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July 31, 2017

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July 31, 2017

School Office Hours
The St. Mary's School office is open with regular hours of Monday-Thursday, 8:00-12:00 and 1-4. Fridays until 12.  If there are any urgent matters, please contact Mr. Mein via email at .  The parish office will be open for any other school-related business.

Campus Clean up day

SMS Locker Campaign
Only 15 lockers left
There are only 15 girls lockers left to be named. Please don't wait to name one of the last few. If you are interested in sponsoring a girl's locker to be named, they are $130. The nameplate can be customized in memory of, in honor of, for a student or class, a logo or what you would like to commemorate for SMS Athletics.
You can click to name a locker now or come by the office if they are still available. Contact Mignonne at or call (830) 997-3914 to name a locker.

First Week Activities
The first week of school is going to be busy. Here's a list to hang on the refrigerator or keep on your phone.
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Amazon Smile
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You can now shop Amazon through Amazon Smile and choose St. Mary's Catholic School as your charity of choice. This provides a 0.5% return to the school for every purchase. Click on for the instructions. Make sure to go to to begin shopping.

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HEB Cards are available throughout the summer in the school office.   We are in need of sponsors for our HEB Card giveaway .  We are also looking for ways to increase HEB card sales.  If you have any great ideas that you would like to share, please take a second and fill out this form:

Classes are filling up! Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 5th Grade are FULL! Any new students registering will be placed on a waitlist pending availability.  If you have not yet registered your child, please lock down their spot today!

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It's NEVER too early to take a sneak peek at our fall sports line-up!  St. Mary's can't wait to share their Apache Pride on the volleyball court and on the football field.

St. Mary's Catholic School is seeking individuals to fill vacancies for the 2017-2018 school year.  We have current vacancies for:
  • Substitute Teachers

Mark your calendar for these important dates!
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St. Mary's Catholic School
202 S. Orange Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
830 997 3914