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January 22, 2018

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January 22, 2018

Parents Who Pray - This is an opportunity to gather with other parents to pray for our school and our children as well as any special intentions you may have.  Take advantage of our Early Bird drop off for your children and then join us in the Bride's Room of the Holy Family Center at 7:15 a.m. every Tuesday for the remainder of the school year.  We hope this new way to start your Tuesday will be a New Year's resolution you will want keep.

Spirit Day Dress Tuesday, January 23 to cheer on our Apaches to the playoffs!

Mardi Gras Prize Drop Off Party RESCHEDULED
The prize drop off party has been rescheduled for Wednesday, January 24 from 5-8pm for Jambalaya and Cocktails at Fredericksburg Realty. Come and go exclusively for all 2018 Mardi Gras Gala Prize Donors. You can drop off your prize (or cash donation for prizes) at the party, or if you've already delivered your donation, just join us for the fun!

Understanding the Protestant Reformation
By: Deacon Andy Thomas
Presentation One: Thursday, January 18, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Pre-Reformation Backdrop, Introduction to Humanism, Martin Luther's 95 Theses
Presentation Two: Thursday, January 25, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin
Presentation Two: Thursday, February 1, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Henry VIII, The Council of Trent
The 4th Grade Class will be leaders at Mass this week. We welcome families to join us at 8am on Thursday.
REMINDER:  If you come to school late, please sign in your student in the office first before they go to class.

HEB Card Sponsors are needed to promote our 5% back program to boost our school. If you are interested in being a sponsor next month, please contact Mrs. Duecker at (830) 997-3914.

Catholic Schools Week is here! Please read the following bullets to have your child involved in sharing our school with our community. By promoting SMS, you are helping us recruit new families and that could mean money back to you. Check out our referral program:
Registration is now open for 2018-2019.

Is there anything more identifying that we are St. Mary's than our plaid? Please have students wear their school uniform to any mass or other church service this coming weekend (January 27-28) and next weekend (January 3-4) to show our support for Catholic Schools. Students will receive a free dress coupon for each church service they attend in uniform. Not Catholic? That's okay- have your child attend their respective church service in school uniform to qualify too! To qualify, parents must send a signed note to their student's teacher to confirm free dress was earned.

Join us for the parade on Monday at 2:30! The whole school and parish office is in it.
Family Luncheon
We will be sending home RSVP notes with students. Adult meals are $8.

A complete Catholic Schools Week schedule can be found on our website
St. Mary's 4-H News:
We will not have a meeting this month due Stock Shows. Our next meeting will be Monday, February 12th @ 7:00PM in the cafeteria.

St. Mary's Catholic School
202 S. Orange Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
830 997 3914