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November 13, 2017

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November 13, 2017
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SMS Food Drive
St. Mary's is trying to help load the area food pantries as we head into the holiday season.  Please have your students bring canned fruits, vegetables, and meats, sugar, flour, peanut butter, canned soup, and cereal.  We are collecting through this Wednesday.

St. Mary's 4-H:
Meeting tonight at 7:00P in the cafeteria.
Julie Krebs will be speaking about wildlife.
There will be important information given about registering for stocks and other 4H related events and competitions. Hope to see y'all there!

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Where are you buying the ingredients for your Thanksgiving meal? Every Turkey Day "prepper" has those secret ingredients that make their signature dish stand out, capturing the memories for years to come.  If you're purchasing your ingredients from HEB, why not help out SMS in the process?! Before you brave the store, stop by the St. Mary's office and buy your HEB card, giving 5% back to our tribe!
Thank you to one of our wonderful St. Mary's parishioners for being our November sponsor.  Congratulations to Lisa Callahan, our October winner, sponsored by Mike & D'Ann Tatsch.
We are in need of more sponsors for our monthly giveaway!

Friday Lunch
Thank you to all of our families that RSVP'd for Friday's turkey lunch.  If you haven't yet RSVP'd, or your student failed to pull the bright gold sheet out of their backpack, please stop by the front office so we have an accurate headcount.  Older siblings are able to move down to earlier lunch to eat with younger siblings and family.
Lunch Times are as follows:
PK-2: 10:30-11:00
3-5: 11:20-11:45
6-8: 11:30-12:00 (early lunch due to early release)

Catholic Life Sweepstakes Raffle
Catholic Life Sweepstakes Raffle is a free fundraiser for our school that raised almost $13,000 last year! Check out the big prizes here: .
Every dollar of the raffle sales goes directly back to SMS so each raffle ticket sold impacts our school in a big way. Every ticket sold is someone saying, "I'm giving a $5 gift to SMS." If we all participate, our school wins to keep tuition low and improve our school.
There will be a kick-off Pep Rally on November 20 at 2:45pm in the gym to share the prize incentives with our students. Thank you to Tiffany Roeder, chairman and Delight Weigand, co-chairman for serving on this committee. If you are interested in knowing more and helping, please contact Mignonne at .

Veterans Day Ceremony
Thank you to all of our wonderful participants at our Veterans Day program last Friday.  A big "shout out" to St. Mary's alumnus Captain Michael Tatsch, US Navy (Retired), for speaking to St. Mary's students about sacrifice and responsibility.  We'd also like to thank the FHS drumline for performing, and an incredible debt of gratitude to the veterans who were in attendance who served our country faithfully.

Light the Night Parade
SMS will have a float for the Light the Night Parade on Friday, December 1 at 6:30pm. This is a fun way for the students to showcase our school to our community. Please mark your calendars for Float Work Nights on Tuesday, November 28 and Wednesday, November 29. We will share more about how students can sign up to ride and what theme the float will have in the eblast next week. Our elves are hard at work with the float design!

A Look Ahead
Basketball kicks off its 2017 campaign this weekend with our boys A-Team heading to San Antonio to compete in the Holy Spirit basketball tournament.
The basketball schedule can be found at
Good luck to our Cheerleading team in the Cheer 4 Christ CAAC Competition this Saturday at St. Luke's.

Don't forget to visit our website for school information but we love for you to follow us on Instagram and Facebook. A great way to help promote the school is to leave a review of us!


St. Mary's Catholic School
202 S. Orange Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
830 997 3914