Healing Eucharist Wed at 10:30 a.m.

followed by

Walking with the Word Bible Study

Wed at 11:30 a.m.


Church office hours:

Monday - Thursday

10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Closed Fridays

From this Sunday's readings:

Lift up your heads, O gates: lift them high, O everlasting doors,

and the King of glory shall come in. 

Psalm 24:7

February 2, 2025 - In This Issue

  • Annual Meeting Info--links to committee reports and vestry candidate info
  • Rector's Corner: Big Weekend at St. Matt's!
  • The Chosen, Season 4!
  • ECW: English Tea!
  • Outreach Needs for February
  • Men's Trivia, Lunch Bunch, Restaurant Foyers
  • Youth Group: Bible Studies, Happening and New Beginnings Links.
  • Save the dates

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Presentation of Jesus at the Temple

Annual Parish Meeting

in the parish hall

8:30 a.m. Attendee Sign In

w/Donuts and Coffee

9:00 a.m. Meeting

Nursery and Activities for Children

in the education wing during meeting

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II

with Candlemas Procession**

(begins in the courtyard)

Service Bulletin

Announcement Insert

View the service on FB


View the service on YouTube

**Nursery available for young children

Feature Photo of the Week:

This Sunday, February 2!

St. Matthew's Annual Parish Meeting will be held this Sunday, with sign in beginning at 8:30 a.m.

and ONE service at 10:00 a.m.

Please see full information in this issue

of the St. Matt's Messenger.

Don't miss this very important event

in the life of St. Matt's!

NO Children's Choir practice

Feb 2 due to Fish Fry

(Did we mention this Sunday is Annual Meeting??)

THIS Sunday, February 2

Annual Parish Meeting

Click here for 2024 Ministry Reports and the Meeting Agenda

  • Sign In begins 8:30 a.m. Donuts and Coffee, Juice
  • Meeting begins 9:00 a.m. -Election of four vestry members & other important church business
  • One service follows the meeting - Candlemas (Feast of the Presentation)
  • Brotherhood of St. Andrew's Annual Fish & Chicken Fry after church

Nursery and activities for children through 5th grade in the Christian Education wing available during the meeting

Sign Up for the Fish & Chicken Fry here.

Don't miss this important date in the life of St. Matthew's!

Rector's Corner: Big Weekend at St. Matt's!

We have a lot happening this Sunday at St. Matthew’s. First, our annual parish meeting will begin promptly at 9:00am in the Parish Hall, where light breakfast options and coffee will be available. Our regular formation classes and the 8:00 worship service will not be held this Sunday. Childcare will also be provided for all children starting at 8:45am in the Sunday school classrooms within the education building. During the meeting, we will elect a new class of vestry members and receive budget updates and reports from your treasurer, wardens, and rector. We'll also share exciting news and developments at St. Matthew’s for 2025. The meeting will be livestreamed on our parish Facebook page, too. Your vestry and I would love to see as many people as possible, so please join us for the annual meeting! 


After the annual meeting, we will have one worship service at 10:30 to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, one of the oldest feasts in our history. This is one of the special feast days of the year that takes precedence over the regular Sunday readings and worship when it falls on a Sunday. As part of the feast celebration, our worship service will start in the parish courtyard with Candlemas, an ancient ritual of blessing candles for the entire church to use throughout the year and carrying the candles in procession to honor Christ being presented as the light for all the world. The Feast of the Presentation also traditionally marks the end of the Incarnational cycle in the church (Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany). I invite the whole community to bring candles to be blessed during the worship service. This Sunday will be a wonderful day for worship! 

After worship, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will host its annual fish and chicken fry in the Parish Hall. Enjoy good food and fellowship as we celebrate what God is doing through St. Matthew’s gifts and ministries. Please join us for the celebration this Sunday. 


Father Tim

Around St. Matt's

Potluck Dinner and a Movie is coming!

Come see The Chosen, Season 4

beginning Tuesday,  Feb 11 from 6:00—8:30 p.m. in the parish hall.

Bring a dish to share, watch the movie and share in the discussion afterwards.

The series runs Tuesdays through April 15, with the exception of Mar 4 (Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper) and Apr 8 (Spring Break week). See Fr. Tim or Trisha Voiles for more information.

Come to English Tea

at Holy Trinity Parish

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Decatur will host the English Tea on Sunday, February 23. All ladies and young ladies are invited to attend. There are two seatings for the tea: 2 or 4 p.m.  Last year, we had two tables of ladies from St. Matthew's, and we had so much fun!

This tea is very popular, and tickets sell out fast! If you would like to go this year, please message

Rebecca Bowen   no later than January 31st if you want to go. Tickets are $25 per person and should be paid by check or cash to Rebecca with your reservation. The money raised from the tea goes to their Outreach projects.

We can plan to carpool from the church.

Cafe Theology meets the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from 10-11:30 a.m. in the church library (in the rear of the parish hall). All are welcome to join for a light breakfast and coffee each week during the discussion. It is not necessary to have read these books to just drop in and listen. The group is currently reading The Great Dechurching by Jim Davis and Michael Graham. Next meeting: Feb 15.

Save the Dates(more info to follow)

February 23 - Music Concert Series: Hymn Festival. Third of four musical afternoons from our St. Matthew’s musicians. Watch for more information coming soon. 

Tuesday, March 4—Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Wednesday, March 5—Ash Wednesday Services

7:00 a.m.—Ashes to Go (front parking lot)

12 noon & 6:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes

Saturday, March 8 — Parish Work Day

April 7 - 11 - Gwinnett County Schools Spring Break

April 13 - Palm Sunday

April 20 - Easter Sunday

May 3 - Derby Day (Kentucky Derby Party)

May 30 -St. Matt's Goes to a Stripers Game!

July 7-11 -- VBS!


Middle and High School Youth will meet as usual from 5 - 7 p.m. this Sunday, Feb 2. All youth are encouraged to attend.

Middle School Bible Study has begun! It will be held once a month in the undercroft at 4pm, right before youth! If you are interested in attending, let us know. The more the merrier! If you are interested in joining and have any questions, please contact Mandy Johnson or Jessie Hurst for details!


Highschool Bible Study is going strong with a weekly meeting on Monday evenings from 7- 8:30 pm! The dinner location changes weekly so if you are interested in joining and have any questions, please contact Mandy Johnson or Jessie Hurst for details!


Happening is on its way (Feb 7-9) but there is still time to be a camper!

Register here: https://www.tfaforms.com/5151829

New Beginnings is just around the corner (Feb 28- Mar 2) and registration is even closer! Please have the camper form by February 12th! 

Sign Up Here for New Beginnings:

Team form: https://www.tfaforms.com/5154972

Camper form: https://www.tfaforms.com/5147069

Any questions, please speak with Mandy Johnson.



FEBRUARY FOOD DRIVE-Our designated item for February is canned pasta (ravioli, spaghetti, etc.) for the Southeast Gwinnett Cooperative Ministries. Food donations typically drop off after the holidays leaving the Co-op struggling to keep the shelves stocked. Also, due to the high price of groceries, the number of families needing assistance has increased as many of these families are now living paycheck to paycheck. Currently they are servicing an average of 300 families a week. Donations of all canned or boxed foods, as well as personal care items, are always welcome and needed.

Contact: Cheryl Wheeler or Dottie Merrifield if you have any questions.

For more information about the SE Gwinnett Co-Op or to volunteer,

please visit their website.

Times are tough for many families. SE Gwinnett Co-Op serves and average of 300 families each week.

Thank you for your continued support in helping the Co-Op feed those in need.

Men's Trivia 1st & 3rd Wednesdays each month @ 7:00 p.m.

Next dates: Feb 5 & 19 at 7:00 p.m.

McCray’s Tavern, 100 N. Perry St. L’ville

All men of the parish are invited. Contact: Levi Livermont, Jay Jones

Restaurant Foyers: one Friday each month @ 7:00 p.m. at various restaurants in the area

Next date: Feb 7, at 7:00 p.m.

Dominick's Italian Restaurant, 197 W. Crogan St., Lawrenceville GA 30047

Everyone is invited. Contact: Warren Drury or Rebecca Bowen

Lunch Bunch 3rd Thursday each month at 12 noon at various restaurants in the area

Next date: Feb 20, at 12 noon,

Always Fresh, 5394 Five Forks Trickum Road, Lilburn GA 30047

Everyone is invited. Contact: Joan Kengla Please let Joan know you will attend.

Birthdays and Anniversaries Jan Feb 2 - 8

Birthdays: Peggy Harrison, Jenny Griffiths, Nancy Ryan, Libby Maneol, Kevin Buck, Emily Lewis, Jim Jung, Diana Walsh


Anniversaries: Bernie & Donna Waller

Sunday Breakfast Host Sign Up –

Thank you for all who have signed up!

Breakfast this Sunday morning: Vestry

Did you know there are 3 ways you can sign up to use your time and talents to help with Sunday Breakfast?

You can contact Trisha Voiles, you can Sign up on the list in the office hallway bulletin board, or you can click on the below links for sign up genius.

If you can help on February 23, please click here. If you can help one Sunday in March, please click here.

Thank you to all who signed up to host breakfast one Sunday!


To request a Commitment Form,

please click here.

If you experience any problems accessing any links in the newsletter, please contact the church office.

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church


Financial Giving in REALM



Text Stmattsnell to 73256
