Happy March 4th, the date that is also a command! In this second full week of Lent, we began celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation with grades 3, 4 and 7 attending today and grades 5, 6, and 8 next Thursday along with 2nd graders who have just joined in the celebration in preparation for their First Holy Communion in May! Many thanks to Fr. Tom and the visiting priests who make this sacrament available to our kids. We all need a little extra Grace this year!
The school Mass this week was led by our 1st graders, and they received kudos from Fr. Tom for their excellent reading skills. They are looking and sounding prepared for second grade already!
We recently posted a position for a classroom assistant to work with kindergarten and first grade. We could use an extra set of hands to help our young Blues stay on task, get extra help if they are struggling, or extra challenge if they need it. The posting is listed on the Archdiocesan website and on EdPost. Please spread the word if you know anyone who would be a good fit for this position, and help our littles have a strong finish to the school year.
Our 8th grade Robotics team finished their season with a great showing in a tournament that pitted them against high school teams. Coach Klein reported that the kids showed great teamwork in a challenging field of competitors, and had a score 3 times higher than their previous tournament. Our 8th grade girls basketball team finished first in their state tournament last weekend, winning all three games, so kudos all around to 8th grade--Way to go Blues!
This weekend I will be attending the Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses to thank the parishioners of St. Michael for their support this year. Last summer we began planning for an in-person school year, unsure of how it would pan out. With the support of the parish: financially, from volunteers, and the work of the parish staff alongside school staff, we have succeeded even beyond our hopes.
March forth everyone, God bless and go Blues, go Gophers!
Mrs. Kerr