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January 8, 2018

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January 8, 2018

Parents Who Pray
We are excited to announce a new opportunity for our parents!  January 9, 2018 will be the first official gathering of Parents Who Pray.  This is an opportunity to gather with other parents to pray for our school and our children.  Take advantage of our Early Bird drop off for your children and then join us in the Bride's Room of the Holy Family Center at 7:15 a.m. every Tuesday for the remainder of the school year.  We hope this new way to start your Tuesday will be a New Year's resolution you will want keep

Mardi Gras Prize Drop Off Party
In case our parents missed it in the mail, you are invited to a prize drop off party on January 17 from 5-8pm for Jambalaya and Cocktails at Fredericksburg Realty. Come and go exclusively for all 2018 Mardi Gras Gala Prize Donors. You can drop off your prize (or cash donation for prizes) at the party, or if you've already delivered your donation, just join us for the fun!

Fan Cloth
Add to your St. Mary's swag now that basketball season is here! There is another FanCloth order due but we only have 15 of the required 40 item minimum. You can find the link here:

Log your volunteer hours!
We will be updating the Helping Hands Tree in the school office with families who have met the suggested volunteering time of 10 hours per student and 2 additional hours for each additional student. There are still many upcoming events to volunteer for such as Catholic Schools Week, Mardi Gras Gala, Big Give 2018 and Golf Tournament Weekend. If you have questions about this program or need to know what hours your family has already logged, please contact Mignonne at
St. Mary's 4-H News:
We will not have a meeting this month due Stock Shows. Our next meeting will be Monday, February 12th @ 7:00PM in the cafeteria.
GOOD LUCK to all the students and exhibitors showing livestock at the Gillespie Co. Livestock Show and the District Show in Kerrville!
No School on Friday
There is a school holiday on Friday, January 12.
Hope for the Future Scholarship Assistance

You can apply for next year's tuition assistance from now until March 9 at .
Please remember that we have a referral program for our families to receive a $500 credit and the family you are referring receives a $500 credit also. If you know of a family interested in SMS, please let them know to apply for Hope funds beginning January 2 for next school year. If you are interested in details of the referral program, you can read more at .

Spirit Magazine

You should have received your copy of Spirit Magazine in your mailbox. If you did not, please email to get one. Also, there was an error in printing so if your copy has mixed up pages, please let us know so we can get you a good copy.

Catholic Schools Week
#CSW18 is almost here! You can see the link to the schedule here:
Join us for these fun activities to promote Catholic Schools.
We need your help now to tell others about SMS. Answer this one question in a brief answer via email ( ) and be entered in a drawing for a SMS Spirit Shirt (ends this week.)

St. Mary's Catholic School
202 S. Orange Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
830 997 3914