April 24, 2020 - News & Notes
Dear St. Michael Catholic School Families:
Our State will not be returning to school for the 2019-20 academic year. Our hearts broke with this announcement from Governor Walz, yesterday. We miss our students, our families and our staff and the daily interactions that hold us up. We are committed, however, to ensuring that the last month of school continues with excellence, creative connections, and celebrations that will hold us together during this time. We are all "United in Christ" during this time and have adopted this philosophy as our theme for the 2020 St. Michael Catholic School Marathon.

United in Christ : During this time it is more important to continue to lean on God for guidance, support and direction. Join our school in daily prayer during BNN announcements, weekly live streaming Masses, and our Diocese in various offerings. On the calendar below are state and national links for May 1st and May 3. Here is the link the parish Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/StMichaelCatholicChurchPL/

GRADUATION: To our 8th grade students and graduating families, please know that we have special plans in progress and invite ideas from you to celebrate you! We want to end with a blast. Send any ideas to the school: reeder@saintmpl.org

SUMMER CARE : Our summer preschool and Adventure's Plus staff are reviewing possible summer programming. We plan to offer summer programming, but please know that this will look very different than years past as we follow state and county regulations for child care. We may also be partnering with the Archdiocese and Catholic Schools' Center of Excellence for programs that can be brought to our school and families. If you are interested in our summer offerings, regardless of the changes that are necessary, please register. Due to size limitations due to COVID-19, registrants will be limited by date of registration. Details will be out by mid-May. (If you've already registered, no need to register again.)

KUDOS: To the families who helped to clean up the school and parish grounds during Earth Day!

SUPPORTING OUR SCHOOL : Connect with us to support our school and possibly receive $10,000 through CSCOE.
  • MAY 2-CSCOE BASH: First-Sign up to attend the CSCOE Virtual Bash, they will be donating money back to our school! Register: (CSCOE BASH)

PRAYER: We invite every family to join in prayer. Stay connected through our parish and school with online prayers and streaming events. Please watch the parish website for up-to-date prayers and programs: Church FB Page . Click on this link: "Litany in Time of Need" .

Continue to pray that we will all be back together soon. Pray for those who are sick, students learning at home, teachers creating new online learning strategies, and our world as we experience this crisis, together. Prayer is powerful!

Blessings,  Mindy Reeder Principal   reeder@saintmpl.org  
St. Michael Catholic School students participated in Earth Day activities.

Week 32: Purpose

  • Calendar
  • St. Michael Preschool to Grade 5 Summer Care Sign up 
  • Picture Challenges

Parent Link:  Growth Mindset

Absent: 952-447-2230
School fax: 952-447-2132
Federal tax ID: 41-086790

 School Calendar:  

Kelley DeGross- degross@saintmpl.org
Deanna Vochoska- vochoska@saintmpl.org


School Week Ahead : April 27-May 3

  • Thursday, April 30: PJ or Comfy Clothes Day! Send in photos of you doing your homework with a favorite Pajamas or comfy clothes.
  • Friday, May 1: Homework is due by 3 p.m. or earlier.
  • Today Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, announced that the United States will consecrate the United States of America to Mary, Mother of the Church Friday, May 1. More details about how to participate will follow in the coming days. See The Catholic Spirit for more.
  • It's May Day! Bring back the sneak "May Day Basket" delivery to your neighbors. You drop off a May Basket of treats, ring the doorbell, and hide! (May Day historical tradition story) (Make a basket)
  • Sunday, May 3: THIS YEAR’S ROSARY PROCESSION GOES LIVESTREAM- The 72nd Annual Rosary Procession with Archbishop Hebda and Bishop Cozzens from the Cathedral of St. Paul at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 3. Tune in, download a worship guide, and find more info on the event page. Contact MNRosaryProcessions@gmail.com

Specialist Links for K-5:
Art: Students in K-5th grade will start creating a design for the Service Marathon. They will have 2 weeks to complete the design. By Monday morning, I will share links to a video with the lesson and a Google Slides presentation in their Seesaw classes for students in grades K-4. Students in 5th grade will find the links to the lesson plans in their Art Google Classroom on Monday morning. Drawings will be due on May 8.
Physical Education: NEW exercise board will be posted in Seesaw, ALL EXERCISE related!! Minimum requirement will be to complete one task a week and send a picture or video to Mrs. Shimek a week (through seesaw). There are many options on the exercise board, if you'd like to do more than one a week you sure can!! I will be posting videos to help explain activities each week! 

  • 5th grade: NEW exercise board as well, but you will also have some additional options to choose from to make it a little more challenging and exciting for some! Please be sure to check google classroom for updates and new assignments!

Weekly Picture & Video Challenge
SEND IN: Hat & PJ Day Photos this next week! Also send- Videos of your child reading out loud.

As part of our restructure of the PTO, we are in need of leadership and team members for our Faculty Appreciation Team. We also need team members for our Parent Enrichment and Event Team. Planning for the 2020-2021 school year will begin this summer. Please contact Maggie Stack at  mmstack4@gmail.com  or 952-452-3485 with any questions.
The St. Michael Catholic School School Advisory Council provides guidance and leadership for the vision of the school, supporting leadership, teachers and staff as we continue to plan for excellence. All applications are due May 8, 2020. You can complete the online google form, or download and email your application to our School Advisory Council Chair, Molli O'Halloran.

Mental Health Support: Please be aware that at this time our children are also feeling the anxiety of all that is happening around them. While school is closed, a routine is a healthy way of structuring your days. Included scheduled time for school work, outdoor play, free-choice reading, unstructured play and rest time. Address children's questions directly and honestly. Continuing with regular bed and meal times is also helpful. Limit exposure to media and screen time as well. Our School Counselor : Dr. Keri Brenden

Additional resources that you may find helpful:

Additionally, as a parent at this time, you need support. Here are parent support resources:

Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that You
are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
©2012 EWTN. Used with permission.

Join the parish in prayer, spiritual communion and virtual Mass
through Facebook or the parish YouTube channel.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:   Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you can stay up to date on Masses, Prayer Services, and other St. Michael Catholic Church videos. Click here to subscribe
SUMMER CARE : We know we are all experiencing uncertain times and it's hard to know what the future will hold, but we wanted to share that St. Michael Catholic School plans to offer our summer programming for both preschool and Summer Adventure's Plus (SAP). Staff are researching best practices outlined by the Archdiocese and the State of Minnesota to ensure everyone's safety while still providing this care including, but not limited to, cleaning standards, check in process, illness procedures, class sizes and structures.

We look forward to offering a rich summer program and are praying that with the proper guidelines in place, we will be here to serve your family with your summer care needs.

SCHOOL AGE: CLICK HERE for more information

Click on the Preschool Summer Care graphic
for preschool summer information.