Iowa Testing Thank You
We are almost through with testing. The second and sixth graders will complete their final CogAt tests on Wednesday morning. Thank you for supporting our testing process. We will finish the sessions with 100% completed tests. We should be receiving individual and school-wide results in about 3 weeks.
The Iowa tests measure achievement in all of the subject areas. The CogAT -Cognitive Ability Test measures student ability levels - verbal and non-verbal.
Registration for 2016.2017
Next year will be special - we already have 25 new students joining our school family. We have a great new principal who will bring new ideas and energy to our campus.
We want you to be a part of the 160
th year at St. Mary's - please complete your registration forms as soon as possible. We want your registration information as we plan class assignments for the new year. We have computers available to assist you with the registration process and to assist you with the Hope for the Future Scholarship Application. Please call if you need help!
Tennis, Baseball and Softball
The baseball team will play Holy Spirit today, Tuesday, at 4:30 p.m. at Oak Crest Park. The softball team does not have any home games this week. The tennis team will complete their season with the AIAL Tournament in San Antonio from Wednesday through Friday.
School Council Elections
Our school always needs dedicated leaders who are willing to work to improve our school. If you are interested in being a candidate for a three-year school council position please contact Shea Nebgen, or (830)990-2352, or call the school office, (830)-997-3914.
Please contact Shea or the school office by Wednesday, April 13
Thursday Mass
Our students will attend Mass on Thursday, April 14th. Students should wear Mass day uniforms. We invite parents to join us for the Mass at 8:00 a.m. The readings for the day can be found at:
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Our students will gather in church at 3:00 p.m. on Mondays to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We invite you to join us. We have scheduled this activity to reinforce the Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis.
Mother Son Dance
Our parish has scheduled our first Mother Son Dance for Friday, April 22
nd, in the Holy Family Center. Tickets are available in the office - the cost is $10/couple now and $15/couple at the door. Additional attendees are $5 per person.
Parker Uniform Sale
Parker Uniforms will host an online sale on Friday, April 15
th. Please click
here for more information about the sale.
Yearbook Sale
This year's books will have pictures of all students and lots of pictures of school activities. You may place your order online at: before April 15
th. Softcover books are $20 and hardcover books are $25.
Scrip Cards
Thank you for supporting our school by purchasing Scrip cards. Thanks especially to those parents who are able to help us with weekend sales at church.
The April sponsors for the drawing are Fredolin and June Kaderli. Thank you!
Scrip Card Sponsors for Drawing
We need sponsors for the monthly Scrip card drawing. The sponsorship is $100 for any of the months of the year. Please call the school office if you would like to help with this as an individual or a business.
Cowboy Breakfast for World Youth Day
Please come to the Cowboy Breakfast on Sunday, April 17
th, to support our parish youths' attendance at the World Youth Day in Poland this summer. Breakfast will be served from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Holy Family Center.
Get Ready for Quidditch!
The very first St. Mary's Quidditch game will be held this Saturday, April 16, at 10:00 a.m. on the SMS football field. Come out and see the Phoenix Fliers take on the Sonic Brooms in what promises to be the most exciting combination of dodge ball, basketball, and capture the flag you've ever witnessed! Bring your lawn chairs and blankets, as spectators sit around the field right next to the action. Join us to see who will catch the golden snitch!
Parish Blood Drive
We have a blood drive coming up on April 24
th - please see details
Calendar for 2016.2017 is Available
Our superintendent has approved our calendar for next school year. We are now allowed to publish the calendar. It is attached
Last Day of School This Year
Our last day of school this year is Tuesday, May 31
st. It is an early release day and it is marked as a bad weather day. If we had used a bad weather day this semester we would have had to add June 1
st as the last day. The chances of that are remote right now, so we are fairly confident that the 31
st will be the last day.
We agree that having a shortened day after the Memorial Day holiday is kind of silly, but we had to count that day as our 180
th day to have the calendar approved by the Archdiocese.
Student Council Can Drive
The Student Council will collect Aluminum Cans for recycling on Thursday, April 28
th. We will have more information next week.