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December 18, 2017

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You can now shop Amazon through Amazon Smile and choose St. Mary's Catholic School as your charity of choice, with 0.5% coming back to our school!  Start shopping now through

December 18, 2017

Congratulations Students of the Month
Mr. Mein recognized Students of the Month for October and November and recipients of $100 scholarship, Kate Fryburger and Jacob Tewksbury, after Mass on Thursday. Kate is a third grader and Jacob is a sixth grader.

Catholic Life Sweepstakes Raffle
Drum roll please....
We have raised $15,825!!! Way to go students and parents! Thank you for selling to raise money for SMS!
Last year we raised $12,145. We are overwhelmed with the support you showed and the tickets sold! This surpassed our goal of $15,000 for this year. This means that in addition to the individual and class prizes, there will be a school wide party and Mr. Mein will wear the SMS School Uniform for a week! We are finalizing the ticket count from today's turn in and we will have a complete report of prize winners in the next eBlast.

  Parents Who Priay
We are excited to announce a new opportunity for our parents!  January 9, 2018 will be the first official gathering of Parents Who Pray.  This is an opportunity to gather with other parents to pray for our school and our children.  Take advantage of our Early Bird drop off for your children and then join us in the Bride's Room of the Holy Family Center at 7:15 a.m. every Tuesday for the remainder of the school year.  We hope this new way to start your Tuesday will be a New Year's resolution you will want to keep!

Scripps National Spelling Bee SMS Finals
Congratulations to Emma Cantu on being the 2017-18 St. Mary's Catholic School Spelling Bee Champion. She will advance to the Regional Scripps Spelling Bee in San Antonio in February. The runner up this year was Caitlyn Tatsch. All of the contestants did a great job!
Polar Express Pajama Day
Pre-K through 5th grade may wear appropriate pajamas to the Polar Express Day all day tomorrow, Tuesday, December 19.
Early Release/No Extended Day Wednesday
Wednesday, December 20 is the last day of school before the holidays. There will be no Extended Day Care. Please plan on picking up your child by noon.
If you are planning on attending a class party, please make sure that you have done your Criminal Background Check and Safe Environment Training. If you have questions, please call the office or email Christine Duecker at
St. Mary's Church Christmas Eve Service Program
If you would like your child to participate in the Children's Mass on Christmas Eve, please email Royal Henk at to let him know. You must be a St. Mary's parishioner also either attend St. Mary's school or St. Mary's Religious Ed or be active in the Middle School Edge or High School Life Teen.
Hope for the Future Scholarship Assistance
You can apply for next year's tuition assistance beginning January 2 at .
Please remember that we have a referral program for our families to receive a $500 credit and the family you are referring receives a $500 credit also. If you know of a family interested in SMS, please let them know to apply for Hope funds beginning January 2 for next school year. If you are interested in details of the referral program, you can read more at

Fan Cloth
Add to your St. Mary's swag now that basketball season is here! There is another FanCloth order due but we only have 15 of the required 40 item minimum. You can find the link here:

Amazon Smile
Wrap-up your holiday shopping at and Amazon donates to St. Mary's Catholic School. Since November, before Cyber Monday, SMS had received $69.07 in only a few months of promoting Amazon Smile.

St. Mary's Catholic School
202 S. Orange Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
830 997 3914