pm Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service at Faith Lutheran in Washington
  • No Confirmation or Cross Trainers

Thursday, November 24

  • Church Office Closed

Friday, November 25

  • Church Office Closed

Sunday, November 27

  • 8:30 am: Choir Rehearsal
  • 9:30 am: Blended Worship - First Sunday of Advent and Change for Charity
  • 10:30 am: Fellowship Hour
  • 10:45 am: Sunday School
  • 11:00 am: Adult Bible Study

Monday, November 28

  • 9:30 am: Staff Meeting
  • 6:00 pm: Mission Endowment Team

Tuesday, November 29

  • 6:00 pm: Music Planning Team

Wednesday, November 30

  • 6:30 pm: Confirmation; No Cross Trainers

Thursday, December 1

  • 1:00 pm: Gloria Dei Friendship

Saturday, December 3

  • 9:00 am: Advent Soul Collage Workshop
  • 9:00 am: Church Decorating for Christmas with donuts
Multiple Ways to Give
Thank you for supporting St. Mark's.

Weekly Offering Checks can be brought to the collection boxes in the sanctuary or mailed to St. Mark's (200 S. Main Street, Washington, IL 61571). You can set up an online automatic gift from your bank as well.
Website - Give through this link.  

Text - Send a text to 833-948-2192, enter the amount you would like to give, and follow the instructions. 
Mobile App - Download and install the free Vanco Mobile app from the Apple App or Google Play Store using the QR code, or click on the link below the QR code. Then search for St. Marks (no apostrophe). Follow the instructions to donate.

Giving Thanks

In memory of the tornado that hit Washington 9 years ago, we give thanks for the Lutheran Disaster Response who work to share God's hope, healing, and renewal with people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the USA and around the world. Your gifts and offerings help support their vital work. Thank you.

Prayer Requests

Need yourself or someone else lifted up in payer? Please email prayer requests to the church office. Confidential prayer requests can be emailed to Pastor Hanson or Pastor Nolde.
New Phone Number? Email? Address?

St. Mark's wants to know! Please let us know when your contact information changes. You can do it on your phone by scanning the QR code, or you can click the link here, fill out the form from your favorite device. You're also welcome to email the information to or call (309) 444-4618.
St. Mark's Staffing Needs
Perhaps you or someone you know is looking for a new opportunity and possess the skills needed for one of our open positions. There are both ministry staff and childcare/preschool positions available. The following are areas of need:
  • Contemporary Music Director (link)
  • Cook for Childcare Center (link)
Contact Us
Pastor Kendra Nolde
Sr. Pastor
Pastor Dick Hanson
Visitation Pastor