SMSG Student Council attended the Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Week Mass

1.31.25 St. Michael -

St. Gabriel Newsletter

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February Month At A Glance

February Lunch Menu

2024-2025 School Year Calendar

2025-2026 Tentative School Year Calendar

Message from the Principal

Dear St. Michael-St. Gabriel Families and Friends, 

This past week was truly amazing as we found various ways to celebrate our students and school throughout Catholic Schools Week! One of the activities that brought us the greatest joy was participating in the Million Meal Movement on Monday. Our students were so excited to partake in this event knowing that what they were doing would have a great impact on hundreds of families. 

Next week marks the halfway point of quarter three. Please take a moment to review your child’s grades online to see if any changes have been made since you last met with your child’s homeroom teacher. Additionally, we want to remind our students that in order to get the most points possible on an assignment, these assignments need to be submitted on time. Too many points are often lost simply because students wait to complete an assignment after it was already due. 

On Monday, we will begin accepting new students for next year. Remember, that we will continue to accept registration forms for all current students until classes are full. Know that PreK will probably fill up first, so if you are seeking a spot, please submit your registration packet as quickly as possible. 

God Bless,

Mrs. Ramos

Queridos Padres y Amigos de San Miguel-San Gabriel, 

La semana pasada fue realmente increíble, ya que encontramos varias formas de celebrar a nuestros estudiantes y a la escuela durante la Semana de las Escuelas Católicas. Una de las actividades que nos trajo la mayor alegría fue participar en el Movimiento del Millon de Comidas el lunes. Nuestros estudiantes estaban emocionados de particular en este evento sabiendo que lo que estaban haciendo tendría un gran impacto en cientas de familias.

La próxima semana marca el punto medio del tercer trimestre. Tómese un momento para revisar las calificaciones de su hijo en línea para ver si se han realizado cambios desde la última vez que se reunió con el maestro de aula de su hijo. Además, queremos recordarles a nuestros estudiantes que, para obtener la mayor cantidad de puntos posibles en una tarea, estas tareas deben entregarse a tiempo. A menudo, se pierden demasiados puntos simplemente porque los estudiantes esperan para completar una tarea después de que ya venció.

El lunes, comenzamos a aceptar nuevos estudiantes para el próximo año. Recuerde que continuaremos aceptando formularios de inscripción para todos los estudiantes actuales hasta que las clases se llenen. Tenga en cuenta que es probable que la clase de PreK es la que primero se llena, por lo que si está buscando un lugar, envíe su paquete de inscripción lo antes posible. 

Dios los bendiga,

La Sra. Ramos

Faith & Service
Prayer for Students

Lord our God,
in your wisdom and love
you surround us with the mysteries of the universe.
Send your Spirit upon these students
and fill them with your wisdom and blessings.
Grant that they may
devote themselves to their studies
and draw ever closer to you,
the source of all knowledge. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

R/. Amen.


8th Grade Valentine Grams

The 8th grade will be selling Valentine Grams the first two weeks of February as a fundraiser for their class trip. The cost is $5.00, which includes a card, candy, and a carnation. These will be delivered on Thursday, February 13th, so purchases must be made by Wednesday, February 12th. Contact the main office or Mrs. Ramos, if you would like to purchase one. 

Obsequios de San Valentín de 8vo Grado

Los estudiantes de 8vo grado  venderán obsequios de San Valentín las primeras dos semanas de Febrero para recaudar fondos para su pasero de final de año. Los precios serán de $5.00, lo que incluye es una tarjeta, un dulce y un clavel. Estos se entregarán el Jueves 13 de Febrero. Contactanos en la oficina principal o directamente con la Sra. Ramos, si está interesado en comprar uno.




We have gray and red quarter-zip sweatshirts available for our Junior High students. These may be worn on regular school days, not just spirit wear days. The cost is $30 per sweatshirt, and students may purchase these from the main office. We have a limited stock right now, but we will purchase more, if we sell out. All sizes are adult sizes. 


Tenemos sudaderas de cierre-tres cuartos disponibles para los estudiantes de Secundaria. Esta la pueden utilizar en cualquier día regular, no solo en los días de espíritu. El costo es de $30 por sudadera, y los estudiantes pueden comprarla en la oficina principal. Tenemos un inventario limitado en existencia por el momento, pero compraremos más, si se agotan. Todas las tallas son para adultos.

Tutoring Times

Below is a list of tutoring times for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

Horarios para las Tutorías

Abajo estará la lista de horarios de tutorías para el año escolar 2024-2025.


Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Parents, please consider volunteering for one of the following opportunities to earn volunteer hours for this year. Note that volunteers must be Safe Parish trained. Please use the following link to access the link from our school website:

The Passcode is Archindy2021.

Oportunidades de Voluntariado para los Padres  

Padres, por favor considere voluntariar en las siguientes oportunidades para acomunular horas en este año. Nota: los voluntarios deben de tener el entrenamiento de Parroquia Segura. Por favor use el siguiente enlace para acceder al sitio web de nuestra escuela: El código de acceso es Archindy2021. 

Make an appointment for your child to spend the school day with us and see what a day at Cardinal Ritter looks like.

Just a friendly reminder, applications for next year are now open. Get your applications in early to avoid any anxiety as your child moves onto high school.


Offer starts at 12 AM CT on 01/27/25 and ends 02/02/25 at 11:59 PM CT.

The Promotion Code is required during checkout.

Enter it in the Promo Code box of the shopping cart to apply the discount (discount does not apply to tax or shipping). Free standard shipping 

will be applied automatically for all orders of $250 or more.

This offer is not valid on any previous orders, not valid with other offers, and has no cash value. Excludes custom sized items.

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8th Grade Trash Bag Sales

It’s that time of year when we know many of you are beginning to bag up your leaves and clean out your gardens. If you are interested in purchasing trash bags from the school office, we are selling rolls for $11 a piece. All proceeds go to fund the eighth grade class trip. An initial order form was sent home with all students this week, if you are interested in purchasing any.  We do sell these bags throughout the year as well, so you may consider purchasing some in the spring as well.
Trash Bag Order Form
Box Tops for Education

In case you haven’t heard, the collection of Box Tops is now moving away from the traditional clipping of Box Tops to now scanning your receipt! The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses technology to scan your store receipt to find participating products and then instantly adds the Box Tops to our school’s earnings online. Simply go to your app store and download the Box Tops for Education app. Then choose St. Michael School (3352 West 30th Street, Indianapolis). It’s easy and saves you time! For more information, click here.
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