The Weekly Buzz

May 19, 2023

This Sunday

May 21, 2023

  • 9:30 am: Blended Worship Service Onsite and online.
  • High School Recognition
  • Special Offering
  • 10:30 am: Fellowship Hour
  • 10:45 am: VBS Planning Meeting
  • Remember to wear your name tag so all can get acquainted
  • The nursery will be staffed during the worship service
  • Please sign attendance pads in the pews
  • Bring a friend!

Online Worship:

The 9:30 am service can be viewed live here. Clichere for Sunday's service bulletin. Click here to see previous worship services on St. Mark's YouTube Channel. Be sure to "like" the service, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, and share the post on your Facebook page so more people can hear the good news!



As part of the upcoming Central/Southern Illinois Synod Assembly, our Synod offering will be supporting the saints of our two companion synods in the Malagasy Lutheran Church (southern Madagascar). This is St. Mark’s opportunity to contribute to this important partnership which helps pay the costs of training students at their Bible schools and in their subsequent seminary education.  A special offering envelope will be available in the church bulletin.

VBS Planning Meeting

This Sunday, May 21, 10:45 am

This will be a quick meeting to discuss planning & volunteers. We hope you join us! We are looking for help with games and volunteers to help kids get to their stations. If you are in high school or junior high, please let us know. It would be great to get the youth involved with the game or snack station! If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Boynton, Director of Children & Family Ministry at - Thank you!

Upcoming Youth Events

May 26 - Putt Putt Golf and Ice Cream at ROC in East Peoria (6:00 - 7:30 pm) *7-12 Grades

June 4 - Cook Out at The Marshall's (5:30 - 7:00 pm) *9-12 Grades

Geranium Sponsors Needed

Pentecost Sunday, May 28


Help St. Mark's sanctuary look beautiful for Pentecost Sunday. On May 28 we will be decorating with red geraniums. To sponsor a geranium, please contact the office at or call (309) 444-4618. Following Pentecost, the geraniums will be planted around the church grounds for the community to enjoy as well. For just $8.00 you'll get to beautify both the sanctuary and St. Mark's grounds.


On June 1-3, the Central/Southern Illinois Synod will be assembled in East Peoria. All are welcome to attend the Festival Worship, which will be held at St. Vincent de Paul Church, 6001 N. University Street in Peoria on Thursday, June 1st, from 8-9:30 PM. We hope many of you will take this opportunity to experience the excitement and uplift that comes from gathering, worshiping and singing with our extended family from around the synod. There will be a Festival Choir. 


Summer Music!!

During June, July and August we like to have individuals or groups provide Special Music for Worship. Please let David know at if you have something special you would like would like to share. Thank you!

May WHIP Donations

Peanut Butter

WHIP is in need of peanut butter. Donations may be left in Beckwith Hall and in the boxes inside St. Mark's East Entrance vestibule (the glass doors facing Main Street). Please note that expired items cannot be accepted by WHIP.


Women's Bible Study - Wednesday, May 31, June 7

Please join us as we study two books of the Bible this summer, Esther and Ruth. We have two options, one with a full week of homework and the other with less outside homework. Our first study night will be Wednesday, June 7, from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. However. anyone with questions is encouraged to come May 31. Suggested donation is $12 per study to help cover the dvd and books. Please sign up for one or both studies at the church. Contact Abby Swanson ( with any questions.



Help Support Snackpac!

Hello St. Mark's family! Our church members have volunteered with the Washington Weekend Snackpac program over the past several years. This program provides non-perishable food items to area children who struggle with food insecurity. The Snackpac program is having a fundraising event at the Ice Cream Shack of Sunnyland on June 6th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. A portion of all proceeds during this time will support the Washington Snackpac Program so please show your support while enjoying some delicious treats!


Sunday, May 21

  • 9:30 am: Blended Worship Service
  • 10:30 am: Fellowship Hour
  • 10:45 am: VBS Planning Meeting
  • 12:30 pm: Kindred Spirit Sisters

Monday, May 22

  • 9:30 am: Staff Meeting
  • 9:30 am: Childcare & Preschool Graduation Practice

Tuesday, May 23

  • 4:30 pm: Music Planning
  • 6:00 pm: Grief Share

Wednesday, May 24

  • 9:30 am: Childcare & Preschool Graduation Practice
  • 6:00 pm: Childcare & Preschool Graduation

Friday, May 26

  • 6:00 pm: Putt Putt Golf & Ice Cream at ROC in East Peoria *Grades 7-12

Sunday, May 28

  • 9:30 am: Blended Worship Service - Change for Charity
  • 10:30 am: Fellowship Hour

Monday, May 29

  • 9:30 am: Staff Meeting

Tuesday, May 30

  • 4:30 pm: Music Planning
  • 6:00 pm: Grief Share
Multiple Ways to Give
Thank you for supporting St. Mark's.

Weekly Offering Checks can be brought to the collection boxes in the sanctuary or mailed to St. Mark's (200 S. Main Street, Washington, IL 61571). You can set up an online automatic gift from your bank as well.
Website - Give through this link.  

Text - Send a text to 833-948-2192, enter the amount you would like to give, and follow the instructions. 
Mobile App - Download and install the free Vanco Mobile app from the Apple App or Google Play Store using the QR code, or click on the link below the QR code. Then search for St. Marks (no apostrophe). Follow the instructions to donate.


YTD Ending April 30, 2023


General Fund

Total Income:    $334,754.62 

Expenses:         $264,726.68

Net Income        $70,027.94


Prayer Requests

Need yourself or someone else lifted up in prayer? Please email prayer requests to the church office. Confidential prayer requests can be emailed to Pastor Hanson or Pastor Scott.

New Phone Number? Email? Address?

St. Mark's wants to know! Please let us know when your contact information changes. You can do it on your phone by scanning the QR code, or you can click the link here, fill out the form from your favorite device. You're also welcome to email the information to or call (309) 444-4618.

St. Mark's Staffing Needs


Perhaps you or someone you know is looking for a new opportunity and possess the skills needed for one of our positions. We are currently looking for:

Praise Band Leader

Contact Us

Pastor Scott Bacon

Senior Pastor

Pastor Dick Hanson
Visitation Pastor