The Mission of St. Mary School is to Educate, Inspire &
Energize children with an emphasis on
Catholic Faith, Academic Excellence,
a Commitment to Serve and Lead,
and the Acceptance of Others.
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Dear Parents,
I love walking through the halls of SMS and seeing the student’s work. I wanted to share one of my favorites with you. After reading 10 Beautiful Things, the second grade took a walk around campus to find the many varied, unusual, beautiful things God has created. They wrote their ideas first and then encouraged others to add to the list. It has been fun watching students participate and reading all the beautiful things we have here. God is good! We are blessed!
Enjoy the evening, and count the blessings God has given you!
Jen Reker-Murphy
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Annual Fund
A very gracious Thank You to our school families, faculty, grandparents, past parents, alums, and friends that remember the St. Mary School Annual Fund in their charitable giving.
The 2022-23 Annual Fund supports the school operating budget (helps to keep the lights on!), continues the work of replacing the school building windows, and will support social and emotional programs for students.
Thank you to the following school families who have given a gift this past week to the 2022-2023 Annual Fund: Chickering, Guy
We will periodically recognize school family gifts to date. The AF runs July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. You'll be able to learn more here. You can also monitor our AF progress from the icon below!
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The St. Mary FunFest is an essential part of the parish budget, and the parish supports the school. We provide a head start to the success of FunFest with a Raffle Drive!
The FunFest Raffle Drive kicks off this Friday and runs through May 9. Look for an email on Friday with all the details and the online link to purchase raffle tickets.
There will be three turn-in/counting days of raffle ticket sales when volunteers are needed and welcomed! Consider lending an hour or so on any of these days: Tuesday, May 2, Thursday, May 5, and Tuesday, May 9. We promise fellowship and a special community! Thank you!
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St. Mary School
Jr. High Theater Elective presents:
The Music Man
Friday, May 19, 2023
7:00 pm
St. Mary Gym
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EdChoice Eligibility
If you think you might be eligible to apply for the EdChoice Scholarship for next school year, please read the 2023-2024 EdChoice Fact Sheet found on the Ohio Department of Education website to confirm your eligibility. You will also find the EdChoice Request Form and information on the required documents needed to apply (current Proof of Address, Birth Certificate.)
Please note one of the criteria; "Students whose sibling received a traditional EdChoice Scholarship in the preceding year." This could apply to families who have high school students that received the scholarship during this current school year, 2022-2023.
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Yearbook photos are needed for sacraments (First Communion, Confirmation, Reconciliation) and sports. Please email any pictures to
Thank you! You help make our yearbook great!
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The Third Grade News Team
interviews Chef Brandi and discusses Lunch!
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Lunch Menu
Week of April 24-28
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Lunch Menu
Week of May 1-5
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Curling Thank You!
Curling with Cougars was filled with fun and many laughs! Special thanks to the Baverso and Palermo Families for hosting such a wonderful night that raised almost $5,000 for our new playground!
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Spiritwear Online
Spring Sale
April 26-May 7
Stock up and save on Spiritwear!
Enter code Spring23 at checkout and receive 15% off your entire order now through May 7. Shop Here:
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Friday, May 19
9:30 am
Crossing guard volunteers are needed! No experience is necessary. Contact Kelly Lieser (513)-226-7644 or Kathryn Balnes (513)-368-4390 with questions.
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St. Mary FunFest
Weekend of August 18-20
Gifts of time and talent are needed for FunFest 2023. Consider joining the team…lots of ways, big and small, to be a part of this important fellowship and “fun” raising event. Reach out to Dawn at
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Parenting Reflection - April 26, 2023
Respect Life - The Church prayerfully celebrates our firm belief that all human life is sacred. Pope John Paul II's Encyclical, "The Gospel of Life," was written to reaffirm the value and inviolability of every human life and to appeal to all people to respect, protect, love, and serve every human being. He reminds us: The family proclaims life when parents teach children to communicate openly, to value life, and to fulfill their God-given mission. The family celebrates life through prayer, thanking God for the gift of life and each other. The family serves life by promoting the welfare and well-being of its members and the members of the greater "family of life." Let us make this journey as families; let us keep walking together. --Pope John Paul II
Submitted by St. Mary Parishioner,
Stephanie Jenemann
Former Director of the Family Life Office
for the Diocese of Columbus
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Summer Camp Info shared with SMS | |
April 22 - Sneak Peek - 7th-grade girls and parents are invited to take a "Sneak Peek" at SUA as student ambassadors lead tours of the campus. The event ends with a Hot"Dawg" lunch. Reserve your spot now at
May 5 - Girls' Night at SUA - This fun event for 6th and 7th-grade girls includes DIY crafts, t-shirt designs, games, prizes, and dinner! Register at Parents are invited to an optional information session during the event.
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