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September 25, 2017

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 September 25, 2017

Helping Hands Survey
If you have not yet filled out our Helping Hands Survey for volunteer opportunities at SMS this year, please CLICK HERE. Please let us know how you would like to share your time.

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Thank you, Catholic Daughters
St. Mary's wishes to thank the Catholic Daughters for their generous support of our school through purchasing HEB gift cards for the Hurricane Relief effort. The Catholic Daughters purchased $1,150 of HEB cards for victims of Hurricane Harvey. SMS receives 5% back when gift cards are bought. If you see a member of Catholic Daughters, please thank them for their donation and their dedication to our school.

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Installation of our Pastor
Congratulations to Rev. John Nolan on being formally installed as Pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church by Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller on Sunday.

Thank you for giving big to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort
We appreciate all the generous donations to help our Texas neighbors recover from Hurricane Harvey. Your contributions filled a bus! Our three week collection has ended and supplies were delivered to Catholic Charities today to distribute, including over $1,700 in HEB gift cards!

Homecoming 2017
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A fun tailgate is planned after the Homecoming game to reminisce and recognize the donors who gave to the locker project. Everyone is welcome. Please join us!
There will also be an Alumni/Student 3 point shootout. Look for sign up next week.

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Turkey Dinner Raffle
It's once again time for the St. Mary's Turkey Dinner.  The Raffle Committee members are currently collecting various prizes for the raffle as well as contributions of $100 or more that will go toward the major prize giveaways. It's hard to believe Turkey Dinner is only a month away, so please bring in your donations as soon as possible. We hope to count on your continued support in making this another successful raffle!
If you have any questions, please contact Heather Beyer at 830-456-2427.

Turkey Dinner
SMS is blessed to have a small army make cakes for our annual Turkey Dinner, October 15. We need each and every family to make a cake to make Turkey Dinner a success. The delicious dessert is what makes the meal complete!
PLEASE PLAN ON MAKING A CAKE and delivering to the St. Mary's Holy Family Center on Friday & Saturday, October 13 & 14 between 8am-6pm. YOU WILL NOT BE CALLED THIS YEAR. WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! Un-iced bundt cakes are best for slicing. Please consider a donation in lieu of store bought cakes. Homemade is what makes this event unique. We would like to carry on that tradition.

Prizes Needed for the Turkey Dinner Carnival :
We are in need of the following to be used as prizes at the Carnival
*Candy (no chocolate, please, it melts)
*Clean Stuffed animals
*Treasure box toys
*Kids meal toys
*Party bag toys
*Anything you think can be used as a prize.

There is a box in the school office to drop these items off !
If you have any questions, please call Tiffany Roeder 830-889-9003 !

Presentation on the Family
Deacon Andy Thomas will be presenting a reflection on the family titled, "The Domestic Church in the Modern World," on Thursday, September 28, in the Holy Family Center at 6:30 p.m.
All are invited to attend!

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***There will be no B-Team volleyball game tomorrow (9/26); A-Team will start at 9:00.***

St. Mary's 4-H
Enrollment for the 2017-2018 is now going on! Please go onto the 4H Connect website and re-enroll or enroll as a new member.

Box Tops/Glasses/Can Tabs
St. Mary's is collecting Box Tops for Education (please check expiration dates), lightly used glasses, and aluminum can tabs.  Students should turn these into their homeroom teachers.  We will be collecting them throughout the year.

Homecoming Head's Up
I wanted to send this message out early- Homecoming mums will not be allowed on the St. Mary's campus during the school day leading up to the homecoming dance and football game that weekend.  They may be worn at the homecoming dance for middle school and at the football game Saturday, but will not be allowed during the school day.  Any mums that are dropped off in the office may be picked up after the dismissal bell at 3:15.

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Homecoming Spirit Ribbon
Thank you to Troyce Raleigh Salon and Spa for sponsoring our Homecoming Ribbon. Our cheer squad will be selling these spirit ribbons for $2 that may be worn on campus throughout the day on Friday, October 6. Sales will start tomorrow, Tuesday, September 26. The Cheerleaders will be coming to classrooms to sell ribbons so please send money in your child's agenda if they would like a ribbon. They will also be on sale at the home Volleyball game on Tuesday.

St. Mary's Catholic School
202 S. Orange Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
830 997 3914