Forgiveness Sunday
Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise
St. Nicholas Bulletin - February 26, 2023
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Christ is in our midst! Христос Међу нама! Cristo esta entra nosotros! | |
Homily on Forgiveness Sunday -
by St. John of Kronstadt
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In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...
“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will you Father forgive your trespasses, says the Lord”
This Sunday is called Forgiveness Sunday, because today the Church directs us to read the Gospel teaching us to forgive the transgressions of others so that our heavenly Father might also forgive us our innumerable transgressions. For that reason, from ancient times, among the pious Christians there has been a custom, in this day, and during any day of the Cheesefare week, to ask forgiveness from each other, in those things in which they may have sinned, one against the other. This is a beautiful, truly Christian custom, for who does not sin against his neighbor in word, deed or thought; and asking forgiveness from another person proves faith in Gospel, our humility, our meekness and love of peace; on the contrary, the unwillingness to ask forgiveness from those, before whom we are really guilty, reveals in the one who is unwilling to make peace, a lack of faith, pride, conceit, remembrance of evil, disobedience to the Gospel, resistance to God, agreement with the devil. Whereas we all are children of our heavenly Father by grace, members of Christ God, members of one body of the Church, which is His body, and members of one another; God is love — and more than any whole-burnt offerings and sacrifices, requires from us mutual love, that love, which is “long-suffering and kind, does not envy, does not make a vain display of itself, does not boast, does not behave unseemly, seeks not its own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil, rejoices not over iniquity, but rejoices in truth. Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, and never fails.” The entire Law of God consists of two words: love God and love your neighbor. With all that, the human heart is extremely selfish, impatient, self-willed, malicious and remembering of evil: it is ready to get angry at its neighbor not only for a direct evil, but also for an imaginary one, not only for an offensive word, but also for an unpleasant or a harsh one, or even for a look, which appeared bad, or ambiguous, malicious, prideful, it almost gets angry even at the imagined thoughts of those around it. The Lord, Who sees the hearts, thus says of a human heart: “from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness”.
But against a strong malady there should also exist strong remedies; for the great maliciousness of men is countered by infinite benevolence and all-powerful grace of God: with its help, every evil in oneself and in others is conveniently defeated — by meekness, absence of malice, acts of concession, patience and longsuffering. “But I say unto you,” preaches the Savior, “that you not resist evil: but whosoever shall mite you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if any man will sue you in court and take away your coat, let him have your cloak also.” For forgiveness of our neighbors sins, we are likewise promised the forgiveness of sins by our Heavenly Father, mercy at the Great Judgment, —and eternal blessedness: “the meek shall inherit the earth”. But the irreconcilable malice is threatened with the just judgment of God and eternal torment. Hear now one story, which makes it evident how God punishes, even here, those men who are malicious and irreconcilable with each other. In the Lavra monastery of Kiev Caves, in ancient times there were two monks: a priest-monk named Titus, and a deacon, Evagrius. Having lived for a few years in peace and friendship they, because of some things, have then acquired enmity and hatred toward each other; their mutual malice has lasted a long time; and they, without having reconciled with each other, even dared to offer the bloodless sacrifice before God. No matter how much the brethren advised them to put away the anger and live with each other in peace and harmony, it was all in vain. Once, the priest-monk Titus became gravely ill. Having lost all hope in life, he started to cry bitterly over his sin and have sent to his enemy to ask for forgiveness; but Evagrius didn’t even want to hear of that and started to curse hum harshly. The brethren, regretting such a great delusion, brought him to the dying man by force. Titus, seeing his enemy, rose, with the help of others, from his bed, and fell before him to the ground, imploring with tears to forgive him; but Evagrius was so inhumane, that he turned away from him and furiously cried out: not in this life, not in the future one, I do not want to be reconciled with him! He then has torn himself away from the hands of the brethren, and fell to the ground. The monks wanted to raise him up, but were astonished to find him dead and already so cold, as if he had been dead before that for a long time! Their astonishment grew even more, when the priest-monk Titus, at the same time, rose from his deathbed healthy, as if he had never been ill. In fear of such an unusual event, they surrounded Titus, and one after another were asking, what did all of this mean? He answered: “being in grave illness, while I, a sinner, was angry at my brother, I saw the Angels who stepped away from me, crying about the perdition of my soul, and the unclean spirits rejoicing — that was the reason why I, more than anything, desired to be reconciled with him. But no sooner than he was brought in here, and I bowed down before him, and he started to curse me — I saw a certain terrible Angel smite him with his spear, and the hapless one tumbled to the ground dead; then the same Angel stretched to me his hand and raised me up from the deathbed. The monks cried over the dreadful death of Evagrius and from that time, started to watch over themselves even more, that the sun would never set on their anger.
Brothers and Sisters! The remembrance of evil is a vice most horrible, and as much as it’s loathsome to God, it is also pernicious to society. We are created in the image and likeness of God: meekness and benevolence should be our unchanging attributes; for God also, always acts toward us according to His mercy, longsuffering and forgives us without count. And we must forgive as well. But he who remembers evil, has not in himself the image and likeness of God: he is more a beast rather than a man. Amen.
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Commemorating Venerable Simeon the Myrrhflower and Prince of Serbia, St Eulogius Archbishop of Alexandria, Appearance of Christ to St Martin of Tours, St George Archbishop of Mogilev Belarus, Saints Martinian, Zoe and Photina of Caesarea in Palestine, St Seraphima
When the women Disciples of the Lord learned from the Angel the joyous message of the Resurrection, they cast away the ancestral curse and elatedly told the Apostles: “Death is overthrown! Christ God is risen, granting the world great mercy!”
Truly you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; your humility exalted you; your poverty enriched you. Hierarch Father Nicholas, entreat Christ our God that our souls may be saved.
You were illumined with the image of godly grace, and after death you have shone with the light of your life, by issuing sweet scented myrrh which flows from the tomb of your relics, and sustains your people on this earth. O our father Simeon, discerner of the way of God, pray to Christ our God that He may grant us great mercy.
O Master, Teacher of wisdom, Bestower of virtue, Who teaches the thoughtless and protects the poor, strengthen and enlighten my heart! O Word of the Father, let me not restrain my mouth from crying to You: “Have mercy on me, a transgressor, O merciful Lord!”
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~Scripture Readings of the Day~ | |
This Week: Matins: Milan Radanovic Epistle: Marko Rocknage
Next Week: Matins: Lenny Tepsich Epistle: Natalija Gligorevic
EPISTLE: Romans 13: 11- 14: 4
DEACON: Let us pay attention.
PRIEST: Peace be unto all!
READER: And with your spirit!
DEACON: Wisdom.
READER: The Prokeimenon in the Eighth Tone: Pray and make your vows before the Lord, our God!
CHOIR: Pray and make your vows before the Lord, our God!
READER: v: In Judah God is known; His name is great in Israel.
CHOIR: Pray and make your vows before the Lord, our God!
READER: Pray and make your vows...
CHOIR: ...before the Lord, our God!
DEACON: Wisdom!
READER: The Reading is from the First Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Romans
DEACON: Let us attend!
READER: Brethren, do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awaken out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent; the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him. Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.
PRIEST: Peace be unto you, reader!
READER: And with your spirit!
DEACON: Wisdom!
READER: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER: It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to Your Name, O Most High.
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER: To declare Your mercy in the morning, and Your truth by night.
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
АПОСТОЛ: Римљанима 13: 11 — 14: 4
Ђакон: Пазимо
Свештеник: Мир свима!
Читач: I Духу Твоме!
Ђакон: Премудрост
Читач : ПРОКИМЕН- глас 8 Молите се и извршујте своје завјете Господу Богу нашему.
Хор: Молите се и извршујте своје завјете Господу Богу нашему.
Читач: Зна се у Јудеји за Бога, у Израиљу је велико име Његово.
Хор: Молите се и извршујте своје завјете Господу Богу нашему.
Читач: Молите се и извршујте своје завјете
Хор: Господу Богу нашему.
Ђакон: Премудрост
Читач: Читање је од Прве посланице Светог апостола Павла до Римљанима
Ђакон: Пазимо
Читач: Браћо, тим прије што знате вријеме, да је већ час да устанемо од сна, јер нам је сада спасење ближе него кад повјеровасмо. Ноћ поодмаче, а дан се приближи. Одбацимо, дакле, дјела таме и обуцимо се у оружје свјетлости. Да ходимо поштено као по дану: не у пировању и пијанству, не у разврату и бестидности, не у свађи и зависти. Него се обуците у Господа Исуса Христа; и старање за тијело не претварајте у похоте. Треба сносити слабе и не саблажњавати браћу. Царство Божије је у Духу Светом, Славослов Богу. А слабога у вјери примајте, без расправљања о мишљењима. Јер један вјерује да смије све јести, а који је слаб једе зеље. Који једе нека не презире онога који не једе; и који не једе нека не осуђује онога који једе, јер га Бог прими. Ко си ти што осуђујеш туђега слугу? Својему господару он стоји или пада. Али ће стајати, јер је Бог моћан да га усправи.
Свештеник: Мир свима Читачу!
Читач: I Духом Твоме! Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Ђакон: Премудрост!
Читач: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач: Добро је исповједати се Господу, и пјевати Имену Твоме Вишњи.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач: Објављивати ујутро милост Твоју и истину Твоју током ноћи.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
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Matthew 6: 14-21
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
“Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
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Матеј 6: 14-21
Рече Господ: Ако опростите људима сагрјешења њихова, опростиће и вама Отац ваш небески. Ако ли не опростите људима сагрјешења њихова, ни Отац ваш неће опростити вама сагрјешења ваша. А кад постите, не будите суморни као лицемјери: јер они натмуре лица своја да се покажу људима како посте. Заиста вам кажем: примили су плату своју. А ти када постиш, намажи главу своју, и лице своје умиј, да те не виде људи гдје постиш, него Отац твој који је у тајности; и Отац твој који види тајно, узвратиће теби јавно. Не сабирајте себи блага на земљи, гдје мољац и рђа квари, и гдје лопови поткопавају и краду; Него сабирајте себи блага на небу, гдје ни мољац ни рђа не квари, и гдје лопови не поткопавају и не краду. Јер гдје је благо ваше, ондје ће бити и срце ваше.
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~ The Week Ahead: Scriptures and Services ~ | |
~Prayers for the Faithful~
In Our Prayers
The Newly illumined Logan Michael Livingston, his parents and sponsors, Metropolitan Paul, Archbishop Youhanna, Protopresbyter Srboljub and Protinica Ljubica Jockovic, Protopresbyter Rodney Torbic, Popadija Sara Golic, Matushka Barbara Ealy, the child Katie Elizabeth and her parents Mileva and Michael Repasky, the child Metodija and his parents Fr. Dn. Milan and Mira Damljanovic, the child Danijela and her parents Mark and Jennifer Belo, Lauren Spangler and the child newly born of her, Bethany Peterson and the child to be born of her, Emma Howell and the child to be born of her, Kyranna Radanovic and the child to be born of her, Michelle Adams, Addy Andy, Lori Bare, Louise Bare, Dori Bert, Jonathan Bertsch, Darlene & Larry Black, Carole Blitva, Stephan and Barbara Blitva, Walter “Bud” Brown, Guiliana & Aleksandar Carricato, Leann Cox, Joseph Derk, Art Dils, Draga Donato, Tommy and Kara (Blitva) Dorsey, Anaya Garvin, Christian & Melanie Geib, Michael Geppert III, Dr Andrea Govelovich, Nick & Terry Govelovich, Kata Gruich, George Gutshall, Dan Hazlett, Basil Havalchak, Travis Heilman, Adam Herigan, Edith Herigan, Kay Himes, Nicole Stefan Imschweiler, Susan Jacobs, Tijana Jaksic, Slobodan Jovicic, Spencer Klinge, Ljuban Kosovac, Dorothy Krnjaich, Henry Laichak, Peter Lalic, Dragan Lalovic, Stella Wren Lappas, Catherine Lewis, Dick Livingston, Maggie Livingston, Boro Lojpur, Stephen Lundingrin, Dianne & Jim Martin, Rowan Martin, Jack McFall, Annabelle McLaughlin, John J Milakovic, Marija Miljkovic, Daria Milletics, Infant of God Ryan Leigh Moffitt, Dave Morris, Peter Mrgich, George Myers, Patty Navarro, Bosiljka Ninkovic, Eva Orr, Lila Packer, Daniel Paddock, Ljubomir Pejanovic, Vid & Marica Pejcic, Hope Pesner, Tracy Petrovich, Logan Roszkowski, Nathan & Jane Rush, Greg Selman, Michael Schaffner, Maryann Seiders, Michael Semic, Steven Semic, Benjamin Shaffer, Tessa Shaffer, John Sheaffer, Pat Shoemaker, Branko Smitran, Zorka Starcevich, Tim Stefan, Patricia & Joseph Sypniewski, Leonard Tepsich, Leroy Tepsich Jr, Savka Trivun, Edie & Michael “Bo” Venesevich, Rita Vorkapich, Kristina Vukalo, Steve Vulich, Paula Werner, Draga Worman, Dewey Yetter, Mileva “Millie” Yezdimir, Marija Zabrodnaya, Demetrios & Eleni Ziogas, Miriam “Mim” Codan Ziolkowski
Those Who Need Special Care
Those to be Baptized
Sloane Ivey & Berkeley Blythe Semic, Emilia Renee Peterson, Barrett Scott, Divna and Danica Mitrovic, Nora Katherine & Maeve Noelle Van Huysen, Sloane York, Bennett Noah Spangler
Our College Students
Anastasija Gligorevic, Cayden Healy, Matthew Hoover, Kalei Howard, Sophia Mummert, Kobe Petrovich, Christina Radanovic, Ioanna Radanovic, Kyranna Radanovic, Madison Vorkapich
Our Dearly Departed Loved Ones
Mihailo Novakovic, Ljubica Turajlic, Jo-An Tracey Stanovich, William Yovanovich, Eva Stimac, Dr Ljubisa Stankovic, Natalija Mandic, Djordje Kojic, Kristina Turuntas, Djuro Miljevic
~Vigils Offered~
LOGAN MICHAEL LIVINGSTON Offered on the joyous occasion of his baptism (Feb 18). May God always look down upon you, cherish you and keep you safely in his care. Congratulations to his Kumovi, Lauren & Nick; parents, Meghan & Brad and big sister Mila. May God grant you all many years! Mnogaja Ljeta! With Love from Gram Doni & Grandpa Steve
DYLAN PETERSON Offered in celebration of his birthday (Feb 28). God’s blessings for many more healthy, happy and successful years! Mnogaja Ljeta! With all our love, your Babi & the whole family.
GREGORY YANICH Offered in happy celebration of his birthday (March 1) with prayers for his health, well-being and Many Years! Given with love by his family. Happy Birthday! Srecan Rodendan!
ZORKA STARCEVICH Offered prayerfully for our Babi as she prepares to undergo breast cancer surgery on Thursday, March 2nd. We love you Babi and pray for a full and speedy recovery! Offered by her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
TOOTSIE KRNJAICH Offering vigils and prayers for our Kuma Tootsie. May God’s blessings be with her during her rehab period. From her Godchildren, Kat and families.
DARLENE BLACK Offered with love by the Barber & Geib Families for God’s Blessings during her recovery. We pray that He will bless her with good health. Our Love & Prayers are with her.
MICHAEL GEPPERT Offered prayerfully by Mom & Dad for improvement in health and God’s blessings and loving care during his recovery.
†PETER BARBER SR Offered in loving remembrance of our Father/Grandfather on his birthday (Feb 28). Always in our hearts and prayers. Sadly missed by his family. Memory Eternal! Vjecnaja Pamjat!
†DEE (GRUICH) BRESKI Offered by her loving family in remembrance of her repose (15 years—Feb 29). Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
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Please continue to pray for all of those currently being persecuted for Christ's sake in Kosovo, Metohija, Montenegro, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, the Sudan, China, North Korea, for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ suffering throughout the world, especially in Ukraine, that they might be comforted with the Joy of our Lord, and for all of those suffering from the pandemic, for those who minister, and for those who are unjustly persecuted that they may be strengthened by the love of Christ which knows no race.
Stewardship Offering Information
Date 2/19/2023
Collection: $2,307.00
Date 2/12/2023
Collection: $4,157.00
Date 2/5/2023
Collection: $6,692.00
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Remaining February Birthdays
Natasha Milanovich (Feb 26), Steve Cashman (Feb 27), Alan Radanovic (Feb 28), Mike Sunajko
Remaining February Anniversaries
Ferris & Jody Atty (Feb 28)
March Birthdays
Ruth Yovanovich (Mar 1), Gregory Yanich (Mar 1), Karen Stefan (Mar 2), Matea Jovic (Mar 3), George Radanovic (Mar 4), Dasha Gencturk (Mar 4), Donald Semic (Mar 5), Alex Bazdar (Mar 5), Nick Ressetar (Mar 7), Eric Garvin (Mar 8), Kirsten Geib (Mar 10), Monroe Semic (Mar 10), Sylvia Velencia (Mar 11), Stephani Yanich (Mar 13), Millie Trayer (Mar 14), Vega Stevenson (Mar 14), Tootsie Krnjaich (Mar 16), Donna Carricato (Mar 18), Tosha Yanich (Mar 19), Natalija Gligorevic (Mar 19), Rohan Radanovic (Mar 19), Mileva Jovic (Mar 21), Danielle Van Huysen (Mar 21), Protinica Carole Balach (Mar 22), Val Radosevich (Mar 26), Anastasija Vukalo (Mar 27), Ava Kingsbury (Mar 28), Zorka Starcevich (Mar 29), Beba Yanich (Mar 30), Blagica Raic (Mar 30), Clark Filepas (Mar 30), Mya Rose Petrovich (Mar 30), Mitch Matovich (Mar 31)
March Anniversaries
Igor & Brankica Skinder (Mar 21)
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The next Mother’s Club Meeting will be held after Liturgy on Sunday, February 26. All members are urged to attend.
If you haven’t stopped by the display case in the lobby recently, take a look. There are now Pascha items available.
The Great Lenten Season begins tomorrow, February 27. Our Lenten services will begin on Sunday evening with Forgiveness Vespers. The first week of Lent, known as Clean Week, is a special time marked with the serving of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete. Be sure to make time for these beautiful repentant services as we get ready for our Lord’s Passion, Burial and Resurrection.
The Serbian-American Club is once again offering a scholarship to a graduating high school senior continuing their education. The guidelines and application can be found on the Tutors stand in the Narthex. Application deadline is May 1, 2023. The Club is accepting additional scholarship donations which will be added to the amount already collected for the scholarship. If you are interested in donating, see Chris Radanovic.
My heartfelt thanks for all the prayers and get well wishes from the wonderful parishioners of St Nicholas. God bless you all ~ Carole Blitva
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Office hours are Monday thru Friday from 9am until noon. You may call the office during these hours at (717-939-3972) or come by the office in person. Office hours will be adjusted when services are occurring during those hours.
Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday at 11 am. Please send all bulletin requests to You may also call the office at (717-939-3872).
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February Charity
St Sava School of Theology – Libertyville IL
St. Sava School of Theology is named in memory of St. Sava, the first archbishop, teacher and enlightener of the Serbian people. On January 29th we celebrated St. Sava’s Day and it is fitting that we also offer support to the theological seminary in the US named for him. The main mission and goal of the school is to provide religious education and train candidates for the Holy Priesthood in the Serbian Orthodox Church specifically as well as interested Orthodox Christian individuals of other ethnic jurisdictions. St. Save School is the educational center for individuals committed to serving the Serbian Orthodox Church and her people in a multi-lingual environment. The school presently offers study leading to the Bachelor of Divinity Degree. Graduate level programs of study are also being developed at the School and in conjunction with other institutions. Funding is provided by an annual budget proposed by the School and adopted and implemented by the Central Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the US and Canada. Financial support is sought from all the Serbian Orthodox Dioceses and church congregations. More information about the School’s programs, plans and course of study may be found at the diocesan website at the following link:
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We are still collecting items for those enduring poverty. Please consider dropping off non expired canned and dry goods along with paper towels, tissues, feminine products, diapers, etc… in the Food Pantry Box, located in our lobby. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
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Kumovi Sunday..... March 26
PASCHA................. April 16
Church Slava.......... May 21
Church Picnic......... June 4
Club Picnic.............. July 30
Serb Fest.................. Sept 23
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Stewardship Reflection
The Sunday of Forgiveness
Today's Gospel reflects on Forgiveness and our preparation for Great Lent. God tells us that we must forgive men for their trespasses, if we expect our Heavenly Father to forgive us for our trespasses. Jesus also reflects upon our treasures, how we use them and prepare for Salvation through Stewardship. The key is to focus on the Heavenly in your daily life so that when you come before the dread Judgment Seat of Christ, you will be placed on the right hand and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you. We must lay up our treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume. Every aspect of how we use our Time, Talents and Treasures will determine where God places us on Judgment Day. "For where your treasure is, your heart will be also."
During Great Lent, pray and ask God to guide you so that your focus will be on the Heavenly and not the earthly... determine how you can help your Church. Whether it is volunteering to prepare the Church for Pascha, hosting a coffee fellowship after the Divine Liturgy or feeding the homeless - God asks us to do all that we can as good and faithful Stewards.
Turn not away Thy face from Thy servant for I am afflicted! Hear me speedily. Attend to my soul and deliver it! Forgiveness Sunday Vespers
Старатељска Порука
Недеља Опраштања
Данашње Јеванђеље нас поучава о Опроштању и о припрема за Велики Пост. Господ нам говори да треба да опростимо свима који су нам наудили , јер ако очекијемо да нам Господ опрости наше грехове и ми морамо другима да опростимо. Господ Исус такође говори о нашем благу или богаству , како да га користимо и да се припремамо за Спасење кроз Старатељство. Главна поента је наш фокус на оно Небеско у нашем свакидашњем животу, да када , дођемо пред Страшни Суд Господњи , будемо послати на десну страну (рај) и наследимо Царство Небеско. Морамо да се трудимо да сакупимо благо на Небесима , где мољац или рђа не једу и кваре. Како и са ког аспекта користимо наше Време , Таленат и Новац ће да одлучи где ће нас Бог послати на дан Страшног суда. Јер где је благо наше ту је и срце наше".
Кроз Велики Пост , молимо се и тражимо од Бога да нас води и да обратимо пажњу више на Небеско него на земаљско... да одлучимо како можемо да помогнемо нашој Цркви.Било да је то волонтирање да се Црква припреми за велики празник Васкрсења Христова, припрема кафе после Свете Литургије или пак помогање бескућника и беспомоћних - Бог од нас тражи да учинимо колико можемо као добри и верни Старатељи.
Не окрени лице Своје од мене слуге свога због грехова мојих. Брзо услиши ме. Помози души мојој и спаси је. Вечерње на Недељу Опраштања
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Land Use Committee
Sunday, March 19, 2023
After Liturgy
Please join us after Liturgy on the Sunday of the Life-Giving and Precious Cross to kick-off our Land Use Committee. This meeting will present the current state of our property, ask for ideas to utilize the property more fully, and engage with these ideas in order to plan for a sustainable future for our St. Nicholas parish. All parishioners are encouraged to attend.
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