St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School

November 30, 2022


Mission Statement:

St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School is a community that proclaims the gospel by our dedication to quality instruction while fostering our commitment to the needs of others.

We pray. We learn. We care. 

A Message from Mr. Mihalyo

Dear StMM Families,

I pray all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving last week and enjoyed the time off from school!

As we return to school this week, we enter into Advent as a parish community. Our school will continue many of the traditions our families have come to expect, including our Advent Services, which will be held on Monday and Friday in the gym for our classes. On Tuesdays, classes will take part in an Advent prayer in their respective classrooms, while on Wednesdays and Thursdays, we will hold our Advent Prayer Service after Mass for the grades who attend on each of those days. 

At home, I encourage families to use this time of Advent to prepare for the birth of Christ. It is a great opportunity for each of us to reflect on our greatest blessings, as well as for each family to think about what grace God has provided them. The season of Advent is a time of waiting, anticipation, and preparation. It is also the official start of the church year. 

There are many resources out there to help each of us use this time of Advent to prepare for the birth of Christ. This time of year, we all spend so much time preparing for Christmas morning with gift buying, but as a community, let us use the time to prepare us for more than just presents on Christmas morning by focusing on His presence on Christmas morning. 

This past weekend, our own parish highlighted an app called Hallow, which provides many great prayer resources, including an Advent Challenge. Some of the prayers are led by cast members of The Chosen, a great series on the life of Christ and His followers. If you have not checked this series out, I encourage you to consider watching this with your family. 

As we enter into this holy season of Advent, I wish you and your family a prayer-filled and meaningful few weeks.

John Mihalyo, Principal 


12/1 - JV Girls Basketball vs. St. Michael (4PM)

/ JV Boys vs. St. Michael (5:15PM)

12/1 Varsity Girls Basketball @ St. Michael (4:15PM)

/ Varsity Boys @ St. Michael (5:30PM)

12/3 - Baseball Fundraiser at Brüeprint Brewery

12/5 - Monarch Monday

12/5 - JV Girls Basketball @ St. Thomas More (4:15PM)

/JV Boys Basketball @ St. Thomas More (5:30PM)

12/5 - Varsity Girls Basketball vs. St. Thomas More (4PM)

/Varsity Boys Basketball vs. St. Thomas More (5:15PM)

12/5 - 12/12 - Saint Nicholas Shoe Drive

12/6 - PSO Winter Wonderland & Sleigh Rides

12/7 - PSO Teacher/Staff Cookie Exchange

12/14 - Band Concert, 6PM (Gym)

12/12 - 12/14 - Musical Auditions, Willy Wonka Jr.

**Click here to view our online school calendar.**


6th, 7th, and 8th grade Monarchs interested in participating in a winter sport must have all athletic forms on file in the athletic department.

Help support the Monarch Baseball team with a fundraiser event this Saturday, 12/3 at Brüeprint Brewery (3470 Kildaire Farm Rd Suite 162, Cary, NC 27518). Parents, bring your family, friends and kids and enjoy a fun time! 50% of sales on the day will go back to help support the StMM baseball team! Thank you for supporting our Monarch Baseball team!

Interested in coaching an athletic team this school year? Please email Jeff Bessler with your interest in coaching. Please include the interested sport(s) and relevant experience. 



With Advent finally here, the PSO is kicking into high Christmas gear! Our campus will be abuzz in December as we celebrate the season of Jesus' birth. 


Santa's Secret Workshop returns now through December 8. The Activity Building has been transformed into a workshop worthy of the North Pole where our Monarch students can purchase fun and thoughtful gifts for the whole family! The gifts are wrapped by PSO elves so they can stay secret until Christmas day. Purchasing gifts is optional; all students may browse and have fun! Affordable gifts for mom, dad, siblings, grandparents, teachers, friends and even pets have been wrapped and are ready for the shoppers! There are gifts for everyone at every age including tools, games, toys, and Christmas decor too! All gifts are priced under $10 with the average cost close to $5. This is a fun way for the children to select the perfect gift for all their loved ones. Gifts come home wrapped, labeled and ready for Christmas day! You should have received shopping lists and instructions from your room parents. Electronic copies are available here: Digital Shopping List  Santa's Secret Workshop Instructions Younger students, in particular, benefit from having at-home guidance on who to shop for and how much to spend. Your room parent will also tell you your class' shopping day so students may bring in their lists and money on that day, or in advance. This event is full of so much fun for every child and every volunteer! Helping the children as they pick that perfect gift is truly a joyful time! If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up sign up here. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Miller. Thank you for your support! Merry Christmas and God Bless! 



Tuesday, December 6: Enjoy an evening of music, treats, crafts, hot chocolate and of course...! Mr. A's Beignets and Two Hot Chix food trucks will be on campus for dinner and treats along with a horse-drawn sleigh and our own StMM band and chorus students for an evening of holiday magic. Check in at the sleigh when you arrive, and we’ll get you on the sleigh ride list! Rides will run from 6:00-8:00PM. We also will need help to decorate, man the craft or hot chocolate stations, or help clean up - Middle School volunteers in need of service hours are especially welcome. Please sign up here to help. If your student is performing, Mr. Davis will communicate their schedule and attire to you directly. Contact Mr. Davis with musical questions, and Kevin Machos with sleigh ride questions.      



Calling all merry makers and Christmas treat bakers!! On Wednesday, December 7, the PSO will host one of the faculty and staff's very favorite traditions: the Annual Teacher/Staff Cookie Exchange! We would love your help in putting together this fun event. Please sign up to make nut free treats or to bring supplies on the morning of December 7. Thank you!



We are excited to announce that PSO meetings are coming back in January! Our first meeting will be to discuss the Gala for Fall 2023. The January meeting date will be announced soon!



Monarchs, continue to wear your shirt or hoodie with the uniform bottoms of your choice, including gym shorts, EVERY MONDAY for the rest of the school year! Click here for FAQ, or contact Erin Bonasso with questions. If you don't wish to participate or if your gear hasn't arrived yet, your Monarch should wear their uniform on Monday as usual. You must have this year's gray Monarch Monday top to participate. If you have not purchased your Monarch Monday shirts or would like to add a t-shirt or hoodie, you can order them here.

Please contact Erin Bonasso with any PSO questions.



In order to foster a safe environment, we screen all prospective volunteers as required by the Diocese of Raleigh and the Safe Environment Team at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church and School. All parents who would like to volunteer in the classroom or cafeteria, participate in field trips or be involved with class travel must be Level C certified.  Upcoming sessions are booking now:

Tuesday, 12/13 at 7 PM: register here

Please go to the Safe Environment web page for more information and for volunteer applications. Please email Bertha Smith with any questions.


Don't miss out on our 2022 EDGE Retreat at Camp Caraway in Asheboro, NC on 12/10-12/11. The one night overnight retreat will include time for fun, games, fellowship, awesome big and small group get togethers, snacks galore, awesome live praise and worship Hannah Shea, time to meet new friends, and bazooka ball. (Wait, what's that? Come and see!) Spots are limited to 53 teens so don't wait to sign up because this retreat usually sells out! To register online for the EDGE Retreat, please register HERE!

WHEN: 12/10-12/11

WHERE: Camp Caraway in Asheboro, NC

WHO: Any teen who is in 7th and/or 8th grade for the 2022-2023 school year. Teen does not have to be registered in the EDGE, they do not have to be Catholic, just have to be happy to be there!

COST PER PERSON: $175.00. The retreat full payment or a 50% deposit must be submitted with registration to secure a spot on the retreat. You may pay in payments as long as the balance is paid by October 1st but the spot isn't secure until you have paid at least a 50% deposit. You must cancel by 11/5 in order to receive a refund. Please email Liz Sams, St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Middle School Youth Minister, with any questions.



We continue to have a number of students out with Influeza. Influenza (flu) can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly. People who have flu often feel some or all of these symptoms: fever* or feeling feverish/chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, some people may have vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children than adults).  

*It’s important to note that not everyone with the flu will have a fever.

Keeping your child home when they are not feeling well is good for both your child and the community. A reminder that: 

  • A child should remain at home if they have a fever of 100.0 degrees or above and be fever free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
  • A child should be free from vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • A child being treated with antibiotics for something like strep or pink eye should be on the medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

More information is available at Flu and COVID-19 symptoms.

Please visit our Coronavirus Update on the school website as we are still required to monitor for COVID and report all positive cases to the health department. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Walsh.


During this season of giving, StMM's second grade students are asking you to help families in need by donating new or gently used shoes/sneakers, new socks, and new men’s work boots. Donations will be accepted from Dec. 5-12 in boxes located in the school lobby. Please tie shoelaces together or put them in a plastic bag. Brown Bag Ministry distributes all of our donations. Thank you for supporting this important service project!


St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School is currently accepting applications for a full-time music teacher. Please send resume and letter of interest to The job descrption can be found here.

Enjoy working with kids? Want to be part of our incredble StMM staff? We are currently hiring for preschool Aftercare positions and Aftercare staff. If you are interested in working part-time or full-time in aftercare and are 18 or over, please email Megan Jordan.



Monday, 12/5 - Danny's BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Tuesday, 12/6 - Pigs-in-Blankets

Wednesday, 12/7 - Pizza

Thursday, 12/8 - Fish Sticks

Friday, 12/9 - Chicken Nuggets

St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School is a peanut/tree nut free school. To review the nut policy guidelines, please click here.

Offering a cooked-from-scratch lunch program takes many helping hands. Please consider volunteering in the Cafeteria! Your student will earn a free meal on the day that you work, and volunteering in the kitchen is a great way to meet other parents and see your student in action during their lunch period! All volunteers must be Level C certified. Signups are HERE. Thank you for supporting our school lunch program with your time!


We are looking forward to returning to many normal routines and procedures we have come to expect. In the event of a positive Covid-19 case, the school has outlined the policy we will follow for this school year. Click here to review these. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Walsh in the health room. 

St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School
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