The Mission of St. Mary School is to Educate, Inspire &

Energize children with an emphasis on

Catholic Faith, Academic Excellence,

a Commitment to Serve and Lead,

and the Acceptance of Others.

May 31, 2023

Dear Parents,

Luke 21:29-31 says, “And he told them a parable, “Look at the fig tree and indeed every tree. As soon as you see them bud, you can see for yourselves that summer is now near. So, with you when you see these things happening: know that the kingdom of God is near.”

As I walk around St. Mary, the smell of lavender fills the air, and the vision of taller, smarter students fill the campus. Like the parable, I, too, see that summer is near, and the children show me that God is near.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful summer. Enjoy the warmer days, longer nights, and time together. Thanks for a wonderful year. Enjoy making summer memories.

Enjoy the evening, and count the blessings God has given you!  

Jen Reker-Murphy  



Annual Fund

A very gracious Thank You to our school families, faculty, grandparents, past parents, alums, and friends that remember the St. Mary School Annual Fund in their charitable giving.

The 2022-23 Annual Fund supports the school operating budget (helps to keep the lights on!), continues the work of replacing the school building windows, and will support social and emotional programs for students.

Thank you to the following school families who have given a gift this past week to the 2022-2023 Annual Fund: Cole, Conlon, Pusateri, Raasch

We will periodically recognize school family gifts to date. The AF runs July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. You'll be able to learn more here. You can also monitor our AF progress from the icon below!

Dates to Note

Thursday, June 1

Graduation Mass & Ceremony - 7:00 pm

  • Graduate Car Parade in the AM

Friday, June 2

Last Day of School Grades K-7

All School Mass at 9:00 am

11:00 am Dismissal

Summer Office Hours


8:00 am - NOON

Please call before stopping by. Work is being done in the building in June that might require the administration to work remotely.


The School Office is Closed

August 2-11

8:00 am - NOON

August 14-23

8:00 am - 3:00 pm

School Info

School News over the Summer

Today is the last Enews for this school year. Enews will be sent over the summer as needed, and we will be back with weekly news in early-mid August. Follow us on social media for any exciting happenings.


In June, our new families will receive a Welcome email with need-to-know information to begin life at SMS!

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Test Results

Your child's IOWA Standardized Test results will be included in their hard copy report cards that are sent home on the last day of school.

EdChoice Eligibility


If you think you might be eligible to apply for the EdChoice Scholarship for next school year, please read the 2023-2024 EdChoice Fact Sheet found on the Ohio Department of Education website to confirm your eligibility. You will also find the EdChoice Request Form and information on the required documents needed to apply (current Proof of Address, Birth Certificate.)

Please note one of the criteria; "Students whose sibling received a traditional EdChoice Scholarship in the preceding year." This could apply to families who have high school students that received the scholarship during this current school year, 2022-2023.

To all parents of students with Emergency Medications:

Please collect your student's emergency medications from Nurse Mannix this week. Any emergency medications not picked up will be stored over the summer, locked in the Nurses Office. Expired medications will be appropriately disposed of unless you otherwise inform Nurse Mannix.


Attention all current 6th-grade parents:

The State of Ohio requires proof of vaccination for the following:

  • A Tdap Booster before entry into 7th grade and
  • ONE dose of Meningococcal before entry into 7th grade.

Please provide a copy of your student's most recent vaccination records to the Nurse before school starts in the Fall of 2023.


If you have the documents, you can send a copy to the school Attention: Nurse or email them to: [email protected]. Please contact your Pediatrician to check the status of your student's vaccinations and schedule a vaccine visit over the summer if needed.

Cafeteria Lunch Accounts

All lunch accounts with a negative balance will have report cards held. PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHILD'S LUNCH BALANCE and pay off any negative balance. Thank you!


Lunch payments are through PaySchools Central. Cash or checks are also accepted in the cafeteria. Checks are payable to AVI Fresh.

Lunch Menu

Week of May 29-June 2



For over 20 years, St. Mary families have participated in this meaningful service opportunity to feed our neighbors in need on Saturday mornings at Queen City Soup Kitchen in Walnut Hills.


Volunteers are still needed to purchase and donate food for our next opportunity on June 24th.  


If interested, click the link below and fill in your contact’s name on the first sheet. We will send a list of items that will need to be purchased about a week before the date. Also, we will give you details of where and when to drop off your donated items.  





Grades 1-8

Boys and Girls

  • Early Bird Registration NOW-June 2: $85
  • Late Registration June 3-June 9: $110 
  • Click Below.....ENROLL TODAY!

Little Cougar registration for our Kindergarten players will be announced in late summer.

Girls On The Run

Fall Season

SMS Host Application &

Head Coach Volunteer

Due June 2

Are you interested in your 3rd, 4th, or 5th-grade girl participating in Girls On The Run this Fall at St. Mary? Applications for our school to host a team are due by June 2.

Sign up here to apply for a fall team and to volunteer as a head coach to ensure the girls at SMS can continue to experience this life-changing program.

Questions? Contact [email protected].


St. Mary FunFest

Weekend of August 18-20      

Bids'n Baskets

Support the Bids n Baskets Booth with an item purchased from the Amazon Wish List linked below and from the front page FunFest Icon on and

Eastside Family

Father’s Day Picnic

SUNDAY, JUNE 18 / 1-8 PM at Stricker’s Grove


Questions or to RSVP (by June 11), please contact Terri Knappenberger at [email protected]

Arrivederci, Padre!

Please join us on Sunday, June 25th, as we say ciao to Fr. Anthony before he departs for his studies in Rome. There will be a brunch reception after the 10:30 AM Mass at St. Mary. Please join us in Robisch Hall after mass!

Parenting Reflection - May 31, 2023

Be Media Wise -- Parents are good at preaching the problems that arise when children spend too much time online. However, what are our own online and social media habits? How Much Time Do You Invest? When your children reflect upon their childhood, will they envision you at your laptop or other devices that were your priority? Do You Have Boundaries? Do you set up designated online time and leave the computer or your smartphone off during the hours when your children need you the most? Implement Strict Standards. Do you give instructions about who it is ok to "friend" or "follow" on media sites and what type of websites you visit? Be sure you also observe the same rules. Watch What You Share. Do you warn your children not to be unguarded about the type of personal information they share? Be Media Wise!  -- I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. --John 13:1

Prayer to End School Year

God of wisdom,

we thank You 

for all the gifts you have given us

throughout this school year.

We praise You for giving us life,

and saving us in Christ,

and for choosing us to be your people.

As we come to the end of this school year,

we voice our gratitude

for the good things You have done for us,

and we praise you for all who have shared

in the work of St. Mary.

We ask you to bless them in your love

and give them refreshment and peace.

We praise you, God,

through Jesus Christ, our Lord,

who lives and reigns forever and ever.

Amen. -- Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers

 Submitted by St. Mary Parishioner,

Stephanie Jenemann

Former Director of the Family Life Office

for the Diocese of Columbus

Summer Camp/HSPT Info shared with SMS

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