St. Mary's Week Ahead


for St. Mary's Families and Friends

January 12, 2024


St. Mary's Catholic School 2024-2025 Registration

Begins for New and Current Families

Tuesday, January 16!

All current families must register by March 17 to hold your spot for next year. All new families are welcome to begin registering! All registration information will be updated by Tuesday, January 16.

Click here for registration information!

Congratulations to our St. Mary's Future McT Scholars!

Ilan Alexander, KaraLee Ray, Thomas Lancaster, Harper Brabner, Gary Morrow, Mari Evelyn Warner, Casten Padgett, Avery Hathorne and Sophie Hewitt (not pictured) were invited to a McGill Toolen Future Scholars dinner.

These students are in the top 25% of 7th grade students in all Catholic schools based on academic achievement.


Saturday, January 13

Mass: 4 p.m. Mass at St. Joan of Arc, celebrated by Father Vrazel

Sunday, January 14

6 a.m. celebrated by Father Vrazel

8:30 a.m. at St. Joan of Arc celebrated by Father Vrazel

9:30 a.m. celebrated by Father Vrazel with *Children's Liturgy

11:30 a.m. celebrated by Father Vrazel

*Children's Liturgy: During the liturgy readings and homily at 9:30 a.m. Mass, children ages 4 through 8 are invited to the Chapel to listen to the readings in a more understandable way. Volunteers read to the children followed by an activity related to the reading. Thank you to our Children's Liturgy Coordinator, Colleen Gould!

St. Mary’s High School Youth Group: 12:30 p.m: Takes place each Sunday following the 11:30 a.m. Mass in the St. Mary Youth House, Join fellow high school students for games, pizza and fellowship. Boys and Girls will break out into separate focus groups at 1:30 p.m. with girls led by Elisabeth Raftery and boys led by Father Vrazel. 

Holy Land Gifts at St. Mary's Parish on January14

Holy Land Gifts will be visiting our Parish on January 14 to sell their olive wood gifts to help relieve the dire Christian situation in the Holy Land. These beautiful olive wood carvings are made in home workshops by Catholic families in the Holy Land who rely on their sales to pilgrims and tourists as their main source of income.

Recent hostilities have curtailed tourism to the Holy Land, resulting in 70% unemployment in these traditional olive wood workshops. 

The Catholics of the Holy Land ask for the support of your prayers and the purchase of these handcrafted artworks. Proceeds from sales generate much-needed employment opportunities and monetary funds for 600 Catholic families in Bethlehem. Please consider these Gifts for your family, friends, and yourself!

Monday, January 15

No Mass

School and Parish Offices closed in observance

of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Tuesday, January 16

St. Mary's Catholic School 2024-2025 Registration begins for new and existing families! All current families must register by March 17 to hold your spot for next year. All new families are welcome to begin registering! All registration information will be updated by Tuesday, January 16. Click here for registration information!

Mass: 6 a.m.

Adoration and Confessions: 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in St. Mary's Church

Wednesday, January 17

Mass: 6 a.m.

Adult Choir Practice, 5:30 p.m. in the church. If you are interested in the singing with the choir, please contact our Music Director, 

Dr. Collin Lowery at

Thursday, January 18

Mass: 6 a.m. 

Adoration and Confessions: 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in St. Mary's Church

RCIA, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Sisters of Mercy Building

Friday, January 19

Mass: 6 a.m.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Chapel

If you would to sign up for an hour with Our Lord in the chapel, please contact Laurel Wallace at or (251) 432-8678



St. Mary’s Steak Out Cooking competition is Saturday, April 27th!

Team registration is now open! Click here to sign up your winning team!

Spring Soccer Registration!

St. Mary’s Spring Soccer registration is in progress!

Click here for registration information

Please Submit Your 2024 

Stewardship Pledge  

Please prayerfully consider your pledge for the 2024 Year.

Father Vrazel also invites all to consider an increase 

in your annual pledge as Stewardship Dollars, 

also known as Tithing, 

Provide for the Operational Funding 

of St. Mary's Parish. 

Our budget for the 2024 Year 

is based on Stewardship Pledges.

Pledges can be made online at the link below, or

through the Stewardship Pledge Envelope that was

mailed to all parishioners. Pledge envelopes can be mailed

in or dropped off at the parish office at 106 Providence Street,

or placed in the Sunday Collection Basket this weekend

(envelopes are at vestibules). 

You may also call in or email your pledge by contacting

the parish development office at

or (251) 432-8678. 

Click here to make your pledge online 

and view our State of The Parish Update prepared by 

St. Mary's Finance Council. 

Stewardship Reminders

Tithing - Start with 5%

Prioritize tithing in your budget

Set up a regular contribution

Grow your tithe over time

Remember to volunteer 

your Time and Talen

Click here for a list of opportunities under Ministries


Sunday, January 21

Blessing of St. Anne Statue in Memory of Christopher Roberts, Jr.

following 9:30 a.m. Mass

Please join us for the blessing of our new statue of St. Anne, the Mother of our Blessed Mother Mary, on Sunday, January 21 following the 9:30 a.m. Mass. The statue is named in loving memory of St. Mary's Class of 2022 alumnus, Christopher Merrill Roberts, Jr. as a gift to the school from St. Mary's Catholic School Class of 2022. The statue depicting St. Anne with young St. Mary is under The Ollis Pavilion overlooking Thompson Field where St. Mary's students play during the school day.

Wednesday, January 24

St. Mary's Marriage Marriage Night! Marriage Lessons from The Saints!

6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

$30 suggested donation per couple, includes dinner, program, and dessert. Please bring a bottle of wine to share! Childcare is free with reservations. Please contact Laurel Wallace at or (251) 380-8772 to RSVP.

Celebrating Alumni!

Friday, February 2, 10 a.m. under The Ollis Pavilion!

Join us for an awards ceremony on Friday, February 2 under St. Mary's Ollis Pavilion where we will recognize this year's NCEA Outstanding Catholic School Graduate from St. Mary's, our Outstanding Catholic School Graduate, and our Outstanding Business Partner! Light refreshments follow the awards ceremony. All visitors must check in at the school office

January 28 - February 3

Catholic Schools Week!

Wednesday, January 31

Preschool Mardi Gras Parade! 1:30 p.m. under The Ollis Pavilion!

Friday, Saturday, February 3

Women's Rosary Group, 8:30 a.m. in Chapel

The WOSM Rosary Group meets twice each month in the Chapel, on the 1st

Saturday at 8:30am This group is led by Alexis Talbott.

Wednesday, February 7

50 Plus Valentine’s Day Luncheon 

Sponsored by St. Mary’s 8th Grade, 12 Noon

Wednesday, February 14

Ash Wednesday, Lent Begins

Ashes distributed at 6 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. Masses, and at 5:30 p.m.

Vespers (not a Mass)

Lenten schedule to be announced to include a Lenten Mission, Masses and Services, and Fish Fry Fridays. Please visit for details. 

Wednesday, March 13

St. Mary's Marriage Marriage Night!

$30 suggested donation per couple, includes dinner, program, and dessert. Please bring a bottle of wine to share! Childcare is free with reservations. Please contact Laurel Wallace at or (251) 380-8772 to RSVP.

Thursday, March 14

"The Thirty-Three Little Pigs," presented by 2nd-5th grade volunteers. 

Performance at 1:30PM - everyone's invited! $1 donation encouraged.

Performance at 6:30PM - everyone's invited! Admission fees at the door.

Tuesday, March 19

St. Joseph's Altar & Pasta Dinner

5:30 p.m. in the St. Mary Gym

Join us for a pasta dinner and traditional St. Joseph's Altar!


Sunday, March 24

Palm Sunday

Masses: 6 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

Thursday, March 28

Holy Thursday

Mass of the Lord's Supper: 7 p.m.

Friday, March 29

Good Friday

Passion Liturgy: 3 p.m.

Stations of The Cross: 3 p.m.

Tenebrae: 7 p.m.

Saturday, March 30

Holy Saturday

Tenebrae: 9 a.m.

Confessions: 3 p.m.

Easter Vigil Mass: 8 p.m.

Sunday, March 31

Easter Sunday

Masses: 6 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt: 10:30 a.m.

Thursday, April 18

"James and the Giant Peach," presented by 6th-8th grade volunteers. 

Performance at 1:30PM - everyone's invited! $1 donation encouraged.

Performance at 6:30PM - everyone's invited! Admission fees at the door.

Sunday, April 21 - Saturday, April 27

Steak Out Week!

Spring Swing Pickle Ball Tournament: Sunday, April 21 under the

St. Mary Ollis Pavilion

Mix & Mingle (Ladies Cocktail Competition): Thursday, April 25, Location TBA

Kids Play Day (Free Family Fest): Saturday, April 27 at McGill-Toolen Field

Steak Out (Steak Cooking Competition and Tasting): Saturday, April 27 on the St. Mary School Campus.

Wednesday, May 1

St. Mary's Marriage Marriage Night!

$30 suggested donation per couple, includes dinner, program, and dessert. Please bring a bottle of wine to share! Childcare is free with reservations. Please contact Laurel Wallace at or (251) 380-8772 to RSVP.


Join us for Mass!

Saturday: 4 p.m. at St. Joan of Arc

Sunday: 6 a.m., 9:30 a.m., and 11:30 a.m.

8:30 a.m. at St. Joan of Arc

Mondays: No Mass

Tuesdays: 6 a.m.

Wednesdays: 6 a.m.

Thursdays: 6 a.m.

Fridays: 6 a.m. and *7:15 First Friday Mass

*during school year only


At St. Mary's:

Tuesdays and Thursdays: 5 to 6 p.m. with Holy Hour

Appointments for Confession: For appointment, please call (251) 432-8678 to schedule

Adoration in Chapel: 

Fridays year-round from

6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

If you would to sign up for an hour with Our Lord in the chapel, please contact Laurel Wallace at (251) 432-8678

If you are in need of the Sacrament of 

The Anointing of The Sick

If you or a loved one is in need of a priest for anointing, please contact the parish office as soon as possible to request it. The parish office number is (251) 432-8678.


If you have a Family Member of Loved One that is homebound or hospitalized and would like to receive Holy Communion, please notify the parish office at (251) 432-8678

Women of St. Mary Mom's Prayer Group

8:30 a.m. Takes place on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Sisters of Mercy Building.

This group will be led by Rachel Rossi.

Women of St. Mary Rosary Group,

Meets once a month in the chapel at 8:30 a.m. on the 1st Saturday at 8:30 a.m. This group will be led by Alexis Talbott.

OCIA (formerly RCIA), each Thursday from 7 to 8 p.m. from September through Easter. Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is for any adult interested in learning more about the Roman Catholic Church and Her teachings. One does not need to commit to becoming Catholic to study the faith in RCIA, though most choose to do so after learning Her Teachings and Her Traditions.

In the OCIA program, adults are prepared for Baptism or full initiation into the Roman Catholic Church. It involves several stages, each intended to assist one in knowing the truth of the Roman Catholic Faith and the practices of her Faithful. OCIA Instructors are Father Vrazel and Joe Arensberg.


Children's Liturgy during the 9:30 a.m. Mass. 

During the liturgy readings and the homily, children ages 4 through 8 are invited to the Chapel to listen to the readings in a more understandable way. Volunteers read to the children followed by an activity related to the reading. Thank you to our Children's Liturgy Coordinator, Colleen Gould! 

CCD Takes place each week after 9:30 a.m. Mass. CCD is required for all Catholic students who do not attend Catholic School in grades K through 8. For more information, contact CCD Director, Steve Dolan at or click this link to register online. 

St. Mary’s High School Youth Group: 12:30 p.m: Takes place each Sunday following the 11:30 a.m. Mass in the St. Mary Youth House, Join fellow high school students for games, pizza and fellowship. Boys and Girls will break out into separate focus groups at 1:30 p.m. with girls led by Elisabeth Raftery and boys led by Father Vrazel.  

For more information on all St. Mary Parish programs 

for both St. Mary's Catholic Church and

St. Mary's Catholic School, visit or contact the parish office at (251) 432-8678 or the school office at (251) 433-9904. 



Rev. Stephen G. Vrazel

Permanent Deacon

Deacon Mark Thompson


Pastoral Assistant

Laurel Wallace

Director of Development: Marcelle Naman

Music Director:

Dr. Collin Lowery,

St. Mary's Catholic School Principal

Corinne Cuffle

Assistant Principal

 Kortnee Acton,

Early Child Development Center Director:

Mary Lou Ankersen,

CCD Director: Steve Dolan,

Youth Ministry: Please contact Pastoral Assistant, Laurel Wallace for Youth Ministry Information at

Website and Sunday Bulletin Editor:

Lindsey Binion

PTO Committee:

Emily Demouey,

Sports Booster Club

Luke Dyas and Nicole Orso,

For a complete listing of all St. Mary Staff and programs for our church and school, visit

Online Stewardship Giving

Please click here to make one time or recurring donations. 

May God bless you for your

continued support!

You can also mail in your weekly

donation to 

St. Mary's Parish, 106 Providence Street, Mobile, AL 36604, 

attention: Stewardship Tithe

St. Mary's Catholic School invites you to Explore the Opportunities!

St. Mary Catholic School educates children

from 6 weeks to 8th grade.

Our Early Child Development Center (Early C)

is for children

6 weeks to preschool readiness.

Our elementary and middle school programs include 

PreK3 - 8th Grade.

Contact the School Office at (251) 433-9904

for more information or a personal visit at any time! 

Click Here to Explore St. Mary's!

For more information on all St. Mary's Parish programs

for both St. Mary Catholic Church and St. Mary's Catholic School, visit