Staying Connected as a Faith Community
Thursday, June 3, 2021
CLICK HERE to view the June Happenings
Regathering as One Body of Christ

Volunteer Opportunity

In-person services will resume at St. Mary's on June 20th @ 9am on the Church Street lawn. The service will also be livestreamed at 9am on our YouTube channel.

We are seeking to create a list of volunteers who are willing to take on various tasks this summer. Please consider helping to create a safe and welcoming environment for out in-person worship.

Once a list of names is created we will look over the summer dates and match availability.

Thank You!

Mechelle Olórtegui, Senior Warden
Sarah Tierinni, Junior Warden
Will you be able to help with any of the following tasks this summer for worship?
Set up of worship space @ approximately 8:00am
Break down of worship space
Greeter (welcome table / registration table oversight)
Usher (help assist parishioners with chairs or navigating space)
*NEW* Outreach Opportunity
As we begin to regather for in-person worship let us focus less on ourselves and more on the needs of the wider community. St. Mary's is partnering with Gentle Love Diaper Pantry based here in Manchester for two separate initiatives over the next 2 months.
Gentle Love Diaper Panty is a youth-led nonprofit organization that was started in June of 2020 by a group of Manchester High School students to address a wrongfully overlooked injustice- unequal access to diapers. The mission of Gentle Love Diaper Pantry is to showcase the heart of the community by connecting families who face economic barriers with diapers.
To read more about the pantry's great work CLICK HERE

Community Collection in the church parking lot June 15th 4-6pm
St. Mary’s Diaper Drive
Gentle Love Diaper Pantry
June 20th – July 11th
Each week bring your donations of diapers, pullups, overnight diapers, etc to the 9AM service and help us to reach our goal of 2,000 diapers for the community!
Pride Month Prayer

June presents us a perfect opportunity to learn about sexuality and gender and how it relates to our faith. Each year in June, around the globe, we celebrate Pride month. Support of LGBTQIA persons and families began in the 1970’s from a place of struggle against persecution and oppression. Today, we widely embrace the wonderful diversity of humanity. We stand up for our belief as Christians that “love is love” and all persons are beloved of God. 
-Rev Ann

Here is a prayer from DignityUSA:

God, You are the Creator and Lover of all. You wish us to live in solidarity
with each other and to rejoice in our diversity.
We pray that all Your lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex
and straight children may experience justice, enjoy peace and spread Your love throughout the world.
We pray in the name of God, who
welcomes all to a holy circle of
friendship. Amen.
Friday Fellowship

Join Rev. Ann from 1-2pm on Fridays to chat! Don't forget a chair and mask! For parking convenience we will meet on the grassy area next to the parking lot. Hope to see you there!

For those not comfortable gathering in person you can join on Zoom
Dial +1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 873 0224 9184
Password: 958202
Camp Washington Scholarship Available

St. Mary's is offering a partial camp scholarships for children and teens who are interested in attending Camp Washington this summer. CLICK HERE to read about the program offered by the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. CLICK HERE to access the form. Please return the completed form to the office by June 7th for review at the finance committee meeting.
ZOOM Worship

The next two Sundays will culminate our joint Zoom worship with our friends from Concordia. Please try to make it to the June 13th service to share our collective gratitude for the fellowship that we have shared over the past 15 months!
Zoom Worship

June 6th @ 10AM

CLICK HERE for the bulletin
Join Zoom Meeting
1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 823 2447 0555
Password: 0000

@ 7:30pm

Monday: Karen A
Wednesday: Andrea
Friday: Sharon

This short service from The Book of Common Prayer can be found in the BCP on page 127 or you may access the prayer book online at

Join Zoom Meeting
1 929 205 6099 

Meeting ID: 856 0827 5573
Passcode: 555650
YouTube Worship
@ 7:30AM or later

CLICK HERE for the bulletin

As we approach regathering in-person date the tech team is experimenting with 'going live' so that we will be ready to livestream the 9am service outside on June 20th
Communion Cups
@ 8:45-9:15AM

Note: weather dependent; notification of cancellation will occur via email by 6pm on Saturday evening

Please follow the signage and after receiving the blessed sacrament drive around the office building, park, pray and consume the Holy Eucharist. Then upon exiting the lot dispose of the communion wrappings in the bin. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Prayer For Our Community
Loving God, you fill all things with a fullness and hope that we can never comprehend. Thank you for leading us into a time where more of reality is being unveiled for us all to see. We pray that you will take away our natural temptation for cynicism, denial, fear and despair. Help us have the courage to awaken to greater truth, greater humility, and greater care for one another. May we place our hope in what matters and what lasts, trusting in your eternal presence and love. Listen to our hearts’ longings for the healing of our suffering world. Please add your own intentions . . . Knowing, good God, you are hearing us better than we are speaking, we offer these prayers in all the holy names of God. Amen.
CT's COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Available to those 12+

CLICK HERE to access the sites that are available by walking-up (no appointment necessary)
State of Connecticut
CLICK HERE to access the website with current vaccine information

CT's Vaccine Administration Managment System (VAMS)
CLICK HERE to enter to create a profile and find a time slot

Connecticut’s Vaccine Appointment Assist Line
UCONN Health Center
CLICK HERE to visit the website

Hartford Healthcare
CLICK HERE to visit the website

Yale New Haven Health
CLICK HERE to visit the website

CLICK HERE to visit the website

CLICK HERE to visit the website
Self-Stewardship: The Practice of Cultivating Your Gifts and Living a Life of Meaning

My work is dedicated to spreading the view of organizations and communities as dynamic living systems. With this view, our role is to be stewards, creating the fertile conditions for life to thrive within and around them. But what does that mean for our own lives, as individuals? How would you steward yourself and your gifts if you believed wholeheartedly in the preciousness of your own aliveness? What if you were committed to the practice of your own thrivability?
These are not frivolous, self-indulgent questions. Our times call — with great urgency — for ALL of us to contribute our gifts with everything we’ve got, even when we have been raised and schooled to hide them away or offer them only partially, fearing them to be inadequate, fearing that the “market” won’t value them. In place of the market, we need to become a community, seeing and welcoming each other’s gifts and supporting the courage it takes to share and cultivate them in the public eye.
From my work with people in organizations and from my own experience cultivating my gifts and trying to live a life of meaning, these are the practices that seem to be at the heart of self-stewardship:
1. Be confident: This isn’t about being egotistical or boastful. The roots of the word “confident” are “with faith.” This is about harboring deep faith that you have gifts and potential to contribute to life. Anyone who has children can tell you that they “show up” with inexplicable inborn gifts. You, too, carry such gifts. And those gifts are yours to share with the rest of life. You are valuable. There is no denying that.
2. Be curious: Like seeds planted within you at birth, your gifts call out to be continuously cultivated. And the only way to cultivate them is to share them, in a spirit of gentle, compassionate curiosity. This is the satisfying, lifelong work of mastering your craft. To be alive is to be learning. As orchestra conductor Benjamin Zander says, there is no such thing as failure; only feedback. And the only appropriate response to any outcome is: “How fascinating!” Life’s journey is a search for ways to make your gift an ever more authentic expression of who you are.
3. Be competent: Life’s journey is equally a search for ways to make your gift ever more meaningful for those who willingly receive it. In all your curious learning, then, the constant goal is the highest level of competence. The word origin here is “to be fit, proper, suitable.” This calls for a continuous effort to bring new levels of thoughtfulness and care to your offering, as if for your beloved. It asks what role your gift plays in the unfolding story of the people and places it serves, including the larger context it exists within.
4. Be committed: To paraphrase Spiderman’s father: “With great gifts comes great responsibility.” It is up to you to do whatever it takes to make your gifts visible and available to the world. Get out there and shine! At the same time, needing others to accept the offering changes it from gift to gimmick. A truly generous gift comes from a place of expressing your joy, not seeking it from others.
5. Be courageous: All of this takes courage. The etymology here reminds us to listen to the wisdom of the heart, with its ability to sense what is truly needed. Find people, practices and places that renew and strengthen both your discernment and your determination. Whether it’s a spiritual practice, an expressive physical practice, a reflective community, or simply a walk in the woods, find sources of en-courage-ment.
As I wrote all this, I kept returning to a memory of my daughter at her preschool on her fourth birthday. She wore a special swirly dress for the occasion. Moving with uncommon care, she handed out cupcakes one at a time to her classmates, who sat along a low wall in the yard of the school, each eagerly waiting for her to bestow upon them a precious cupcake. To me, it looked like she felt a mix of pride, generosity and solemn responsibility.
As you deepen in your practice of self-stewardship and commit to contributing your gifts wholeheartedly, what I wish for you is that you always feel like you’re wearing your personal equivalent of a special swirly dress and that you have CUPCAKES to share! Who doesn’t love cupcakes? :-)
[With gratitude to Regenesis Group and to Bhaskar Goswami and the pioneers of daana for bringing these practices to my awareness so beautifully.]
Michelle Holliday
Maven, Guide, Strategist, Speaker. Author of The Age of Thrivability: Vital Perspectives & Practices for a Better World.
Neighborhood Clean Up
The East Side Neighborhood Block Watch will hold their annual Spring East Side Pride clean-up on Saturday June 5. Meet at the former firehouse at 153 Spruce St at 9:00am. Free t-shirts while supplies last & pizza party to follow. Rain date: Sat June 12; For more information call Leslie at 860-212-6000.

The Market at 1115 Main-Hosted by The Firestone Art Studio & Cafe
Downtown Manchester on June 12th from 10am-4pm. Come browse and shop from a variety of local, independent, handmade, artisinal goods.
To make a 2021 pledge to St. Mary's CLICK HERE for the form
Virtual Prayers of the People
Please take a moment to lift these names up in your prayers. Contact Rev. Ann if you would like to add a loved one.

If a need has been fullfilled please notify Rev. Ann so names can be removed from the prayer list
Mary Rolfe
Lynette Wilson
Beth Lavalette
Jenn Reguin
Margaret Burke
Bernie VonHone
Matt Briggs
Lea Dubiel
Mechelle Olórtegui
Thea Michailides
Carolyn Stone
Deborah Kocsis
Alexander Tovar Olórtegui
Sylvia Rogers
Carlson Rogers
Torshia Anderson
Carlson Rogers, Jr
Llonia Jackson and family
Kelvin Rogers
Michelle Legister
Talitha Coggins
Aleesha Rogers
Walker-Young Family: Carmen, Courtnee, Emory, Morgan and Chelsea, Emrys and Erymi, 
Meg Wagner
Karen Armogida
Sharon and Cornelius
Dick Falcone
Linda and Michael
Kiki Eglinton
Dean Fedorchak
Summer M.
Arlyne Alexander
Joseph Bennett
Mary Barber
Stella Rose, Jess, Bill & Elsa
Amber Mallett
Rita and Joe Faucher
Linda Brown & Family
Cory, Tom
Vickie Glorioso
Jack Cianfaglione
Penny, Tim and Jess
Michelle P.
Raymond Zerio
Ann Pean
Linda Grapes
Lynda Jones
Bob Taylor
Ruth Clement
Dotti Canon
Eleanor Hunte 
Jean Cabana
Kathy Anderson
Bob Reault (pronounced “row”)
Jeanette Waytashak
Murial Ritchie
Michelle Darrell
Gloria Edwards
Paul Pedersen
Fred Winzler
Gail Wolcott
Dolores Jones
Victor Binks
Helen Sisco
Dorothy White
Asher Lane
Pam & Parm Sharma
Bill Abetz
Elsie Urgo
Glenn Griswold
Charles Barrera
Andy Taylor
Gary Brown
Thelma Bouley
Charles Fuller
Mary Barber

For comfort for their families and for all who mourn

Also, For
St. Mary’s Re-Opening Task Force

Thanksgiving for
Our Wardens, Officers & Vestry leadership
Darriun Bedell, Kuwait