The Mission of St. Mary School is to Educate, Inspire &
Energize children with an emphasis on
Catholic Faith, Academic Excellence,
a Commitment to Serve and Lead,
and the Acceptance of Others.
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Dear Parents,
We are excited to welcome Deacon Royce Winters on Thursday! Deacon Royce will lead the students in a conversation on the Church Teachings and our response to bring credible witness of what it means to embrace the dignity of life for all people and cultures.
Parents are encouraged to attend the evening presentation at 6:30-7:30 in St. Mary Church. I am hopeful Deacon Royce will sing at some point during his presentation. He has a beautiful voice. It is powerful and moving. (Any parent who attends the evening session will receive one out-of-uniform pass for their child).
Enjoy the evening, and count the blessings God has given you!
Jen Reker-Murphy
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Annual Fund
A very gracious Thank You to our school families, faculty, grandparents, past parents, alums, and friends that remember the St. Mary School Annual Fund in their charitable giving.
The 2022-23 Annual Fund supports the school operating budget (helps to keep the lights on!), continues the work of replacing the school building windows, and will support social and emotional programs for students.
Thank you to the following school families who have given a gift this past week to the 2022-2023 Annual Fund: Grossman, Palermo, Reinhart
We will periodically recognize school family gifts to date. The AF runs July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. You'll be able to learn more here. You can also monitor our AF progress from the icon below!
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Mrs. Wood and Mr. Laudeman!
SMS Jr. High Teachers, Mrs. Joy Wood, and Mr. Sean Laudeman, have received the 2023 Angel Educator Award from Mount Notre Dame High School. Angel Educators are people who made a lasting impact on a current student at Mount Notre Dame High School. These teachers inspired them to learn and grow intellectually, personally, and spiritually.
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Pictured with Mr. Laudeman and Mrs. Wood are MND students Genevive Hascher (SMS Class of 2021) and Grace Bodkin (SMS Class of 2022.) | |
Creative Teaching Techniques
St. Mary School Faculty attended an on-campus retreat last Friday for our Teacher In-Service Day. Presenter Paul Miller, the founder of Creative Teaching Techniques, uses scripture and prayer together with movies and music to inspire teachers and students.
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EdChoice Eligibility
If you think you might be eligible to apply for the EdChoice Scholarship for next school year, please read the 2023-2024 EdChoice Fact Sheet found on the Ohio Department of Education website to confirm your eligibility. You will also find the EdChoice Request Form and information on the required documents needed to apply (current Proof of Address, Birth Certificate.)
Please note one of the criteria; "Students whose sibling received a traditional EdChoice Scholarship in the preceding year." This could apply to families who have high school students that received the scholarship during this current school year, 2022-2023.
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Lunch Menu
Week of March 20-24
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Lunch Menu
Week of March 26-31
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The deadline to purchase tickets for "Let's Rock 'n Roll."
is TODAY, March 22.
No tickets will be sold at the door.
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The purpose of the St. Mary Athletic Commission (SMAC) is to serve St. Mary by furthering the mission of the Catholic Church and providing sports experiences for the youth of St. Mary Parish and St. Mary School, which are firmly rooted in the Catholic faith tradition. SMAC seeks to provide St. Mary youth with opportunities to participate in athletics and to learn the rules and fundamentals of their sport, the tenets of good sportsmanship, the discipline of hard work, the benefits of physical fitness, and the enjoyment of teamwork under proper supervision and guidance. SMAC Board organizes and oversees all school/parish-supported sports teams and the calendar of events corresponding to each team. Several of the SMAC Board roles turn over and are filled by new volunteers each year.
The available board positions for the 2023-2024 school year are Secretary, Boys Soccer, and
At-Large Commissioner. Please have a look below for a brief description of each role.
- Secretary: Manage and maintain minutes for all SMAC Meetings. Coordinate and oversee player registrations each season.
- Boys Soccer: Manage equipment, uniform, and other needs to successfully execute Spring and Fall soccer seasons. Organize teams and coordinate coaches as needed. Communicate with SAY (youth soccer governing body) as required.
- At-Large: Oversee and be responsible for the fundraising activities for SMAC (i.e., Gym Sponsorship Program).
If you have questions about any of the open positions or would like to volunteer yourself/nominate someone else, please reach out to SMAC President Vince Ward ( or SMAC Past President Jason Blake (
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Little Cougars
Spring Soccer
Little Cougars Soccer is a great way for you and your child to stay active, become involved in the St. Mary community, and make new friends! A 30-minute practice followed by a 30-minute game will take place at each session. Little Cougars is entirely volunteer based, so please consider helping out and coaching. No previous experience is needed, and coaching resources will be provided.
When: Wednesday evenings from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm (April 19, 26 and May 3, 10, 17)
Where: Otto Armleder Park
Who: All Parishioners entering Kindergarten in Fall 2023 and 2024
Questions: Please contact Shaun Keegan - at
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Fourth Sunday
This Sunday, March 26
after 8:30 am & 10:30 am Masses
Stop at Robisch Hall for coffee and donuts!
Our hosts, Saint Vincent De Paul Chapter will be there if you have questions about this vibrant ministry. Vincentians devote their time to encountering neighbors who are in temporary need of material assistance such as rent, utilities, food, and clothing.
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It's early, but...FunFest 2023 planning is underway! Check out the FunFest Sponsorship opportunities below. Interested? | |
Parenting Reflection - March 22, 2023
A "Light of Hope" -- Reading an excerpt from Pope Francis's inaugural homily may prompt us to reflect upon our call to service ministry. "...We need to see the light of hope and to be men and women who bring hope to others. To protect creation, to protect every man and every woman, to look upon them with tenderness and love is to open a horizon of hope . . . To protect each person, especially the poorest . . . this is a service ... to which all of us are called so that the star of hope will shine brightly." Knowing that we teach by example, a parent's response to our Pope's invitation can prompt our children to emulate a "light of hope." "For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the HOPE of the poor shall not perish forever." --Psalms 9:19
Submitted by St. Mary Parishioner,
Stephanie Jenemann
Former Director of the Family Life Office
for the Diocese of Columbus
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Summer Camp Info shared with SMS | |
The WSO Foundation was established in 2003 to honor the life of William Olson. Since then, we have raised almost $5million for the Make a Wish Foundation to sponsor the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. Please join us in making wishes come true!
questions contact Meghan Olson @513-207-3408. register by march 20th
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