November 27, 2017
Catholic Life Sweepstakes Raffle
Catholic Life Sweepstakes Raffle is going great! We will have an updated total tomorrow after the Thanksgiving weekend.
This is a free fundraiser for our school that raised almost $13,000 last year! Our goal is $15,000 this year.
There are some great new incentives this year so help your child sell tickets to win! The biggest incentive might be to see Coach Loth in a SMS uniform skirt if we reach our stretch goal of $20,000.
Each child is asked to sell just 12 tickets, and we will complete our goal!
Check out the big prizes here:
Every dollar of the raffle sales goes directly back to SMS,
so each raffle ticket sold impacts our school in a big way. Every ticket sold is someone saying, "I'm giving a $5 gift to SMS." If we all participate, our school wins, we keep tuition low, and we improve our school.
Thank you to Tiffany Roeder, chairman, and Delight Weigand, co-chairman, for serving on this committee. If you have any questions, please contact Mignonne at
or call (830) 997-3914.
The Tuesday after Thanksgiving has grown to be a International Day for giving. WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU TO GIVE AGAIN!!! We would love for you to share with others so here are a few ideas to help promote our school.
Post on social media pictures of your cute Catholic School kids in uniform with their Catholic Life Raffle tickets for sale and ask others to be #unselfie and support SMS by buying tickets.n (#unselfie is a hashtag for Giving Tuesday)
Write a quick review on the SMS Facebook page on why your family loves SMS.
If you are a Cyber Monday shopper, don't forget that
gives back
0.5% to the school for every purchase.
Ways we are giving back...Santa Letters
Today begins the second year SMS students are helping a neighboring student pay it forward by writing letters to Santa. Check out how your child is going to be part of a meaningful Make a Wish gift this Christmas season:
. #servicetoneighbors
Light the Night Parade
SMS will have a float for the Light the Night Parade on Friday, December 1 at 6:30pm. This is a fun way for our school to show our Apache Pride to our community. We do have limited space to safely monitor children. There is a sign up sheet HERE
for the first 20 students who sign up. We encourage all others to cheer along the parade route Friday night or consider helping decorate on Float Work Nights which will be on Tuesday, November 28 at 5:30pm and Wednesday, November 29 at 5pm.
If you sign up, please prepare your student to wear school uniform (can layer underneath with same colors as uniform shirt.) All riders must be ready and on float by 5:15pm to be judged at 5:30pm. We are #32 in the line-up to be televised!
Spirit Shirts Due Friday, December 1
Missed out on the earlier opportunity to sport some Apache swag? We've opened spirit shirt orders again, now available with basketball rosters on the back!
Christmas Scrip Order due Monday, December 4
Don't forget to check out the great gifts through our Scrip Program which pays the school up to 5% back or more (Old Navy, Gap, J Crew give 13% back and Lands End gives 16% back if you need uniforms!)
SMS Movie Day
Fritztown Cinema has partnered with St. Mary's for a Movie Day on Thursday, December 7th. Tell a friend, tell your family, tell all of Fredericksburg to go to the movies! Fritztown Cinemas is giving back 20% of the concessions, including pizzas but not alcohol, for any movie the whole day. There are some great children's movies right now like The Star, CoCo, and Wonder. Check out for times.
If your child is absent...
Please help us with our daily attendance by calling the office at (830) 997-3914 if your child is absent. You can leave a message anytime if office is not open or email Susan at
A Look Ahead
December 8 is a Holy Day so the Children's Mass for next week will be on Friday, December 8th instead of Thursday.
The basketball schedule can be found at