The Mission of St. Mary School is to Educate, Inspire &
Energize children with an emphasis on
Catholic Faith, Academic Excellence,
a Commitment to Serve and Lead,
and the Acceptance of Others.
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Dear Parents,
The Fine Arts Department at St. Mary is in full bloom. Friday evening, the Jr. High performance of The Music Man will take place. The students have worked hard over the past five months. The SMS Art Show will also be available for viewing Friday-Sunday. Every student will have a piece of art in the show. You will want to attend both events!
The Music Man: Friday, 5-19-23 at 7:00 pm
The Art Show: Friday 6:00-7:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday after every mass.
Thank you, Mr. Mills and Mrs. Gorman, for sharing your talents and the importance of fine arts with us.
Enjoy the evening, and count the blessings God has given you!
Jen Reker-Murphy
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Annual Fund
A very gracious Thank You to our school families, faculty, grandparents, past parents, alums, and friends that remember the St. Mary School Annual Fund in their charitable giving.
The 2022-23 Annual Fund supports the school operating budget (helps to keep the lights on!), continues the work of replacing the school building windows, and will support social and emotional programs for students.
Thank you to the following school family who has given a gift this past week to the 2022-2023 Annual Fund: Budde
We will periodically recognize school family gifts to date. The AF runs July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. You'll be able to learn more here. You can also monitor our AF progress from the icon below!
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Friday, May 19
- Walkathon - 9:30 am
- The Jr. High Theater Performance of "The Music Man Kids" - 7:00 pm in the Gym
Friday, May 19-
Sunday. May 21
Art Show in Robisch Hall after all Masses
Friday, May 26
Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast - 9:00 am in Robisch Hall - details below
Outdoor Market after school - details below
Monday, May 29
NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 31
- Field Day
- Talent Show at 2:15 pm - details below
Thursday, June 1
Graduation Mass & Ceremony - 7:00 pm
- Graduate Car Parade in the AM
Friday, June 2
Last Day of School Grades K-7
All School Mass at 9:00 am
11:00 am Dismissal
Summer Office Hours
8:00 am - NOON
Please call before stopping by. Work is being done in the building in June that might require the administration to work remotely.
The School Office is Closed
August 2-11
8:00 am - NOON
August 14-23
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
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IOWA Standardized
Test Results
Yesterday, we received the hard copies of the individual IOWA results for students in Grades 2-7. This report will be included in the final report card envelope that will be sent home with your child on the last day of school. If you need your results sooner, please contact the school office.
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St. Mary School
Jr. High Theater Elective presents:
The Music Man
Friday, May 19, 2023
7:00 pm
St. Mary Gym
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The Students and Staff of St. Mary School invite you to a:
Volunteer Appreciation Morning
Friday, May 26, 2023
8:45 until 10 o'clock
Robisch Hall
We want to thank all volunteers for everything (big & small!) that you do. Please join us to eat a light bite, visit with friends, and be appreciated. We will have a Prayer Service with the entire student body and entertainment by our Kindergarten and Grade 8 Students!
A special tribute will be paid to our parent volunteers whose youngest child is an 8th-grade are the "Volunteers of the Class of 2023."
We hope you can join us!
Please be sure to RSVP HERE so that we may plan accordingly.
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EdChoice Eligibility
If you think you might be eligible to apply for the EdChoice Scholarship for next school year, please read the 2023-2024 EdChoice Fact Sheet found on the Ohio Department of Education website to confirm your eligibility. You will also find the EdChoice Request Form and information on the required documents needed to apply (current Proof of Address, Birth Certificate.)
Please note one of the criteria; "Students whose sibling received a traditional EdChoice Scholarship in the preceding year." This could apply to families who have high school students that received the scholarship during this current school year, 2022-2023.
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Yearbook photos are needed for sacraments (First Communion, Confirmation, Reconciliation) and sports. Please email any pictures to
Thank you! You help make our yearbook great!
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The Third Grade News Team
Visits the Computer Lab
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Lunch Menu
Week of May 15-19
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Lunch Menu
Week of May 22-26
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2023/2024 PTO
Volunteer Sign-up Time!
Please look at the committees described in the volunteer icon below that will serve our school next year...and sign-up! You must sign-up each school year even if you want to remain on the same committee. This allows volunteers to have a one-year commitment and try new ways to serve.
Please remember that ALL volunteers must be SafeParish compliant to volunteer in the school. If you have questions about SafeParish, please get in touch with Laura Nickol in the parish office at or visit the Archdiocese of Cincinnati's SafeParish site -
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Friday, May 19
9:30 am
Crossing guard volunteers are needed! No experience is necessary. Contact Kelly Lieser (513)-226-7644 or Kathryn Balnes (513)-368-4390 with questions.
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For over 20 years, St. Mary families have participated in this meaningful service opportunity to feed our neighbors in need on Saturday mornings at Queen City Soup Kitchen in Walnut Hills.
Volunteers are still needed to purchase and donate food for our next opportunity on June 24th.
If interested, click the link below and fill in your contact’s name on the first sheet. We will send a list of items that will need to be purchased about a week before the date. Also, we will give you details of where and when to drop off your donated items.
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SMAC Happy Hour
Please join us!
May 22 / 6-8 pm
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Grades 1-8
Boys and Girls
Early Bird Registration NOW-June 2: $85
Late Registration June 3-June 9: $110
- Click Below.....ENROLL TODAY!
Little Cougar registration for our Kindergarten players will be announced in late summer.
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Girls On The Run
Fall Season
SMS Host Application Due June 1
Interested in your 3rd, 4th, or 5th-grade girl participating in Girls On The Run this Fall at St. Mary? Applications for our school to host a team are due by June 1.
Sign up here to ensure the girls at SMS can continue to experience this life-changing program. Questions? Contact
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St. Mary FunFest
Weekend of August 18-20
Bids'n Baskets
Support the Bids n Baskets Booth with an item purchased from the Amazon Wish List linked below and from the front page FunFest Icon on and
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Parenting Reflection - May 17, 2023
Agape Love -- God is Love. No doubt we are familiar with that definition. However, what about Agape Love? The Greek word agape is often used to describe the type of love that is used in the New Testament.
Agape Love is described as a type of love for another in which one seeks nothing back in return -- a self-gift. Christ modeled agape love for us, a self-sacrificing love of God for humanity. We have been given a model to follow. 1 Corinthians 13: 1-8 describes this way of life, a way of living among each other in a loving way. Our families are ideal for creating Agape communities. In addition, memories, practices, and traditions of Agape Love can be passed from generation to generation here. -- For I have given you an example that I have done to you, so you also should do. John 13:15
Submitted by St. Mary Parishioner,
Stephanie Jenemann
Former Director of the Family Life Office
for the Diocese of Columbus
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Summer Camp/HSPT Info shared with SMS | | | | |