August 7, 2020
Dear St. Martin's Families,
I write today to share St. Martin's 2020-21 Return to School Plan. This plan represents the thoughtful work of our Return to School Task Force, a committee of administrators, staff, and medical consultants who have collaborated and strategized since May. Our measures and plans are designed to safely adapt to changing conditions of the pandemic and ensure successful and continuous learning for all students.
At St. Martin’s, the health and well-being of our students and employees is our highest priority. We understand this transition back to school may come with concern and complexity, and we are committed to orienting you and your children to the new academic year in the safest and most supportive way possible. We recognize the ideal school environment is one in which students and teachers interact face-to-face. We also recognize the importance of learning on our 8-acre campus while addressing the health and safety concerns of students and employees. At all times, we will be mindful of public health conditions. While it is difficult to predict the ways in which that context might evolve, our commitment to the growth and learning of our students will be constant.
Please join me and members of our Task Force at one of these upcoming Parent Forum via Zoom to review our plan and measures:
Tuesday, August 11, 11:00AM
2020-21 Return to School Plan Parent Forum #1. Zoom Link HERE
Monday, August 17, 7:00PM
2020-21 Return to School Plan Parent Forum #2. Zoom Link HERE
Looking forward to our Mustangs' safe and healthy return,
Jamey Hein, Head of School