Saint Mary's Episcopal Church

Hampton Bays, NY


October 17, 2024


Birthday's Celebrated

We wanted to take a moment to celebrate two fabulous individuals who recently added another candle to their birthday cakes—Linda Slovensky and Kathy Luce! We hope their special days were filled with joy, laughter, and perhaps a slice (or two) of delicious cake! May this year bring them cherished memories, and all the happiness they deserve!


We would like to inform everyone that there will be no Saturday evening service this week October 19, 2024, as we gather to celebrate the significant occasion of Bishop Provenzano Instituting Father Justin's as St. Mary's 6th Rector. We encourage everyone to join us for the celebration on Saturday. We will continue our Sunday service as normal. Saturday evening services will resume as scheduled next week. Thank you for your understanding and we are excited for a wonderful weekend ahead!


Consecration of our Outdoor Chapel!

From our Rector

An invitation to Parish Development, Stewardship and Growth!

Light- Life- Love through Christ

You are invited to join us in a church growth and stewardship program. Over the last few months, we have been blessed with some new people participating and joining us in worship. This is a sign of new life to our beloved congregation joining in new people with our already committed parishioners in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our local community. With our new Service on Saturday nights, some who are not always able to be with us on Sunday mornings are able to worship and be a part of our Faith Community. We have young people, younger adults, middle age, and senior members who make our church a powerful force for the future.

Our vestry has decided to build on all the strengths of St. Mary’s and make a concerted effort to expand our congregation and its ministry through a program of Congregational Renewal. We have brought in a Consultant, Peter Saros who has had a history in St. Mary’s Parish and is a professional Stewardship and Church Growth Consultant to collaborate with us in this process. It is our hope to involve as many members as possible of the church in this effort. This process will involve our members in helping to determine the future of our great ministry. Your involvement would be such a blessing to the church!

To help make it easy for people to learn about this opportunity you are invited to two weekday evening events. The event will start at 6:30 and end no later than 8:30 pm on Wednesday, October 23rd and Thursday, November 6th. Each event will begin with a light supper and a presentation, as well as our famous fellowship. We plan for children to have an activity after dinner, so the parents are fully able to participate. Remember, we will not keep you late. If you need a ride, let us know and we will see how we can help you.

This program will replace our normal Stewardship Program, which will be a part of this ministry. We have a great congregation of committed people and are at the beginning of our growth stage, with your help we can secure the future of St. Mary’s in this post Covid time. Many congregations have experienced difficult times, not only during the pandemic, but since. We are strongly on the positive side of this and wish to continue in being a strong “Sign of the Kingdom of God.”

This Renewal program is being directed by the talented and experienced leadership our Stewardship/Finance Committee: Russell Rose, Janet Hanks, and Kevin Sullivan.

Please take some time out and join us in on how to strengthen our church and expand our great ministry in the footsteps of Jesus our Lord.

Yours in Christ,

Father Justin 


All Saints' Day:

November 1, 2024,

Morning Prayer at 9:00am

All Souls Day, Mass of Remembrance:

November 2, 2024, at 9:00am

All Saints' Sunday:

(Celebrated at both weekend Services)

Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 5:30pm

Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 10:00am

Mark your Calendars!



Christmas Fair Donations

We are collecting items for the fair. Donations of new or gently used Christmas themed items, decorations and ornaments, glassware, chine, handmade items, etc. are accepted!

Also, needed are items for themed Hostess Baskets and Raffle Baskets. Some examples: Bottles of wine, crackers, Christmas mugs, coffee and tea, hot chocolate, candy, spa, tea towels, candles, bird seed, pet items, golf/man cave, kid’s games, etc.

Please call Parish Office for any questions!



Toilet paper, paper towels, shampoo/ conditioner, body wash, deodorant, cleaning wipes, toothpaste, floss, toothbrushes (adult and child), feminine hygiene products, laundry detergent, personal soap bars, hand sanitizer, and more!

Get Involved!

Daughters of the King

Meetings will now take place

the first TUESDAY of every month

from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM in the Fireside Room.

Book study: Fierce Women of the Bible who Changed the World by Jennifer Cowart.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Monthly meetings will take place the fourth Tuesday of every month

At 5:30pm in the Parish Hall

Next meeting:

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 

2024 Ministry for Women Overnight Conference

November 15-16, 2024, at the Holiday Inn Express Stony Brook.

3131Nesconset Highway, Centereach, NY 11779

About Ministry For Women: We are a group of Christian women who want a closer walk with Christ. Our conference is an opportunity for teaching, reflecting, sharing, praise, and worship to grow our faith. This unique environment is a safe place we can love, laugh, pray and spend time with fellow Christian women.


For anyone who may be interested in attending this year’s conference, please contact Betty Sparrow

Room Rentals

Looking for the perfect space to host your next event? Look no further! We offer flexible room rentals ideal for a variety of occasions, whether it's a one-time event or a recurring meeting. Our versatile spaces are perfect for meetings, clubs, organizations, and more!


Stay up to date with all Services, events, and more at:

St. Mary's Calendar and Events

Community Engagement

Online Giving through Amplify

For anyone that may be interested, below is the link to our online giving and stewardship option. Your willingness to contribute online is greatly appreciated and we are truly grateful for your support. Your generosity helps us continue our mission and make a positive impact in the community. Thank you and God bless!

Click here: Online Giving Link

Parish Prayer List

Lord Christ,

Bless all whose lives are closely linked with ours, including those serving in our military especially Robert, Brandon, Greg, James, Matthew, Lisa, Chris, Zachary, and Jonathan and for all veterans.


Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit, especially those suffering from the war in the Middle East, the people of Ukraine and those on St. Mary’s prayer list: Teddy, Trish N., Deborah, Jesse, Beverly, Don, Nancy, Pat, Winnefred, Craig, Giacomo, Jackie, Priscilla, Ron, Joe C, Keri, Patricia, Mark & Susan, Ron & Bonnie, Nancy, Tom & Christine, Bob, Kenzie, Peg, Sandy, Joseph, Bob, Jean, Joyce O., Annie, Betty & Freddy, Harper S, Carol B, Michelle, John H., Jr., and Sherry L.


We ask this in your most Holy Name. Amen.

We are excited that you have subscribed to our email community! Throughout the year we will be sending you updates of parish ministries and events!

Keep In Touch!

Parish Office: 631-728-0776

Office Hours:

Monday -Thursday 11am to 3pm

*Office will be closed on Holidays*



Facebook: Saint Mary's HB

Instagram: Saint Mary's HB Instagram

Saint Mary's HB Church App: Download phone app for Saint Mary's Hampton Bays from MinistryOne

Service Times

Sunday: Holy Eucharist at 9am

Saturday Vigil: Holy Eucharist at 5:30pm

Wednesday: Healing Eucharist with Anointing at 9am

*Holy Days as Announced

If you have any news or announcements to share please contact Ana and Karen Lucas!

You can reach us at:

Ana: or 631-728-0776
