January 2, 2018
Happy New Year!
As we begin a new year, we want to thank you for sending your student to SMS. Here is a look back at the highlights of the fall semester.
Fan Cloth
Add to your St. Mary's swag now that basketball season is here! There is another FanCloth order due but we only have 15 of the required 40 item minimum. You can find the link here:
Parents Who Pray
We are excited to announce a new opportunity for our parents! January 9, 2018 will be the first official gathering of Parents Who Pray. This is an opportunity to gather with other parents to pray for our school and our children. Take advantage of our Early Bird drop off for your children and then join us in the Bride's Room of the Holy Family Center at 7:15 a.m. every Tuesday for the remainder of the school year. We hope this new way to start your Tuesday will be a New Year's resolution you will want keep
Early Release
There is an Early Release on Friday, January 5 at noon. There will be Extended Day Care. It is free appropriate dress for all students.
Hope for the Future Scholarship Assistance
Please remember that we have a referral program for our families to receive a $500 credit and the family you are referring receives a $500 credit also. If you know of a family interested in SMS, please let them know to apply for Hope funds beginning January 2 for next school year. If you are interested in details of the referral program, you can read more at
Spirit Magazine
You should have received your copy of Spirit Magazine in your mailbox. If you did not, please email
to get one. Also, there was an error in printing so if your copy has mixed up pages, please let us know so we can get you a good copy.
Apache Week Ahead in Sports
Catholic Schools Week
#CSW18 is almost here! You will receive a Catholic Schools Week schedule in the next eBlast but we need your help now to tell others about SMS. Answer this one question via email (
) and be entered in a drawing for a SMS Spirit Shirt.
We will need volunteers for the parade on Monday, January 29, the family luncheon on Thursday, February 1 and the Book Fair all that week. If you are interested in helping, please email Mignonne at mfrantzen@stmarysmail.com.