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This week at St. Martin’s

Saturday, November 18

5:00pm Contemplative Worship Service(chapel)

Sunday, November 19-Christ The King Sunday

8:45am Nursery open for ages 0-4

9:00am Family Worship

9:45am Children dismissed to Chapel

10:00am Faith Formation

11:00am Traditional Worship (live streamed)

Monday, November 20

9:00am St. Martin's Serves Lunch Bag Ministry

6:30pm Council Meeting

Tuesday, November 21

9:00am St. Martin's Serves Lunch Bag Ministry

9:00am WELCA Tack and Pack

Wednesday, November 22

9:00am St. Martin's Serves Lunch Bag Ministry

1:00pm Zoom Book Study

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

8:30pm Hand Bell Rehearsal

Thursday, November 23-Happy Thanksgiving

Friday, November 24 Church Office Closed

Saturday, November 25

8:00am Mop and Hammer and other volunteers-Decorate Sanctuary

5:00pm Contemplative Worship(chapel)

Sunday, November 26-ADENT 1

8:45am Nursery open for ages 0-4

9:00am Family Worship (live streamed)

9:45am Children dismissed to Chapel

10:00am Faith Formation

11:00am Traditional Worship

St. Martin's November  Birthday list

WELCA/LWF Tack & Pack Quilt Raffle

This Sunday

Dedicated to the memory of Vicky Hamann

On November 1, Pack and Tack delivered 183 quilts, 601 school kits, 511 personal care kits, and 266 baby care kits. The quilts on the pews Sunday are those that will be sent next year. The Thank Offering on Sunday will help purchase batting for quilts; school supplies; towels, soap, nail clippers, combs, and toothbrushes for health kits; and diapers and baby clothes for the baby care kits. Your financial support for this mission of our church is appreciated.

 Purchase your tickets Sunday, November 19th for the Quilt Raffle!

The winning ticket will be drawn Sunday after the 11am service

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Advent Begins Sunday November 26

We invite you to join us for Advent Vespers in the chapel on the four Wednesday nights from November 29 to December 20. The service will be a quiet and reflective time of prayer and contemplation, held from 6:15 to 6:45 pm. A simple meal will be served before the service at 5:45 pm in the Parlor. Let us come together in this season of hope and expectation to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.

Do You Wonder.....

What is the Stephen Ministry and who is a Stephen Minister? Stephen Ministry is our congregation’s caregiving ministry that trains lay people to provide one-to-one care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.  It is a confidential ministry that protects the identity of the care receiver and keeps everything discussed with their Stephen Minister private. A Stephen Minister is a child of God who walks beside someone who is hurting; a congregation member who is carefully selected to serve in this role because of his or her caregiving gifts; a layperson with 50 hours of training in providing high-quality, distinctively Christian care; a caring Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports, and encourages; someone who meets faithfully each week with his or her care receiver for as long as there is a need. 

St. Martin's Serves

Do You Like to Decorate?

Christmas decorations will go up in the Sanctuary on Saturday, November 25th starting at 8:30AM. All are invited and welcome to come help. The Mop & Hammer crew will be here, but they will need assistance to get everything ready to glorify God during this Holy Season.


St. Martin’s November Benevolence

The November benevolence is the St. Martin’s Samaritan Fund. This is a fund to provide relief to our neighbors in need, to buy bus tickets back home, pay emergency hotel costs, utility bills, and other emergency costs. These funds are distributed at Pr. Ellen's discretion.

A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attached by robbers...A Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him...Jesus instructed, Go and do likewise. Luke 10:30-37

The Salvation Army

Angel Tree

St. Martin’s is proud to announce its sponsorship of the Salvation Army Angel Tree program. Angels will be ready for adoption Sunday November 19 and Sunday November 26, 2023 Angel gift collection will take place November 26 and December 3, 2023.

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Operation Blue Santa

Austin Police Department

St. Martin’s Preschool and St. Martin’s Youth are sponsoring a TOY DRIVE for Blue Santa. Donate new unwrapped toys for infants to 14 years old.  Ages 11 to 14 are most needed.  St. Martin’s will be receiving donations Nov. 19 - Dec. 10.  Look  for the Blue Santa Collection box in the St. Martin’s Coffee Place.

Join the Sunday Snack Team

The Connections Committee is dedicated to building community through fellowship, food, and fun activities. In order to further this goal, we are seeking volunteers to provide snacks for our fellowship time following each Sunday service. We believe that fellowship and food go hand in hand, and we want to create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone who attends our church. To learn more and sign up, email Karen Cross at [email protected], click on the link for full details or visit the Welcome Desk in the church narthex

Full detail link

Lunch Bag Ministry Needs Volunteers

There is an urgent need for lunch bag volunteers. Prayerfully consider giving of your time for this impactful ministry. Substitutes are also needed.

If you can give 2 hours-9:00-11:00 AM ,Monday ,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of each week, please consider volunteering to hand out lunches to our homeless neighbors. Contact Fay Jones, [email protected] ; Penny Davis, [email protected] to volunteer.

Upbring/Move-in Ministry

We are expecting to have several Upbring move-ins in the coming few weeks as the young adults moving out of foster care are starting college soon and Upbring is getting apartments for them.

Contact Susan Jensen

([email protected])

More Details

Bread for All Food Pantry every Monday

@ Faith Presbyterian Church, 1314 E. Oltorf. ..

Bread for All needs peanut butter, mac and cheese, and cereal.

Help is needed from 5m -7pm. St. Martin's serves on the 2nd Monday. Come when you can and stay as long as you can. Thank you for your continuing donations of DIAPERS. Sizes 4, 5, and 6 are most often needed. Bring a box or make a designated donation and we’ll purchase them for you. Our neighbors on tight budgets are grateful for the help!


Remember in Prayer

 Our neighbors in need; family of Jorge Pastore; family of Vic Cornell; in memory of Fred Evans; in memory of Chip Parker; Jean Leath; Dan Pocernich; Katy and Jessica; Kay Beglau;  Tressa Elizabeth Ferguson; Nora; Jonathan and family; Paddy; Jeanie Preston; Bill; 

Continued Prayers For

Diane Bergstrom; John Sommer; Kent Mickelson; Tom Hoelzel; Deb Johnson; Bill Martin; Anita Tiller; Milton Felger; Sam Gourley; Dean Haynie; Ronnie Johnson; Peter Jordahl; Walt Knauff; Arvid Larson; Pat Larson; Doris McGaughy


Request Prayers

Our St. Martin's Values:

We Worship God and deepen relationships with one another through Lutheran faith traditions, including engaging liturgy, inspiring music, and lifelong faith formation.

We Extend God’s inclusive gift of welcome to all people, especially those historically excluded from traditional church communities. 

We Advocate for justice, righteousness, and mercy with our time, property, and power. 

 We Rally everyone to use our God-given gifts and talents to love, share, and serve all of God’s creation boldly. 

WEAR reminds us to wear the full armor of God.

Make an Offering

St. Martin’s and its ministries are supported by our offerings of ourselves, our time, and our possessions.

To learn about ways to give, go to

or donate now by texting “luther” and your gift amount to 73256.

Standard text message and data rates may apply.

Announcements for publication in St. Martin's weekly materials should be submitted no later than Wednesday each week.

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