St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School

September 28, 2022 Newsletter

Mission Statement:

St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School is a community that proclaims the gospel by our dedication to quality instruction while fostering our commitment to the needs of others.

A Message from Mr. Mihalyo

Dear StMM Families,

I pray all of you had a great three-day weekend while our teachers attended the Professional Development Day for the Diocese of Raleigh on Friday. These types of opportunities are so valuable to our faculty because they enable teachers to collaborate with peers, gain new ideas, and grow as educators. 

Next week, IOWA Testing begins for students in grades 3-8. During this week, there will be no tests, quizzes, or homework for students in these grades. We remind parents to make sure your students get a good night’s rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and come to school ready to do their best. Due to the IOWA testing window, grades 3-8 will not attend Mass on their respective Mass day next week. If you have specific questions about the IOWA Tests, please contact Mrs. McElroy.  

Tonight is our Phone Safety Parent Information Night for middle school parents. A reminder, this event is for parents only. Our middle school students took part in the workshop this morning presented by the Apex Police Department on internet and phone safety. Even if you are unable to attend the event this evening, be sure to ask your middle school Monarch about what they learned today! 

For our families in grades 3-8, we have made some adjustments to our carpool line in the afternoon to alleviate some congestion in the back of the parking lot. Families in grades 3-5 (blue tags) should make the right into the church parking lot and continue straight using the “inner loop” of the carpool line. Families in grades 6-8 (green tags) should make the right turn into the church parking lot and then make their first right and loop around as they have done all year, using the “outer loop” of carpool. Grades 6-8 (green tags) will not change. If you need help, ask one of us or look for the color cones to guide you. 

October is right around the corner, which brings a lot of great events to our StMM campus. On Friday, October 7th, we will hold our second annual Oktoberfest Parent Social. This is a great opportunity for parents to connect and get to know other StMM parents. We hope to see everyone there!

On Monday, October 31st, students will be permitted to wear costumes to school. A set of guidelines are provided below for students to adhere to for their costume on Halloween. As students begin to think about their costumes, please be sure their costumes are appropriate for school. This includes materials that are too scary, political in nature, or explicit in their content. This is meant to be a fun day for students and faculty! We look forward to seeing what our Monarchs (and faculty!) come up with for Halloween this year! 

Finally, like many of you, we are watching the storm coming up the Florida coast. Our prayers are with all those who are in its path right now, as well as those who have already been impacted. As we do with any potentially dangerous weather conditions, we will be watching to ensure the safety of our students, faculty, and families. Safety is our top priority. If there are any adjustments to our calendar, we will send them via a Parent Alert, post on social media, and share on WRAL. 

St. Mary Magdalene, pray for us! 

John Mihalyo, Principal 



Wednesday, 9/28 - Boys Soccer (4:15) HOME vs St. Catherines;

Cross Country @ St. Raphaels (4:00)

9/29 - PSO Soup & Salad Teacher Lunch

Thursday, 9/29 - Girls Volleyball and Boys Soccer HOME vs St. Raphaels (4:15)

Friday, 9/30 - Spirit Day

10/3 - 10/7 - CPO Food Drive

Tuesday, 10/4 - Girls Volleyball (4:15) at HOME vs St Michael &

Boys Soccer (4:15) @ St Michael

Wednesday, 10/5 - Cross Country (4:00) Conference Meet @ Bond Park

Wednesday, 10/5 - Communion Service

Thursday, 10/6 - Girls Volleyball and Boys Soccer @ Our Lady of Lourdes (4:15)

Click here to view our online school calendar.


Basketball and Cheerleading Tryouts are just around the corner. 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Monarchs interested in trying out for a team need to have an Athletic Permission & Physical Assessment Form on file before tryouts. Completed forms can be turned in to Athletic Director, Jeff Bessler.

Interested in coaching an athletic team this school year? Please email Jeff Bessler with your interest in coaching. Please include the interested sport(s) and relevant experience. 



Only two days left to be a Monarch Mondays Sponsor for the 2022-2023 school year! We have raised over $23,000 and 25 teacher shirts have been purchased so far! Help us to update and improve our stage and performance area as well as thank our teachers for their hard work and dedication over the past two difficult years. 

The sponsor window is only open until Friday, September 30! There are two easy ways to add your family or business name to the back of the shirt: you may submit the ONLINE FORM or print the paper form PAPER FORM and send a check into school. All sponsors get FREE SHIRTS so your kids will be set for Monarch Mondays to start on November 8th (the PSO will deliver your free shirts to your kids' homeroom in October)! Maroon level sponsors also receive a spotlight post on the school's social media feeds, and Gold sponsors receive a group thank you post.

Like last year, the PSO will give free shirts to all faculty and staff so they can participate in Monarch Mondays too, but we need your help in outfitting our wonderful staff members. For a donation of only $20, you can give a Monarch Mondays shirt to your favorite teacher! It's easy - the PSO will order and deliver the staff and teacher shirts for you. To donate teacher shirts, use the TEACHER SPONSOR ONLINE FORM or PAPER FORM and skip to the bottom to the teacher shirt section.


Our next Spirit Day is set for this Friday, September 30! Students may wear an StMM spirit shirt with uniform bottoms of their choice (including PE shorts). Need a spirit shirt? The Used Uniform store regularly has options. Students may also wear the past two years' Monarch Mondays shirts. Spirit wear is also available for purchase from the ONLINE SPIRIT STORE on Ink'd Threads' website - all items will ship to your home. 


Starting on October 11 from 8am-10am on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the cafeteria, the PSO will be gift wrapping presents in preparation for Santa's Secret Workshop. Come and wrap after drop off for 30 minutes or stay the whole 2 hours. We are in need of many hands! Please email 

Linda Miller with any questions. 



Friday, October 28 5:30PM: Trunk or Treat; 7PM: Movie or Middle School Costume Dance

Please contact Erin Bonasso with any PSO questions.


We are excited for the opportunity to welcome all parents, both new and veteran, to meet and mingle at our 2nd Annual StMM Oktoberfest.

Grab your lederhosen, book your babysitters and join us in the StMM Courtyard on Friday, October 7 for an Oktoberfest-themed social! Delicious, Oktoberfest-inspired fare will be prepared by our very own StMM Knights of Columbus.  

Brüeprint Brewing Company & Southern Peak Brewery will be there. (Both breweries are owned by StMM families.) This year we will have a stein-holding competition and a Meet & Greet table for new families.  

Included in your ticket price are a souvenir mug, one drink ticket, and Oktoberfest-inspired food. Ticket sales end by 5:00 PM on 10/5. Due to space constraints, a limited number of tickets will be sold. Please buy your tickets today! Please note this is an adult-only event. Purchase your tickets HERE. If you are interested, please sign up TO VOLUNTEER!



In order to foster a safe environment, we screen all prospective volunteers as required by the Diocese of Raleigh and the Safe Environment Team at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church and School. All parents who would like to volunteer in the classroom, participate in field trips or be involved with class travel must be Level C certified.  Upcoming sessions are booking now:

Thursday, 10/20 at 7 PM: register here

Tuesday, 11/15 at 7 PM: register here

Please go to the Safe Environment web page for more information and volunteer for applications. Please email Bertha Smith with any questions.


Don't miss out on our 2022 EDGE Retreat at Camp Caraway in Asheboro, NC on 12/10-12/11. The one night overnight retreat will include time for fun, games, fellowship, awesome big and small group get togethers, snacks galore, awesome live praise and worship Hannah Shea, time to meet new friends, and bazooka ball. (Wait, what's that? Come and see!) Spots are limited to 53 teens so don't wait to sign up because this retreat usually sells out! To register online for the EDGE Retreat, please register HERE!

WHEN: 12/10-12/11

WHERE: Camp Caraway in Asheboro, NC

WHO: Any teen who is in 7th and/or 8th grade for the 2022-2023 school year. Teen does not have to be registered in the EDGE, they do not have to be Catholic, just have to be happy to be there!

COST PER PERSON: $175.00. The retreat full payment or a 50% deposit must be submitted with registration to secure a spot on the retreat. You may pay in payments as long as the balance is paid by October 1st but the spot isn't secure until you have paid at least a 50% deposit. You must cancel by 11/5 in order to receive a refund. Please email Theresa Bova, St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Middle School Youth Minister, with any questions.


StMM participates in the Opportunity Scholarship program that helps families who make below a certain amount of income pay tuition and fees. If you have a child currently enrolled in PreK4-1st grade or if you have a child not yet enrolled at StMM and meet the income requirements you may be eligible to apply.  RSVP to join us at the upcoming information session on 10/12 from 6:30-7:30 in the Media Center to learn more. Please email Lisa Portland with any questions.



CPO is hosting its annual canned food drive at StMM from October 3-7. Bring in your donations to help the largest food pantry in the Triangle! Students can drop donations off in the school lobby during carpool. Items particularly in need this year include canned vegetables, cereal, canned soup, rice, dried beans, pasta, canned tomato sauce, macaroni and cheese mixes, canned fruit and canned tuna, diapers, toilet paper, and detergent. Please, NO GLASS CONTAINERS. Thank you for your generosity.


If your child awakens with COVID symptoms, please test at home and email the results to me before bringing your student to school. Keeping children at home when they are sick is best for your child and the school community. Please visit our Coronavirus Update on the school website as we are still required to monitor for COVID and report all positive cases to the health department. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Walsh.


Our third grade service project was a huge success! Thank you to our StMM school community for helping us collect over 450 copies of The Little Engine That Could books. Kindergarten is up next...Join our Kindergarten Monarchs 10/10-10/14 as they collect donations for the SPCA of Wake County. In honor of the Feast of Saint Francis, please consider donating items on the SPCA's Wish List. Thank you for so generously supporting our students' service projects! 


If you are interested in volunteering for clubs or working part-time/full-time in aftercare, please email Ms. Jordan. (Must be 18+ to work in Aftercare.)    


Students will be allowed to wear Halloween costumes on Monday, October 31. They will also be able to wear costumes to the Trunk or Treat event and Middle School Dance on 10/28. Please take note of the guidelines for Halloween costumes as you help your student select their school event costume. If students do not adhere to these guidelines during the school day, they will be asked to change into their regular school uniform. Any student preferring not to wear a costume may wear Halloween-themed or colored attire with their regular school uniform bottoms or PE shorts. You must be festive in the theme of the season to participate.

Halloween costumes may NOT include the following:

  • Halloween costume masks
  • Excessive face make-up
  • Violent or bloody images
  • Costumes may not include blood, guts, or gore 
  • Accessories that are deemed dangerous: no pretend weapons of any kind
  • Skirts and shorts must still meet the school dress code (no more than 2" above the knee)
  • Revealing clothing (no visible midriffs, visible undergarments, or low-cut tops)
  • Flip flops or high heels
  • Costumes that depict alcohol or tobacco products 
  • No costume should contain or imply explicit topics
  • No political costumes
  • Inflatable costumes are not permitted

Pre-K Costume Guidelines

1. No costume masks are permitted. 

2. The children will need to be able to INDEPENDENTLY go to the restroom. Two-piece costumes typically work better for this purpose than one-piece ones do. Please practice having your child use the bathroom at home in their costume before deciding if it’s right for school.

3. Children must wear their regular socks and shoes since they will still play on the playground equipment and in the mulch.

4. No toy weapons or other props of any kind are permitted as part of any costume.

5. We ask that all costumes be young child-friendly rather than frightening.

Feel free to send your child in an alternate costume such as a Halloween-themed t-shirt if you think their regular costume will be too difficult to manage all day at school.

Please make sure they have extra clothes to change into if they have an accident or simply tire of wearing their costume. This is always such a fun day and we are looking forward to seeing everyone’s costumes!



Monday, 10/3 - Fish Sticks, Mac & Cheese

Tuesday, 10/4 - Pigs-in-Blankets

Wednesday, 10/5 - Pizza

Thursday, 10/6 -Chicken Wraps & Chicken Sandwiches

Friday, 10/7 - Quesadillas

St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School is a peanut/tree nut free school. To review the nut policy guidelines, please click here.


Pre-order your student's 2022-23 Yearbook before pricing goes up on 9/30! Just $30 durig the Back to School Yearbook Promotion!

Sports, after school clubs, homework, class projects and recess...School memories are meant to last a lifetime! Order your child's copy here.


We are looking forward to returning to many normal routines and procedures we have come to expect. In the event of a positive Covid-19 case, the school has outlined the policy we will follow for this school year. Click here to review these. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Walsh in the health room. 

St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School
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