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May & June Month At A Glance

May & June Lunch Menu

2022-2023 School Calendar

2023-2024 Tentative School Calendar

Message from the Principal

Dear St. Michael-St. Gabriel Families and Friends, 

I’m sure I am not the only one asking how we can possibly be moving into the month of May already, but here we are. Two weeks of ILEARN testing are now complete with just one more week to go. Grades 3 and 7 have completed their exams, and aside from those taking the Biology ILEARN exam, our eighth graders are done as well. Students in Grades 4-6 still have an additional subject exam to complete next week, so we ask that they continue to bring their earbuds for testing and that they arrive at school on time. Our students have done a great job of staying focused and being at school unless they have been sick, so the number of make-up exams has been minimal for us. 

Next week is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, so if you have a moment, consider dropping your child’s teachers a note of gratitude for their hard work this year.  We will also be celebrating our May Crowning Mass on Thursday, May 4th at 8:15 a.m.  Our families are always welcome to join us for Mass. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

God Bless,

Mrs. Ramos

Queridas Familias y Amigos de San Miguel-San Gabriel,

Estoy segura que no soy la única que pregunta como puede ser posible que estemos moviéndonos en el mes de Mayo ya ahora, pero si aquí estamos. Dos semanas de exámenes de ILEARN ahora hemos completado y solo nos queda una semana más. Los Grados de 3 al 7 ya terminaron sus exámenes, y también aquellos que tomaron el examen ILEARN de Biologia, nuestros estudiantes de octavo grado también ya terminaron. Los estudiantes de los Grados 4 al 6 todavía tienen exámenes de  materias adicionales que completarán la próxima semana, por lo tanto seguimos pidiendo que traigan sus propios audífonos para usarlos en los exámenes y llegar a la escuela a tiempo. Nuestros estudiantes han hecho un excelente trabajo manteniéndose muy enfocados y estando presentes en la escuela aunque estén enfermos, por lo tanto los números de exámenes que debemos recuperar son mínimos.

La próxima semana es la Semana de Apreciación para los Maestros y Personal, si usted tiene un momento, consideré dejar una nota de gratitud a los maestros de sus hijos por el trabajo tan duro que han desempeñado en este año. Además también celebraremos nuestra Misa de Coronación de Mayo el Jueves 4 de Mayo a las 8:15 a.m. Nuestras familias son siempre bienvenidas para disfrutar y acompañarnos a nuestra Misa.

Que tengan un fin de semana maravilloso!

Dios los Bendiga,

La Sra. Ramos

Faith & Service
Prayer for Students

Lord our God,
in your wisdom and love
you surround us with the mysteries of the universe.
Send your Spirit upon these students
and fill them with your wisdom and blessings.
Grant that they may
devote themselves to their studies
and draw ever closer to you,
the source of all knowledge. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

R/. Amen.

SMSG Color Run

Click To View All The Pictures From The Color Run
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Your 7th or 8th grade student may be eligible for a college scholarship! Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars program offers income-eligible Hoosier students up to four years of paid tuition at an eligible Indiana college or university after they graduate from high school, dependent upon financial need. Click on this link to enroll: https://learnmoreindiana.org/scholars/enroll/

Quiza su estudiante de séptimo u octavo grado sea elegible para una beca universitaria! El programa de 21st Century Scholarship (Estudiantes del siglo 21) de Indiana ofrece a los estudiantes elegibles (según el nivel de ingresos) hasta cuatro años de beca para asistir a una universidad autorizada de Indiana después de haberse graduado de la preparatoria. Haga clic en este enlace: https://learnmoreindiana.org/scholars/enroll/


Below you will find the tutoring times that our teachers have available for this school year.

Tutoring Times

This year all families will be required to complete five volunteer hours during the course of the year. There are many ways to complete these hours by attending parent meetings and conferences, but additional opportunities are noted in the attachments found below. Remember that anyone who chooses to volunteer for an event where children are present must be Safe Parish trained. We recommend working on that training now so that you may be ready to help when you would like to chaperone or volunteer for an event.    
English Volunteer Guide
Spanish Volunteer Guide

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8th Grade Trash Bag Sales

It’s that time of year when we know many of you are beginning to bag up your leaves and clean out your gardens. If you are interested in purchasing trash bags from the school office, we are selling rolls for $11 a piece. All proceeds go to fund the eighth grade class trip. An initial order form was sent home with all students this week, if you are interested in purchasing any.  We do sell these bags throughout the year as well, so you may consider purchasing some in the spring as well.
Trash Bag Order Form
Box Tops for Education

In case you haven’t heard, the collection of Box Tops is now moving away from the traditional clipping of Box Tops to now scanning your receipt! The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses technology to scan your store receipt to find participating products and then instantly adds the Box Tops to our school’s earnings online. Simply go to your app store and download the Box Tops for Education app. Then choose St. Michael School (3352 West 30th Street, Indianapolis). It’s easy and saves you time! For more information, click here.
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