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Announcements for publication in St. Martin's weekly materials should be submitted no later than Wednesday each week.

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Live Stream and Bulletin

This week at St. Martin’s

Saturday, September 16

5:00pm-New Contemplative Worship Service(chapel) Details below

Sunday, September 17     

 8:30-12:30- Nursery open for ages 0-4

9:00 - Family Worship Service(live Stream)

9:45 - Chapel gathering for children

10:00- Faith Formation (details below)

11:00- Traditional Worship Service

12:30- Dell Diamond baseball outing

Monday, September 18

9:00am-St. Martin's Lunch Bag Ministry

5:00pm St. Martin's serves Bread For All Food Pantry

6:30pm- Council meeting(parlor)

Tuesday, September 19

9:00am-St. Martin's Lunch Bag Ministry

9:00am WELCA Tack and Pack

Wednesday, September 20

9:00am-St. Martin's Lunch Bag Ministry

1:00pm Zoom Book Study

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

8:30pm Hand Bell Rehearsal

Thursday, September 20

9:00am-St. Martin's Lunch Bag Ministry

Friday, September 21

9:00am-St. Martin's Lunch Bag Ministry

Friday-Sunday September 21-23

Fall Women's Retreat Lutherhill Retreat Center Galveston

Saturday, September 22

5:00pm - Contemplative Worship(chapel)

Sunday, September 23th

8:45am Nursery open for ages 0-4

9:00am Family Worship Service

9:45am Children's Faith Formation (Chapel)

10:00am-Faith Formation

11:00am Traditional Worship Service (live stream)

St. Martin's September  Birthday list

New Saturday Contemplative Worship Service

Saturday 5pm Chapel

Join us for a contemplative service of Holy Communion at 5pm Saturdays in the Chapel, starting this Saturday, September 16th. This service will be led by Pr. Travis Fitzgold and will include simple music and space for silent prayer.

Faith Formation for All Ages

9:45am -Children are dismissed from Worship service. Godly Play(Pre-k- 2nd) and JAM (3rd-5th) Children gather in the Chapel for music time. Teachers will escort children to their classrooms.

Godly Play (3rd floor Sunday School room)JAM (3rd floor rm. 313)

10:00am- Confirmation/middle School and high school Students meet in the youth room 1st floor

10:00am-Adult Class-Adult Faith Formation

Come as You Are-Parlor


Let's Go Out to a Ballgame

St. Martin’s is going to a Round Rock Express game! Join us this Sunday, September 17th right after church for a great afternoon of baseball, fellowship and hot dogs! Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for students (Church pays for half of the $12 for youth and children). We will be taking the church bus and will leave as soon as possible after the 11 o’clock service. Please RSVP to

We have multiple adult Faith Formation options starting for the fall!


Join a Companions in Christ small group to explore the depths of scripture, learn to listen to God, and allow your life to be shaped by the Word. Beginning September 24, these covenant groups will meet Sunday right after lunch, Sunday 7 PM, and Tuesday 5:30 PM . There’s a space just for you!

Participate in Crossways Bible Study for an academic reading of the Bible in two years. Meets on Sundays at 10 AM in room 230.

Drop in to Come As You Are on Sundays at 10 AM in the Parlor. This is a casual environment to build community and explore faith. The class is loosely modeled on Faith 5 principles of Share, Read, Talk, Pray & Bless.

Looking for more information or not seeing something that gets you excited? contact Anita Salmon

Women's Retreat Registration is still open

Registration Form download or pickup one at Welcome Desk

Retreat Details This page gives details on the agenda for the weekend, transportation and food.

If you plan to attend

RSVP: Please RSVP via email to Katherine Lutter at and Christine Fuhrman at

Lutheran Men in Mission Gathering

The men of the Southwestern Texas Synod Lutheran Men in Mission are gathering to rejuvenate the Synod LMM. We will be meeting at Zion Lutheran Church in Helotes (San Antonio) on September 30th, 2023. The theme for our gathering is "WHAT CAN LMM DO FOR YOUR CONGREGATION?" We want to help you start or improve the Men's ministry in your congregation. The gathering will start at 8:30 AM and run through 3:00 PM and will include presentations from the LMM Board, our local synod, and members of the Zion Church. We will also have a required business meeting to elect officers and start developing plans for the future. We are requesting a free will offering to cover the cost of coffee, tea, water, and snacks. We will provide sandwiches for lunch. For those men who would like to arrive on Friday morning, we will be putting together a group to help at a Habitat for Humanity build site.

For more information, you may pick up a flyer at the Welcome Center in the narthex or click here to view PDF


Safety Training Day!

This Fall, St. Martin's is focusing on safety training for the congregation. This training is highly encouraged for all volunteers and ushers. Our first session will cover CPR, First Aid, and Stop the Bleed training. Please join us on Saturday, September 30, from 9-1 in the fellowship hall.

St. Martin's Serves

The September benevolence is the Jean Coburn

Hill Scholarship Fund.

More Details

Lunch Bag Ministry Needs Volunteers

Deb Johnson as been a faithful servant with the Lunch Bag ministry on Monday mornings. Deb will be relocating to Galveston and this leaves an immediate need on Monday mornings.

if you can give 2 hours-9:00-11:00 AM ,Monday ,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of each week, please consider volunteering to hand out lunches to our homeless neighbors. Contact Fay Jones, ; Penny Davis , to volunteer.

Upbring/Move-in Ministry

We are expecting to have several Upbring move-ins in the coming few weeks as the young adults moving out of foster care are starting college soon and Upbring is getting apartments for them.

Contact Susan Jensen


More Details

Bread for All Food Pantry every Monday

@ Faith Presbyterian Church, 1314 E. Oltorf.

Bread for All needs peanut butter, mac and cheese, and cereal.

Help is needed from 11am -7pm. Come when you can and stay as long as you can. Thank you for your continuing donations of DIAPERS. Sizes 4, 5, and 6 are most often needed. Bring a box or make a designated donation and we’ll purchase them for you. Our neighbors on tight budgets are grateful for the help!


Remember in Prayer

Life, family and friends of Victoria; Lorraine Cheleen Newman; Rev. David Peterson; Beth, Lincoln, & Scarlett; Randy; Bonnie and Casey; Sue; Larry; Diane; Kelly Hibbs; Tristin; Jeannie Preston; all those who suffered loss in fires in Maui and across Central Texas; Jackson, Dana, Jeannie; life, family and friends of Cookie; life, family and friends of Mark; life, family and friends of Hart


Continued Prayers For

John Sommer; Kent Mickelson; Tom Hoelzel; Deb Johnson; Bill Martin; Anita Tiller; Milton Felger; Sam Gourley; Dean Haynie; Ronnie Johnson; Peter Jordahl; Walt Knauff

Request Prayers

Our St. Matin's Values:

We Worship God and deepen relationships with one another through Lutheran faith traditions, including engaging liturgy, inspiring music, and lifelong faith formation.

We Extend God’s inclusive gift of welcome to all people, especially those historically excluded from traditional church communities. 

We Advocate for justice, righteousness, and mercy with our time, property, and power. 

 We Rally everyone to use our God-given gifts and talents to love, share, and serve all of God’s creation boldly. 

WEAR reminds us to wear the full armor of God.

Make an Offering

St. Martin’s and its ministries are supported by our offerings of ourselves, our time, and our possessions.

To learn about ways to give, go to

or donate now by texting “luther” and your gift amount to 73256.

Standard text message and data rates may apply.

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