St. Mary School Mission:
To Educate, Inspire & Energize Children with an
Emphasis on Catholic Faith,
Academic Excellence, and a Commitment to Service.
May 26, 2021
Dear Parents, 

It is hard to believe this is our last week of school! We would not have made it through an entire year of in-person learning if it wasn’t for your continued support and the willingness of your children. From the bottom of my heart, “Thank you!” Enjoy your children and the summer days! I look forward to seeing you in August!

Dear Lord, thank you for seeing us through this challenging year. We are grateful for your grace and strength that has sustained us. Though we are eager to put this year behind us, we pray that the lessons we’ve learned will remain with us always. May we never again take for granted our health, any of our freedoms, the ability to work, gather at church, or visit with friends and family. May we never miss an opportunity to give a hug, share a smile, or sing your praises loudly, openly, and freely. Thank you for your provision and your protection, and all the ways you have blessed our lives this year. We are grateful. We are thankful for our Savior Jesus, in whose name we pray. AMEN

God bless all of you. Enjoy your evening and count the blessings God has given you!

Jen Reker-Murphy

Read an end of year letter from our Superintendant of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati HERE
Annual Fund 2020-2021
A very gracious Thank You to our school families, faculty, grandparents, past parents, alumni, and friends that remember SMS in their charitable giving.

Thank you to this school family that has given a gift this past week to the 2020-2021 Annual Fund:
Kelly (Maura & Jay)

We will periodically recognize school family gifts to date...we are grateful! The AF runs July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021. Learn more here. 
You can also monitor our AF progress from the link below!
Coming Up...
Thursday, May 27
Student Appreciation Field Day

Friday, May 28
10:30 AM Dismissal
All School Mass at 9:00 am - As the church has begun its reopening, Grades K-7 will gather together in church masked and will sit together in homerooms. (Prior plans to gather on the back parking lot are scraped due to a rainy forecast.) We will not be able to accommodate parents at this mass to allow for enough spacing of the students. Mass will be available on StreamSpot. We look forward to welcoming back parents to school masses in the 2021-2022 school year!

Thursday, August 26
First Day of School!
NOON Dismissal for K-8 the first two days of school
What's happening around SMS...
UPDATES FOR 2021-2022

We previously introduced Mr. Sean Laudeman and Mr. Brian Geeding as a new team-teaching support model across all grade levels in the next school year. We will officially refer to them as our Campus Enrichment Educators and their work as Campus Enrichment.

Sean and Brian will meet with each grade several times a month and will work with the classroom teachers to extend their social studies, science, and religion lessons. Sean and Brian will use the outdoor learning space to do hands-on lessons in a creative, innovative, child-centered way that will be an extension of the curriculum required by the AOC. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has established standards based on the most current teachings aligned to Ohio New Learning Standards. These Standards are infused with Catholic Identity and Catholic values. Rigor is infused throughout this Graded Course of Study (GCS) along with relevance to foster the values of Catholic teaching. This curriculum gives students the knowledge, understanding, and skill set needed to acquire and satisfy the Archdiocesan Standards. Topics that will be covered are diversity, theology of the body, scripture, health & nutrition, and stewardship for God’s creation.

8th Grade ALGEBRA
Next year we will be conducting the 8th-grade Algebra class in the following manner to align with CPS funding requirements of our Auxiliary Math Teacher, Mrs. Venezia.

There will be an Algebra I class and a Pre-Algebra class. The Algebra I class will move at a quicker pace and use a high school textbook. This process allows teachers to teach Algebra to more children based on their class participation, class assignments/work, IOWA Algebra Aptitude Test score, 6th & 7th-grade IOWA scores, and teacher recommendations. All students in the Algebra I class will take the State of Ohio Standardized Algebra I Test at the end of the year. If they pass this standardized test, they will receive High School Algebra I credit. If not, they will have a strong foundation in Algebra moving into high school. Miss Gabriel and Mrs. Venezia will be team teaching Algebra I together. Miss Gabriel will be teaching the 8th grade Pre-Algebra Class. 
St. Mary School received the individual hard copy IOWA Standardized Test results late the week of May 10. Our understanding for the delay in receiving the results is...due to COVID!

We will include your child's 2021 individual standardized test score results (Grades 2-7) in the end-of-the-year hard copy report card envelope that will be coming home with your child on the last day of school.
We wish all our students, teachers, and parents happy and relaxing summer days at the pool, beach, or wherever your journey takes you!

The school office will be open for queries in June from 8:00 am - NOON / Monday-Thursday. The school office is closed in July and we will reopen the first week in August. A school e-news will be sent if we have any timely and necessary information to communicate. You certainly will hear from us again regularly beginning in August as we gear back up to begin the 2021-2022 school year.
School Supply Lists
Grade level school supply lists are posted on the front page of under the News section...or check out the online PTO School Supply Sale info below!
  • If your student has an inhaler or an Epi-Pen in the Nurse's Office and you would like it sent home for the summer, please let me know, and I will send it home with your student on Friday, May 28. Otherwise, the medications will remain locked in my office for the summer.

  • Attention future 7th-grade parents: Please email a scanned copy of your childs' complete vaccination record that includes the required Tdap booster vaccine by September 17, 2021. Send to

  • Please continue to let me know via email if your student has a positive Covid-19 test over the summer.

  • If your student receives the Covid-19 Vaccine, please email me a scanned copy of the CDC Vaccination card after the second dose.

Thank you for all of the support and kindness you have shown me throughout this very unusual and challenging year! 

Beth Mannix RN, BSN
Nurse, St. Mary School Hyde Park
The yearbook committee is looking for pictures for this year's Yearbook. We are especially interested in Sports and Sacraments. If you have any photos you would like to share, please send them to Kathy Greiner's attention, or email them to

Order your 2020-2021 Yearbook online HERE.
Yearbook ID Code: 2541621
We honored the Class of 2021 last Friday with a spirited parade and Graduation Mass & Ceremony. Congratulations to this accomplished group of young men and women. We are proud of you and know you are well prepared to make a difference as you matriculate to the following high schools:

St. Xavier High School - 19
St. Ursula Academy - 10
Ursuline Academy - 8
Summit Country Day School - 4
Seven Hills School - 3
Purcell Marian High School - 3
Archbishop Moeller High School - 2
Mount Notre Dame Academy - 2
Cincinnati Christian Hills Academy - 1
McNicholas High School - 1
Turpin High School - 1
Walnut Hills High School - 1
Volunteer Opportunities
As school and life continue to move in the direction of "back to normal, " we are thrilled to have volunteering expand in the 2021/2022 school year. Please take a fresh look at the committees that will be serving our school needs and sign up. We are in need of many volunteers and are excited to welcome you back into service! 
VOLUNTEER HERE or click below!
SMS stickers to adhere to your water bottle,
cooler, or any other hard surface item.
Only $1
On sale at pick-up time on the playground
Today (Wednesday) & Thursday afternoon this week!
PTO School Supply Sale
Now through May 28 - $5 off!
order at
Kits will be available for sale until September 7 and will be shipped to your home!
Cougar Cheerleading
closes May 28, 2021 
St. Mary Church
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30 am
Tuesday: 5:45 pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 am
Mass is LIVE Streamed on our StreamSpot link below and permanently found from the icon on the front page of
The obligation to attend Mass returns the weekend of June 5 & 6. Read the letter from the Bishops of Ohio HERE.
Plans for St. Mary Church are:
  • This weekend the church will have all pews open in the front half of the church and ropes on every other pew towards the back of the church.
  • Beginning the weekend of June 5 & 6, there will be approximately 6 pews in the back of one side of the church that will have every other pew blocked for social spacing.
Parenting Reflection
Prayer at the End of the School Year
God of wisdom,
we thank You
for all the gifts you have given us
throughout this school year.
We praise you for giving us life,
for saving us in Christ,
and for choosing us to be your people.
As we come to the end of this school year,
we voice our gratitude
for the good things you have done in us,
and we praise you for all who have shared
in the work of our school.
We ask you to bless them in your love
and give them refreshment and peace.
We praise you, God,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen
Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers
/Revised Edition, USCCB

Submitted by St. Mary Parishioner,
Stephanie Jenemann
Former Director of the Family Life Office
for the Diocese of Columbus

SUMMER CAMPS, HSPT Classes etc..
“LIVE!” summer band program
at Moeller High School
Attention all returning band members: Mr. Lauterbach will be offering a summer band program starting in June. The registration form can be found on The Music Staff website:
St. Mary School | 513-321-0703 |