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December 4, 2017

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December 4, 2017

Pre-K / Kinder Christmas Program
The PreK/Kinder Christmas Program will be tomorrow, December 5th at 6:00 in the Holy Family Center!
It may have been incorrectly printed in the bulletin, but it is at 6:00.

Catholic Life Sweepstakes Raffle
In the past two weeks, we have raised $6,065 of our $15,000 goal.
Each child is asked to sell just 12 tickets, and we will complete our goal! Every dollar of the raffle sales goes directly back to SMS.
We do have some all star sellers that are looking for more tickets and all 5,000 tickets we had printed are in circulation. If you have tickets that you do not intend to sell, please return them to the office or homeroom teacher. This is the last week of our push so let's finish strong and meet our goal for our school. If you have any questions, please contact Mignonne at or call (830) 997-3914.
Last week, the winning class was Mrs. Itz's 6th grade and they get a picnic in the park with Mr. Mein. We will give out prizes for this week after mass on Friday.

Ways we are giving back...Santa Letters
All Santa letters in support of our Macy's Believe Campaign are due today. This was the second year SMS students helped a neighboring student pay it forward by writing letters to Santa. Check out how your child has been a part of a meaningful Make a Wish gift this Christmas season: . #servicetoneighbors

Light the Night Parade
Thank you for making our school float a success. We had some amazing parent volunteers that created a special float for our students to represent St. Mary's on in the Chamber of Commerce parade. Check out the live video here:

Teacher Gift Baskets
This is such a wonderful time of year and a time to reflect on the people who help our children be the best they can be.  It is our tradition for the teacher appreciation committee to put together gift baskets for the teachers.  We would appreciate if each family bring cookies, candy, pastries, lotto tickets, etc.  If you do bring baked goods please individually wrap them.  Please drop your goodies off at the St. Mary's School cafeteria on Wednesday, December 13th.  We will make the baskets around 8:00 am.  You may drop off candy and things that are not baked goods starting this week. Please leave items in the front office.  I know this may be a lot to ask at this very busy time of year but our teachers deserve to be shown the utmost gratitude.  

SMS Movie Day
Fritztown Cinema has partnered with St. Mary's for a Movie Day on Thursday, December 7th. Tell a friend, tell your family, tell all of Fredericksburg to go to the movies! Fritztown Cinemas is giving back 20% of the concessions, including pizzas but not alcohol, for any movie the whole day. There are some great children's movies right now like The Star, CoCo, and Wonder. Check out for times.

Fan Cloth
Add to your St. Mary's swag now that basketball season is here! There is another FanCloth order due on Friday, December 8. You can find the link here:

Immaculate Conception Holy Day
December 8 is a Holy Day so the Children's Mass will be on Friday, December 8th instead of Thursday. Please have your student wear Mass day uniform on Friday.

This week in sports
The basketball schedule can be found at

St. Mary's Catholic School
202 S. Orange Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
830 997 3914