The Fourteenth Sunday
after Pentecost
August 25th
In-Person Services
8:00 am - Rite 1
10:30 am - Rite 2
Also streamed online on Youtube.
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Please print your bulletin at home or have your mobile device handy to pull it up. | |
The Rev. Richard Winston Arthur |
Guest Preacher
The Rev. Dr. Steve Foster
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As a native of the beautiful Caribbean Island of Barbados, I always felt close to God, especially when beholding the beauty of his created order around my home. At an early age, I became involved in the church's life as an acolyte and a member of the Anglican Young People Association at Holy Innocent’s Church. During the summer vacation, when many other kids would be playing cricket in the street, or involved in different activities, I would be at the church, usually visiting the sick and shut of the parish with the rector. The Rector, Fr. Everton Lyte, may have seen and experienced a vocation. However, I did not know the language of discernment, and I and two others were becoming more actively involved in leading and participating in the services. From these experiences and the affirmation I received, I felt called to be a priest in the church of God, a calling deeply intertwined with the community I serve.
After graduating from Barbados Community College, I spent a year working but was not feeling fulfilled. In 1997, I made a significant decision to migrate to the US to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Business, Management, and Finance from Brooklyn College. This move marked a new chapter in my journey, where I became a member of St. George’s Brooklyn and continued to be actively involved in similar ministries. In the fall of 1999, I met with the then Rector, Fr. C. David Williams, to express my sense of call, and we began discernment, going through the process on parochial and diocesan levels. After graduating in the spring of 2001, I received Postulancy to study for Holy Orders and enrolled at the General Theological Seminary. After three years of study, I graduated on May 19th, 2004 with a Masters in Divinity. One week later, on the Feast of St. Augustine of Canterbury, May 26th, I was ordained a deacon. I continued my journey as Curate of Historic St. George’s Hempstead. I was ordained a priest on the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle on December 21st, 2004, and those formative years certainly equipped me for my next assignment as the Priest in Charge of St. Boniface Lindenhurst, which began on June 1st, 2006. During my incumbency, the parish's numerical and infrastructural developments were enhanced. More importantly, the parish became a bridge to the community hosting and becoming a “home” for several groups. Also, I became active in the Lindenhurst Clergy group and the Rotary, having that presence in the community's life.
In March 2013, I began my tenure as the Priest in Charge of St. Peter’s Rosedale. It seems time flies when you are having fun by loving and journeying with the people of God. On March 30th, 2014, I was elected the Sixth Rector of St. Peter’s. I hope to continue the journey as we build up the body of Christ and further engage in mission and ministry.
As a priest, I believe that ministry extends beyond the parish, and I have always been committed to being involved in diocesan life. Over the years, I have served in various capacities, including as a member and president of the Diocesan Review Committee, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees for the George Mercer Memorial School of Theology, and the Commission on Liturgy and Music. I have also served as a Minister of Ceremonies for Diocesan liturgies, Chaplain at Camp DeWolfe, and the Suffolk Archdeaconry representative to the Department of Missions. My leadership roles have included serving as President, Vice President, and member of the Standing Committee of the Diocese; a member of the Chapter of the Cathedral of the Incarnation and the 2020 Incarnation Commission; President and Vice President of the Black Clergy Caucus; and a member of the Rosedale Clergy group. Currently, I serve on the Board of Trustees of the Estate belonging to the Diocese of Long Island. I have also represented the Diocese as a two-time Deputy to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, furthering my commitment to the broader church community. On March 1st, 2020, The Right Reverend Lawrence Provenzano, Bishop of the Diocese of Long Island, appointed Fr. Foster as the Dean of the Jamaica Deanery. This commitment is a testament to my dedication and service to the church.
In May 2024, Fr. Foster achieved a significant milestone, graduating from Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation with a Doctorate in Ministry focused on Congregational Development. This accomplishment is a testament to his dedication and passion for his ministry, inspiring us all to strive for excellence in our paths.
When I am not involved in parochial or diocesan ministries, I am with my family. My wife, Krisann, is a Great Neck School system educator. God has blessed us with two active, amazing, and adorable boys—John Paul and William. I cherish every moment I spend with them, as they are my source of joy and inspiration. I enjoy walking, listening to music, and working with my aquariums, but my family always comes first. This balance in my life, between my family and my ministry, is a testament to my commitment and dedication.
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Men of Michael Annual BBQ will be held on Saturday, September 28th from 11 AM - 2PM
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Worship Teams
VPOD - Dr. Jonelle Bertrand
Teller - Aisha Success
Christopher, Avery, Bryce Richie
Lectors - 8:00 AM
Arlington Success
Jim Unger
Lectors - 10:30 AM
Cleveland Bynoe
Peter Brook
Isom Herron
8:00 am - Liz & Wayne Millington
10:30 AM - Suzanne & Rolston Osborne
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Our Dinka language service, led by
Rev. John Aroch, will be live at 2:00 pm.
You can find it on his Facebook page.
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This Week's Bible Verse
Excerpt from Hebrews 13:5
"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have; for he has said, "I will never leave you or forsake you."
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Bible Study and Healing Service | |
Wednesday Bible Study
at Noon
in person and via Zoom
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Visit our website for all upcoming events. Link to our website is below.
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Are you interested in helping out around the church but are not sure what your options are? Or maybe you know what you want to do but aren't sure how to get into it? To help guide everyone to their calling in the Church, SMAA asks that you fill out the form below about your interest to join and/or support one or more of St. Michael' s ministries: ⠀ | |
SMAA Mini-Library
St. Michael's free Lending Library is located in the Hensler Hall parking lot.
“Take a book. . . leave a book” is the idea.
This is a collective project by Community Outreach and the Boy and Girls Scouts with the goal of inviting our friends and neighbors to read more.
Suggestions for reading materials can be found at Enjoy!
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Flower Donations
St. Michael's is looking for more sponsors and donors to enrich the flower ministry. Flowers may be donated in dedication to someone, to commemorate a celebration, and much more.
If you are interested in donating flowers, there is an online form on the St. Michael's website, and there is a sign-up sheet in the narthex. Donations addressed to the flower guild can be placed in the offering plate (please be sure to include what you are commemorating). Donations can also be made via Realm (online), or you can leave a check in the church office.
All flower donations will be celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.
For more details, please contact the Church office at 770-469-8551.
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Stone Mountain Co-op. Ministry
P.O. Box 2474
Stone Mountain, GA 30086
5324 West Mountain Street
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
You may drop donations off at the Co-op during their open hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10 am - 1 pm
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Safeguarding God's Children and Youth: Training Opportunities
All staff, vestry members, and all volunteers who work with children are required to complete Safeguarding God's Children Zoom training AND accompanying modules every 3 years.
Please see below for upcoming Zoom trainings. A PREREQUISITE TO THE ZOOM TRAINING, will be to complete designated SAFEGUARDING ONLINE MODULES. These will be sent to you after you register at the link below. If you are unsure of which modules to complete, please email Sarah.
Register Here
Once you have completed your course, please email Parish Administrator your Certificate of Course Completion and Compliance Agreement.
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Safeguarding God's People: Training Opportunities
Safeguarding God’s People: Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Harassment in Communities of Faith and Preventing Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse
All clergy, church employees, vestry members, lay pastoral care ministers (including Stephen Ministers), spiritual directors, eucharistic visitors, hospital visitors authorized by the church, leaders and facilitators of all adult programs and small group ministries, seminarians, interns and lay chaplains.
A PREREQUISITE TO THE ZOOM TRAINING, will be to complete designated SAFEGUARDING ONLINE MODULES. These will be sent to you after you register at the link below. If you are unsure of which modules to complete, please email the office-
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Email Phishing Scams
Please continue to beware of email scams by people who impersonate clergy or members of our community and ask for a "favor" and then ask for money or gift cards. If you suspect you have received an unusual email, we recommend the following:
- Carefully check the sender’s name and email address
- Look out for misspelled words and incorrect grammar
- Do not click on any suspicious links or attachments
- Report the email as spam
Call Fr. Winston or the church office if you receive a questionable email and would like to verify the sender.
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We appreciate all who have continued their gifts to the church. We encourage you to designate Dollar for Matthew contributions as well, as you are able. In Realm, choose "Matthew 25 Fund" for your donation. | |
- Through your Realm profile. If you are a member of St. Michael’s, you can manage your giving as recurring or one-time donations in a secure, easy-to-use environment. Contribution statements are always available via your profile.
- Mail in your check. We receive the mail at the church regularly. Our mailing address is
St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
PO BOX 1087
Stone Mountain, GA 30086
- TEXT TO GIVE. On your phone, text SMAAGIVE to 73256. You will be texted a link to complete your gift online with a credit card, designating the amount and to which fund to direct your gift. Standard text messaging rates apply.
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Listen to Bishop Wright's Podcast
Our Bishop, Rob Wright, has a weekly podcast, For People, that we encourage you to listen to! In his podcast, "Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions." You can find and subscribe to the podcast here.
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St. Michael's is staying connected via Virtual Meetings
If your group or ministry is interested in holding a meeting, please designate one person to be the Zoom leader and contact the office to obtain the login information and instructions.
Click here for an introduction on how to join a Zoom meeting.
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Men of Michael
Gentlemen, the Men of Michael meet twice a month on the first and third Saturdays of the month at 9 AM. Join us for camaraderie, fellowship, Bible study, and the occasional social. We would love for you to join us; All are welcome. See you Saturday morning at 9 AM in Upper Hensler Hall or via the Zoom link below.
CLICK HERE to join.
Meeting ID: 829 6197 2363
Password: 714678
The call in number is: 1 929-205-6099
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Episcopal Church Women
All women of the parish are invited to participate in the ECW meeting every 3rd Sunday.
Meeting ID: 897-8143-9389
Password: 961915
The call in number is: 1 929-205-6099
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CLICK HERE to join.
Meeting ID: 924-1076-4016
Password: 564420
The call in number is: 1 929-205-6099
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The Rev Winston Arthur
Parish Administrator
Heather Cutting
Finance Clerk
Charlene Smith
Supply Organist
Gwyn F. Bacon
Choir Director
Dawn-Marie James
John Lam
Church Office
Address: 6780 James B. Rivers Dr.
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Phone: 770-469-8551
Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday
Office Open: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Closed on Friday
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St. Michael and All Angels Prayers
We pray particularly this week for:
Arthur, Ariel,The Taylor, Lee and Millington Families, Robin, Cynthia, Lili, Audrey, Lovell, Andre, Dorita,Aaron, Marlon, Bill, Tim, Angela, Caleb & Everil,Leo T Sr.,
Abigail,DawnJ., Daisy,
Yannick,Errol, Rachel,Janis,Seth and Family,
Carline,Leslyn, Nellie, Cleveland,
Allison, Godfrey, Ann, Marlene, Olga, Jaye, Corey,Pauline,DorothyGeorge, Morris, Gerri, Ladan, Faye, Cherrie, Beverly, the people of South Sudan and the people of Ukraine, the end of the conflict in the Middle East and for the innocent souls who have been affected.
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer,
we pray this week for our Bishops, Rob, Don, Paul; Christian educators, Parish staffs, choirs, acolytes; The Clergy and people of St. Mary's, Montezuma; Santa Maria, East Point; for all congregations seeking new or renewed direction; the Bishop and people of our companion and partner Diocese of Cape Coast.
To request prayers for someone or to have a name removed, please call the parish office at 770.469.8551 or email Parish Administrator at
Stay in touch
with Bishop Wright and Episcopalians
Around Middle and North Georgia!
Go to this link to sign up for the Diocesan e-newsletter, Connecting, and for Bishop Wright's weekly message.
Click here to sign up
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August 25th - 31st
Lyndsey Gunn 8/25
Gargar Grimes 8/26
Symone Maduro 8/26
Andrew Tetteh 8/27
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