December 11, 2017
Macy's Believe Campaign
Way to help Zach, Apaches!
Zackary Reyna is a 16 year old, 10th grader at Tivy High School in Kerrville, Texas and is truly a miracle. Reyna was diagnosed with an inoperable brain aneurysm when he was 8 years old. He was granted his wish in 2010 through the Make A Wish Foundation. His wish was to ride a rollercoaster at Disney World. Reyna got his ride and has been working to pay it forward ever since. He began asking others to support the Make a Wish Foundation by participating in the Macy's Believe Campaign. For every letter that is written to Santa, Macy's donates $1.00 to the Make A Wish Foundation. Reyna is helping other kids, just like him, have their wish granted. He asked St. Mary's students to join him in collecting letters for the second year.
All Santa letters in support of our Macy's Believe Campaign were turned in on Friday, December 8 and the total response was amazing!
Zach Reyna's mother, Soyla Reyna, reported that, "Macy's has doubled the money for the Letters To Santa!! The final count was 54,539 letters and so Macy's will donate more than $108, 000 dollars to the South and Central Make A Wish Foundation." St. Mary's students collected approximately 2,000 letters.
She said, "Thank You to everyone who wrote letters. All the School Districts from Kerrville ISD from administrators, teachers, principals and Leadership Teams that went way above and beyond, Ingram ISD, Harper ISD, Hunt ISD, Centerpoint ISD, Comfort ISD, Fredericksburg ISD, La Vernia ISD, Stonewall ISD, Dearing Elementary in Plugerville, St. Mary's School in Fredericksburg, OLH in Kerrville, Schreiner University, Notre Dame in Kerrville, Galveston ISD, Texas Tech University- Delaney Sansom, Lockney ISD, Goldsburough, North Carolina- Emerson, Calvary Temple Church and the Kerrville Community. Please don't let this be the only time that you help make a difference. Everyday we can find reason's to give back, pay it forward or simply be thankful enough to give to others. Be Blessed to Be A Blessing!!!!"
We are proud of our students for being part of a meaningful Make a Wish gift this Christmas season. They are living out our mission statement, "To inspire a lifelong love of God and service to neighbor."
St. Mary's 4-H
Christmas Party tonight @ 7:00PM in the cafeteria! Good and Drinks provided.
Please bring a calendar for the 2018-2019 year to donate to the Nursing Homes. We will be wrapping gifts for our Adopt a Family and making Christmas Cards. We will not meet next month (January). See y'all there!
Catholic Life Sweepstakes Raffle
We will announce a total tomorrow but we appreciate all those who have sold. Please return any sold or unsold tickets to the office by tomorrow by 11am.
Last week, the winning class was Mrs. Dare's 5th grade class and they get a painting party with Mrs. Sanchez.
Junior High Exams
Grades 6-8 will be taking semester exams next week on Monday and Tuesday.
They will take exams for 1st, 3rd, and 5th period on Monday; they will take exams for 2nd, 4th, and 7th periods on Tuesday, all during their respective class times. Please try to avoid scheduling any appointments for your student(s) during this time.
Teacher Gift Baskets
This is such a wonderful time of year and a time to reflect on the people who help our children be the best they can be. It is our tradition for the teacher appreciation committee to put together gift baskets for the teachers. We would appreciate if each family bring cookies, candy, pastries, lotto tickets, etc. If you do bring baked goods please individually wrap them. Please drop your goodies off at the St. Mary's School cafeteria on Wednesday, December 13th. We will make the 45 baskets around 8:00 am. You may drop off candy and things that are not baked goods starting this week. Please leave items in the front office. We know this may be a lot to ask at this very busy time of year but our teachers deserve to be shown the utmost gratitude.
Christmas music programs
The 3K, 4K and Kindergarten classes did an amazing job in their Christmas music program on Thursday, December 7.
The Jr. High Band will perform their Christmas concert on Thursday, December 14 at 6pm.
Scripps National Spelling Bee SMS Finals
The final contestants from each of the SMS classes will be competing on Friday, December 15 at 8am in the Holy Family Center. Parents and Grandparents are welcome to join us!
St. Mary's Church Christmas Eve Service Program
If you would like your child to participate in the Children's Mass on Christmas Eve, please email Royal Henk at to let him know. Your child must be a St. Mary's parishioner and either attend St. Mary's Catholic School, St. Mary's Religious Education or be active in the Middle School Edge or High School Life Teen.
Fan Cloth
Add to your St. Mary's swag now that basketball season is here! There is another FanCloth order due but we only have 15 of the required 40 item minimum. You can find the link here:
Leadership Gillespie County Class of 2018
St. Mary's hosted a tour and lunch for the Leadership Gillespie County Class of 2018 on Wednesday, December 6. Mr. Mein showcased the technology in the SMS classrooms, which we are fortunate to have thanks to the Mardi Gras Gala donors. We are blessed to have him training our teachers and our students daily.
Did you know this fun fact: Mr. Mein has been the #2 SMART Technology Trainer in the World! (Wow! That's really SMART!)
Amazon Smile
Wrap-up your holiday shopping at
and Amazon donates to St. Mary's Catholic School. Since November, before Cyber Monday, SMS had received $69.07 in only a few months of promoting Amazon Smile.
Stomach virus, flu and germs...oh my!
We are doing our best to minimize the spread of illnesses we are currently experiencing. If your student shows symptoms of illness, please keep them home to help us protect other students and staff and faculty.
FISD Feedback Requested
FISD is beginning the process of hiring a new superintendent. The school board is looking for community feedback and the school board president asked that SMS parents to complete the survey.
This week...
The basketball schedule can be found at