October 2, 2017
There is lots of information on Homecoming and Turkey Dinner in this eBlast! Please read it to be in the know!
But first...
Don't miss the Catholic Parent Teacher Club meeting this Wednesday, October 4 at 6pm. Child care will be provided by Coach King's 8th graders. Babysitting is free, but they will collect any donations to support their 8th grade service project, benefiting St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.
Students in Pre-K through 3rd grade may bring a stuffed animal to be blessed. No live animals will be allowed in the classroom. Parents are welcome to join with their pets on the field at 2:40. No large livestock animals, please.
Picture Retakes
Picture retakes are this Wednesday (and for first-timers who missed the first run). Notice should have been sent to your child's homeroom teacher if they intended to take retakes. All students, not just those having retakes done, will have free appropriate dress on Wednesday.
It's Homecoming Week! #hoco2k17
Don't miss the Tailgate after the game on Saturday! Check out the 3 point competition for Alumni and Students! We also want to recognize all of our locker donors at the tailgate so please come enjoy!
3 Point Shoot-out - Calling all alumni and current students
If you are interested in participating in our 3-pt shootout, please see the rules/regulations document HERE
The generosity of the Catholic Daughters is incredible. Having just donated over $1,000 to our Hurricane Harvey relief effort, they are now sponsoring not one, but two $500 scholarships for St. Mary's students! Please fill out THIS APPLICATION and submit it to Donna Durst before October 10th.
Don't forget to pack your child a lunch on Friday, October 13. The cafeteria is closed for Turkey Dinner preparation.
Timeline of Events
Turkey Dinner Raffle
It's once again time for the St. Mary's Turkey Dinner. The Raffle Committee members are currently collecting various prizes for the raffle as well as contributions of $100 or more that will go toward the major prize giveaways. It's hard to believe Turkey Dinner is only a month away, so please bring in your donations as soon as possible.
We hope to count on your continued support in making this another successful raffle!
If you have any questions, please contact Heather Beyer at 830-456-2427.
Turkey Dinner
SMS is blessed to have a small army make cakes for our annual Turkey Dinner, October 15. We need each and every family to make a cake to make Turkey Dinner a success. The delicious dessert is what makes the meal complete!
PLEASE PLAN ON MAKING A CAKE. We will be cutting the cakes on Saturday evening so please bring your cake to the St. Mary's Holy Family Center on Friday & Saturday, October 13 & 14 between 8am-6pm. YOU WILL NOT BE CALLED THIS YEAR. WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! Un-iced bundt cakes are best for slicing. Please consider a donation in lieu of store bought cakes. Homemade is what makes this event unique. We would like to carry on that tradition.
All Day Paddles
Prizes Needed for the Turkey Dinner Carnival
We are in need of the following to be used as prizes at the Carnival
*Candy (no chocolate, please, it melts)
*Clean Stuffed animals
*Treasure box toys
*Kids meal toys
*Party bag toys
*Anything you think can be used as a prize.
There is a box in the school office to drop these items off!
If you have any questions, please call Tiffany Roeder
This Week in Sports...
Homecoming Head's Up
Homecoming mums will not be allowed on the St. Mary's campus during the school day leading up to the homecoming dance and football game that weekend. They may be worn at the homecoming dance for middle school and at the football game Saturday, but will not be allowed during the school day. Any mums that are dropped off in the office may be picked up after the dismissal bell at 3:15.
Homecoming Spirit Ribbon
Thank you to Troyce Raleigh Salon and Spa for sponsoring our Homecoming Ribbon. Our cheer squad will be selling these spirit ribbons for $2 that may be worn on campus throughout the day on Friday, October 6. The Cheerleaders will be coming to classrooms to sell ribbons so please send money in your child's agenda if they would like a ribbon. They will also be on sale at the home Volleyball game on Tuesday.