This Week At St. Martin's

Sunday, December 1

Advent 1

8:30am Nursery Open (0-4)

9:00am Family Worship

Live Streamed

10:00am All ages Faith Formation

11:00am Traditional Worship

Monday, December 2

11:30am Bread for All Packing

4:30pm St. Martin's Serves at

Bread for All

Tuesday, December 3

9:00am WELCA Tack and Pack

2:30pm Time with Pastor

Wednesday, December 4

12:00pm Lectionary Study-Zoom

1:00pm Theology Book Club-Zoom

5:45pm Advent Soup Supper

6:15pm Advent Prayer Service

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

8:00pm Handbells Rehearsal

Thursday, December 5

7:00pm Gather Austin

Saturday, December 7

8:00am Mop and Hammer

Sunday, December 8

Advent 2

8:30am Nursery Opens (0-4yrs)

9:00am Family Worship

10:00am Faith Formation -All Ages

11:00am Traditional Worship

Live Streamed

12:00pm JAM and Godly Play Advent Service and Fun

1:00pm Confirmation

St. Martin's December Birthday List 

Welcome to Janet Brehm Taylor, a second year M. Div. student at Austin Presbyterian Seminary, as she begins her time with us as pastor intern. Janet is leading the Crossways Bible Study on Sundays, and will be preaching monthly when her internship commences in February.

Poinsettias for Christmas

At St. Martin’s we have a tradition of helping offset the cost of the lovely poinsettias which decorate the altar during the Christmas season. This year, the sale will begin this Sunday, December 1, and end on Sunday, December 22. You may also purchase poinsettias online through December 15. Each plant costs $15. Names of donors will be printed in the bulletin for orders received by the deadlines.


St. Martin’s Serves -

Christmas Giving Tree 

November 17-December 8

Upbring Angels  Angel gifts need to be delivered by Sunday December 8. You may leave the gifts at the Christmas Giving Tree. Attach the Upbring information card to the gift.

Service Ornaments

To participate and encourage your community, choose an ornament from the St. Martin’s Giving Tree. Each ornament has a thoughtful act of love or act of building connections. Experience the joy of giving your time, talents, and thoughtfulness.

Decorating Sanctuary Christmas Trees

Sunday, December 1

After the 11am service and postlude, we will meet in the Chancel (front) of the church to finish the decorating of the sanctuary by hanging our beautiful Chrismons. If you don’t know about Chrismons, please join us and learn about this interesting tradition of the Church.

Advent Prayer Service


December 4, 11,18

Advent Soup Meal- 5:45-6:15

Our Advent Midweek Prayer Service, Restore Our Hope, will be Wednesday evenings at 6:15pm in the Chapel. We will gather to pray, read, and reflect together each week.

A simple soup supper will be served at 5:45pm in the parlor.

Women of the Church Meet up

December 12

On  December 12th, let's start the holiday season together with a white elephant party and cookie exchange.  Bring a gag gift and cookies to share as we enjoy each other's company during this festive time! 7-9pm in the Parlor.

Building Deeper Connections

We have heard your interest in building deeper connections with others in the congregation! Come join an opportunity for "mid-lifers" to meet and greet one another. While together, the group will also start identifying potential interest groups to connect even more deeply. The first event will be in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, Dec 15th, at 10 AM. If this approach works well, expect to see additional opportunities focused on younger and older age groups in the spring.

Upcoming Events

Looking Ahead to December

  • Advent Prayer Service and Soup Meal Wednesdays Dec. 4,11,18
  • Dec. 8th- Upbring gifts for young adults due
  • Dec. 8th- Godly Play and Jam Advent Service Project
  • Dec. 12th -Women of the Church Christmas Meet Up
  • Dec. 13th- Upbring Christmas Party
  • Dec. 13th- Festival of 9 lessons and Carols-Click for detail
  • Dec. 14th- Youth Christmas Party
  • Dec. 14th- Texas Early Music Project Click here for detail
  • Dec. 15th- Building Deeper Connections
  • Dec. 15th- TLU Vespers-Click here for detail
  • Dec. 21st- Conspirare Holiday Big Sing Click here for detail
  • Dec. 22nd-Weinachtsfest
  • Dec. 24th- Christmas Eve Services 4pm, 7pm, 10pm

Faith Formation

Time with the Pastor



Join Pastor Ellen for an informal “drop-in” time on Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30pm - in person or on Zoom. This is a time she will be in her office and available for casual visits without an appointment. If it is more convenient for you to visit remotely, email for a Zoom link.

Wednesday Lunchtime Lectionary Study



Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00pm. Meet via Zoom with Pr. Ellen to study the readings from the lectionary and learn how to prepare a sermon. Email for the Zoom link.


Faith Formation Program Year 24-25

Faith Formation meets at 10:00am

Click here for more information- Adult Faith Formation

Click here for more information- Godly Play-4yr-2nd grade and

Jesus and Me- 3rd- 5th grade

News from the Youth

Youth in grades 6-12 meet in the Youth Room at 10:00am on Sundays.

Upcoming Events:

December 14-3-5pm Youth Christmas Party

(for locations, please email Austin Shortes

January 4- 7pm Texas Stars Hockey Game

St. Martin's Serves

Saint Martin’s December Benevolence

The December benevolence is the St. Martin’s Samaritan Fund. This is a fund to provide relief to our neighbors seeking help. Funds are used to buy bus tickets to stable housing locations, pay emergency hotel costs, utility bills, and other urgent needs. These funds are distributed at the Pastor’s discretion. To donate, select Monthly Benevolence at A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers…A Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him…Jesus instructed, Go and do likewise. Luke 10:30-37

Honduras Annual Trip

Don't miss out...still a few spaces available for Austin Helps Honduras Education Celebration trip to Juticalpa, Honduras, January 25-February 1,2025. Interested? Contact Bunny Oliver for details.

Eye glasses, Medical Equipment and more for Honduras

Have any spare reading glasses, prescription glasses, or sunglasses that are not being used?  In addition to wheelchairs, walkers, or other medical equipment or supplies, If You Love Me Foundation,, has a great need for them to distribute to people in Honduras  who are struggling with poor eyesight and other disabilities without the funds to get them otherwise.  The foundation works with very limited funds and relies heavily on donated items.  Baby formula, diabetic supplies, etc, are also in high demand.  On their website, there is also a link to an Amazon Wishlist which lists many needed items.   For more information, email

Remember in prayer

Adam Castilleja; family and friends of Maxine Krisov; John Rath; Jane Harvey; Daniel Campbell; family and friends of AJ Davis, Jeanne, Kirk, Jim, Randy; family and friends of Don and Patti Hewlett; Deanne Tamayo; Terri; people of Honduras; Stacy Byous; McKenzie Walte

Continued Prayers For

Phil Savard; Diane Bergstrom; Kent Mickelson; Deb Johnson; Bill Martin; Sam Gourley; Dean Haynie; Ronnie Johnson; Peter Jordahl; Walt Knauff; Arvid Larson; Pat Larson; Doris McGaughy


Request Prayers
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