This Week At St. Martin's

Sunday, September 8

8:30am Nursery Open (0-4)

9:00am Family Worship

Live Stream

10:00am All Ages Faith Formation

11:00am Traditional Worship

Monday, September 9

11:30am Bread for All(packing)

4:30pm St. Martin's Serves @

Bread for All

7:00pm Worship Committee


Tuesday, September 10

9:00am Tack and Pack

9:30am Elizabeth Circle

2:30pm Time with Pastor

Wednesday, September 11

12:00pm Lectionary Study

1:00pm Zoom Book Club

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

8:30pm Hand Bells Rehearsal

Thursday, September 12

7:00pm Women of the Church

Fellowship Meetup

Sunday, September 15

8:30am Nursery Open (0-4)

9:00am Family Worship

10:00am All Ages Faith Formation

11:00am Traditional Worship

Live Stream

1:15pm Youth at Museum of

Ice Cream

St. Martin's Serves Lunch Bag Ministry -Mon-Fri 9:00-11:00AM

Volunteers Needed Tues-Thursday

St. Martin's September Birthday List

Time with the Pastor

Begins this Tuesday

September 10

Pr. Ellen is initiating an informal “drop-in” time on Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30pm - in person or on Zoom. This is a time she will be in her office and available for casual visits without an appointment. If it is more convenient for you to visit remotely, email for a

Zoom link.

Wednesday Lunchtime Lectionary Study

Begins this Wednesday

 September 11

Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00pm. Meet via Zoom with Pr. Ellen to study the readings from the lectionary and learn how to prepare a sermon. Email for the Zoom link.


Upcoming Events

Getting to know you...better!

Sharing a meal in a another's home is an excellent way to build community. Participant signup for the home meal September 17 is available now on the board in the lobby. Interested to host a meal in October? Please contact Anita Salmon.

Free Museum Day Outing

September 22, 1-4pm

After a quick BYO lunch immediately following the 11am service, the church bus will shuttle us to the Blanton Museum of Art and the Bullock Texas State History 

Faith Formation

Faith Formation Program Year 24-25

Faith Formation meets at 10:00am

Click here for more information- Adult Faith Formation

Click here for more information- Godly Play-4yr-2nd grade and

Jesus and Me- 3rd- 5th grade


News from the Youth

6th-12th Grade

Get ready! We're launching an exciting new program year for the Youth of St. Martin’s!

Classes meet in the Youth Room at 10:00am

Service Events:

September 21 - 4pm - Mobile Loaves and Fishes

October 19 - 4pm - Mobile Loaves and Fishes

Special Events:

September 15 - Museum of Ice Cream (leave from church after 11am service)

St. Martin's Serves

St. Martin’s September Benevolence

and Volunteer focus

Lunch Bag Ministry

The Lunch Bag Ministry (LBM) was started by our beloved Deb Johnson years ago and is still going strong. Through this ministry, St. Martin’s provides shelf stable meals to our neighbors experiencing food insecurity. SMLC is distributing over 200 meals each month. Bagged meals are delivered by volunteers out of the 16th street door Monday through Friday from 9AM - 11AM. Your financial donations help to offset the cost of providing a very basic lunch to our hungry neighbors.

Click Here For more information on how to volunteer. Your can also email 

Joyful Generosity

Appreciation for God’s abundant creation inspires generous acts of gratitude.

Your Stewardship Committee appreciates your generous donations in support of St. Martin’s mission. Click here for information about giving options. Most importantly, we invite you to join us in prayer for St. Martin’s and our ministries, as we strive to maintain and grow our presence in Central Austin and the wider community.

Remember in prayer

Alice Gruene; Madison; Maxine Krison; John; Sloane Flora; Robin & Sanam; Ginna Beausoleil; Eric Timbo; family and friends of Anthony; Case Koenig; family and friends of Denise Young; Earline Oertli; Ann Graham; Barbara Gardner; Mary Lauren; Ron Nixon; Teresa Nixon; thanksgiving for SMLC students and teachers; Jerry Zunker; Terry Adcock; the joys and sorrows of each member of the St. Martin’s Community; Mike Kaase; Karen Savard;  Milton Felger

Continued Prayers For

Diane Bergstrom; Kent Mickelson; Deb Johnson; Bill Martin; Anita Tiller;

Sam Gourley; Dean Haynie; Ronnie Johnson; Peter Jordahl; Walt Knauff; Arvid Larson; Pat Larson; Doris McGaughy

Request Prayers
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