Zacchaeus Sunday
St. Nicholas Bulletin - January 29, 2023
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God is revealed! Бог се јави! ¡Dios se revela! | |
Homily on Zacchaeus Sunday
by St. Cyril of Alexandria
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In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Behold a man named Zacchaeus.
Zacchaeus was chief of the publicans, a man entirely abandoned to covetousness, and whose sole object was the increase of his gains: for such was the practice of the publicans, though Paul calls it “idolatry”, possibly as being fit only for those who have no knowledge of God. And as they shamelessly made open profession of this vice, the Lord very justly joined them with the harlots, thus saying to the chiefs of the Jews, “The harlots and publicans go before you into the Kingdom of God.” But Zacchaeus continued not among their number, but was counted worthy of mercy at Christ’s hands: for He it is Who calls near those who are afar off, and gives light to those in darkness.
But come then, and let us see what was the manner of Zacchaeus’ conversion. He desired to see Jesus, and climbed therefore into a sycamore tree, and so a seed of salvation sprang up within him. And Christ saw this with the eyes of Deity: and therefore looking up, He saw him also with the eyes of manhood, and as it was His purpose for all men to be saved, He extends His gentleness to him, and encouraging him, says, “Come down quickly.” For he had sought to see Him, but the multitude prevented him, not so much that of the people, as of his sins; and he was little of stature, not merely in a bodily point of view, but also spiritually: and in no other way could he see Him, unless he were raised up from the earth, and climbed into the sycamore, by which Christ was about to pass. Now the story contains an enigma: for in no other way can a man see Christ and believe in Him, except by mounting up into the sycamore, by rendering foolish his members which are upon the earth, fornication, uncleanness, etc. And Christ, it says, was about to pass by the sycamore: for having taken for His path the conversation which is by the law, that is, the fig tree, He chose the foolish things of the world, that is, the cross and death. And every one who takes up his cross, and follows Christ’s conversation, is saved, performing the law with understanding which so becomes a fig tree not bearing figs but follies; for the secret conduct of the faithful seems to the Jews to be folly, consisting as it does in circumcision from vice, and idleness from bad practice, though they be not circumcised in the flesh, nor keep the sabbath. He knew therefore that he was prepared for obedience; and fervent for faith, and ready to change from vice to virtue; wherefore also He calls him, and he will leave (the fig tree) to gain Him. And with haste he came down, and received Him joyfully, not only because he saw him as he wished, but because he had also been called by Him, and because he received Him (to lodge with him), which he never could have expected.
Zacchaeus, come down quickly: for today I must abide at your house.
This was an act of divine foreknowledge; for He well knew what would happen. He saw the man’s soul prepared most readily to choose a holy life, and converted him therefore to piety. The man therefore received Jesus joyfully: and this was the commencement of his turning himself to good, of his departure from his former faults, and of his courageously betaking himself to a better course.
But perchance some one possibly may say to our common Savior Christ, ‘What do You do, O Lord? Go You to lodge with Zacchaeus? And deign You to abide with the chief of the publicans? He has not yet washed away the stain of his greedy love of lucre: he is still sick with covetousness, the mother of all crimes: still full of the blame of rapine and extortion.’ But yes, He says, I indeed know this, in that I am God by nature, and see the ways of every person upon the earth. And more than this, I know also things to come. I have called him to repentance, because he is ready thereto: and though men murmur, and blame my gentleness, facts themselves shall prove that they are wrong. “For Zacchaeus, it says, stood up, and said to the Lord, Behold, the half of whatever I possess I give to the poor, and if I have defrauded any man, I make fourfold restoration.”
You behold his repentance; his rapid change to a better course; his haste to piety; the bountifulness of his love for the poor. He who lately was a publican, or rather the chief of the publicans, given up to covetousness, and set upon gain, at once becomes merciful, and devoted to charity. He promises that he will distribute his wealth to those who are in need, that he will make restoration to those who have been defrauded: and he who was the slave of avarice, makes himself poor, and ceases to care for gains.
Let not the Jewish multitudes therefore murmur when Christ saves sinners; but let them answer us this. Would they have physicians succeed in effecting cures when they visit the sick? Do they praise them when they are able to deliver men from cruel ulcers, or do they blame them, and praise those who are unskillful in their art? But as I suppose, they will give the sentence of superiority in favor of those who are skillful in benefiting such as suffer from diseases. Why therefore do they blame Christ, if when Zacchaeus was, so to say, fallen and buried in spiritual maladies, He raised him from the pitfalls of destruction?
And to teach them this, he says, “Today there is salvation for this house, in that he also is a son of Abraham:” for where Christ enters, there necessarily is also salvation. May He therefore also be in us: and He is in us when we believe: for He dwells in our hearts by faith, and we are His abode. It would have been better then for the Jews to have rejoiced because Zacchaeus was wonderfully saved, for he too was counted among the sons of Abraham, to whom God promised salvation in Christ by the holy prophets, saying, “There shall come a Savior from Zion, and He shall take away iniquities from Jacob, and this is my covenant with them, when I will bear their sins.”
Christ therefore arose, to deliver the inhabitants of the earth from their sins, and to seek them that were lost, and to save them that had perished. For this is His office, and, so to say, the fruit of His godlike gentleness. Of this will He also count all those worthy who have believed in Him: by Whom and with Whom to God the Father be praise and dominion, with the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
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Commemorating the Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy and All-Glorious Apostle Peter, St Honoratus Archbishop of Arles founder of Lerins Monastery, Hieromartyr Damascene the New, Martyr Danax the Reader in Macedonia, Blessed Maximus the Fool for Christ of Tot’ma, Martyred brothers Speusippus, Eleusippus, Meleusippus and those with them in Gaul, Venerable Romilus of Ravenica
You did descend from on high, O Merciful One, You did accept the three day burial to free us from our sufferings. O Lord, our Life and Resurrection, glory to You!
You came to us without leaving Rome through the precious chains that you wore. First-enthroned of the apostles, we bow down to them in faith and pray: “Through your prayers to God grant us great mercy.”
In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; your humility exalted you; your poverty enriched you. Hierarch Father Nicholas, entreat Christ our God that our souls may be saved.
By rising from the tomb, You raised the dead and resurrected Adam. Eve exults in Your Resurrection, and the world celebrates Your rising from the dead, O greatly Merciful One!
Steadfast Protectress of Christians and constant Advocate before the Creator; despise not the cry of us sinners, but come speedily to help those who call on You in faith. Hasten to hear our petition and to intercede for us, O Theotokos, for You always protect those who honor You!
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~Scripture Readings of the Day~ | |
This Week: Matins: Lenny Tepsich Epistle: Wayln John
Next Week: Matins: Milan Radanovic Epistle: Marijana Rocknage
EPISTLE: 1 Timothy 4:9-15
DEACON: Let us pay attention.
PRIEST: Peace be unto all!
READER: And with your spirit!
DEACON: Wisdom.
READER: The Prokeimenon in the Third Tone: Sing praises to our God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
CHOIR: Sing praises to our God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
READER: v: Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!
CHOIR: Sing praises to our God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
READER: Sing praises to our God, sing praises!
CHOIR: Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
DEACON: Wisdom!
READER: The Reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to Timothy.
DEACON: Let us attend!
READER: Timothy my son, this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance. For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. These things command and teach. Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.
PRIEST: Peace be unto you, reader!
READER: And with your spirit! Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER: In You, O Lord, have I hoped; let me never be put to shame!
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER: Be a God of protection for me, a house of refuge in order to save me!
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
АПОСТОЛ: 1 Тимотеју 4: 9-15
Ђакон: Пазимо
Свештеник: Мир свима!
Читач: I Духу Твоме!
Ђакон: Премудрост
Читач : ПРОКИМЕН- глас 3 Појте Богу нашему, појте! Појте Цару нашему, појте!
Хор: Појте Богу нашему, појте! Појте Цару нашему, појте!
Читач: Сви народи, запљескајте рукама, покликните Богу гласом радосним!
Хор: Појте Богу нашему, појте! Појте Цару нашему, појте!
Читач: Појте Богу нашему, појте!
Хор: Појте Цару нашему, појте!
Ђакон: Премудрост
Читац: Читање је од посланице Светог апостола Павла до Тимотеја.
Ђакон: Пазимо
Читач: Чедо Тимотеје, ово је истинита ријеч и достојна свакога примања; јер за то се и трудимо и бивамо срамоћени, јер се надамо у Бога живога, који је спаситељ свију људи, особито вјерних. Ово заповиједај и учи. Нико да не презире твоју младост, али буди образац вјернима у ријечи, у живљењу, у љубави, у духу, у вјери, у чистоти. Докле не дођем пази на читање, утјешавање и учење. Не занемаруј благодатни дар у теби који ти је дат кроз пророчанство полагањем руку старјешина на тебе. Ово проучавај, у овоме стој, да се напредак твој покаже у свему. Пази на себе и на науку, истрај у томе; јер чинећи ово, спасићеш и себе и оне који те слушају.
Свештеник: Мир ти читачу!
Читач: I Духом Твоме! Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач: У тебе се, Господе, уздам, немој ме оставити под срамотом до вјека.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач: Буди ми Бог заштитник, дом уточишта, да би ме спасао.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
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Luke 19: 1-10
At that time, Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, for he was of short stature. So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” So he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. But when they saw it, they all complained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.” Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
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Лука 19: 1-10
У вријеме оно, Исус ушавши у Јерихон, пролажаше кроз њега. И гле, човјек звани именом Закхеј, и он бјеше старјешина цариника, и бјеше богат. И тражаше да види Исуса ко је он; и не могаше од народа, јер бјеше малога раста. И он потрчавши напријед, попе се на дивљу смокву да га види; јер је поред ње требало да прође. А кад Исус дође на оно мјесто, погледавши горе, видје га и рече му: Закхеју, сиђи брзо; јер ми данас ваља бити у дому твоме. И сиђе брзо; и прими га радујући се. И сви који видјеше негодоваху, говорећи како уђе да гостује код грјешнога човјека. А Закхеј стаде и рече Господу: Господе, ево пола имања свога даћу сиромасима, и ако кога нечим оштетих, вратићу четвороструко. А Исус му рече: Данас дође спасење дому овоме; јер и ово је син Авраамов. Јер Син Човјечији дође да потражи и спасе изгубљено.
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~ The Week Ahead: Scriptures and Services ~ | |
~Prayers for the Faithful~
In Our Prayers
Newly Illumined Christian CJ Holland his parents and sponsors, Metropolitan Paul, Archbishop Youhanna, Protopresbyter Srboljub and Protinica Ljubica Jockovic, Protopresbyter Rodney Torbic, Popadija Sara Golic, Matushka Barbara Ealy, the child Katie Elizabeth and her parents Mileva and Michael Repasky, the child Metodija and his parents Fr. Dn. Milan and Mira Damljanovic, the child Danijela and her parents Mark and Jennifer Belo, Lauren Spangler and the child newly born of her, Bethany Peterson and the child to be born of her, Michelle Adams, Addy Andy, Lori Bare, Louise Bare, Dori Bert, Jonathan Bertsch, Darlene & Larry Black, Carole Blitva, Stephan and Barbara Blitva, Walter “Bud” Brown, Guiliana & Aleksandar Carricato, Leann Cox, Joseph Derk, Art Dils, Draga Donato, Tommy and Kara (Blitva) Dorsey, Anaya Garvin, Christian & Melanie Geib, Michael Geppert III, Dr Andrea Govelovich, Nick & Terry Govelovich, Kata Gruich, George Gutshall, Dan Hazlett, Basil Havalchak, Travis Heilman, Adam Herigan, Edith Herigan, Nicole Stefan Imschweiler, Susan Jacobs, Tijana Jaksic, Slobodan Jovicic, Spencer Klinge, Ljuban Kosovac, Dorothy Krnjaich, Henry Laichak, Peter Lalic, Dragan Lalovic, Stella Wren Lappas, Catherine Lewis, Dick Livingston, Maggie Livingston, Stephen Lundingrin, Dianne & Jim Martin, Rowan Martin, Jack McFall, Annabelle McLaughlin, John J Milakovic, Marija Miljkovic, Daria Milletics, Infant of God Ryan Leigh Moffitt, Dave Morris, Peter Mrgich, George Myers, Patty Navarro, Bosiljka Ninkovic, Eva Orr, Lila Packer, Daniel Paddock, Ljubomir Pejanovic, Vid & Marica Pejcic, Hope Pesner, Tracy Petrovich, Logan Roszkowski, Greg Selman, Michael Schaffner, Maryann Seiders, Michael Semic, Steven Semic, Benjamin Shaffer, Tessa Shaffer, John Sheaffer, Pat Shoemaker, Branko Smitran, Tim Stefan, Patricia & Joseph Sypniewski, Leonard Tepsich, Leroy Tepsich Jr, Edie & Michael “Bo” Venesevich, Rita Vorkapich, Kristina Vukalo, Steve Vulich, Paula Werner, Draga Worman, Dewey Yetter, Mileva “Millie” Yezdimir, Marija Zabrodnaya, Demetrios & Eleni Ziogas, Miriam “Mim” Codan Ziolkowski
Those Who Need Special Care
Those to be Baptized
Sloane Ivey & Berkeley Blythe Semic, Emilia Renee Peterson, Barrett Scott, Divna and Danica Mitrovic, Nora Katherine & Maeve Noelle Van Huysen, Sloane York, Logan Michael Livingston, Bennett Noah Spangler
Our College Students
Anastasija Gligorevic, Cayden Healy, Matthew Hoover, Kalei Howard, Sophia Mummert, Kobe Petrovich, Christina Radanovic, Ioanna Radanovic, Kyranna Radanovic, Madison Vorkapich
Our Dearly Departed Loved Ones
Matushka Anna Hopko, Nenad ‘Nesho’ Pantelich, Mark Gruin, Slobodanka Balaban, Mihailo Novakovic, Ljubica Turajlic, Jo-An Tracey Stanovich, William Yovanovich, Eva Stimac, Dr Ljubisa Stankovic, Natalija Mandic, Djordje Kojic, Kristina Turuntas, Djuro Miljevic
~Vigils Offered~
ASHTYN CRUZ Offered in celebration of her 11th birthday tomorrow! We praise the Lord for this special person in our lives and pray He grants her Many Blessings for Many Years! Mnogaja Ljeta! Offered with love by her Mommy & Curran, sisters Sonora & Endora, Gaga Stephani, Kuma Kaitlyn, Kum Brian and the whole family.
JOE VAN HUYSEN Offered in joyful celebration of his birthday (Jan 30). Much love from Baba and the family. Mnogaja Ljeta! Many Years!
TOOTSIE KRNJAICH Offering vigils and prayers for our Kuma Tootsie. May God’s blessings be with her during her rehab period. From her Godchildren, Kat and families.
DARLENE BLACK Offered with love by the Barber & Geib Families for God’s Blessings during her recovery. We pray that He will bless her with good health. Our Love & Prayers are with her.
MICHAEL GEPPERT Offered prayerfully by Mom & Dad for improvement in health and God’s blessings and loving care during his recovery.
†LJUBOMIR ’LOU’ VASITY Offer in loving memory of Kum Lou (2 years—Jan 26). May his soul dwell with the righteous and be numbered among the just. Offered by the Yanich & Matich family. Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
†VICKI GESFORD Offered in loving memory of her repose (6 years—Feb 1). Sadly missed by her family. Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
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Please continue to pray for all of those currently being persecuted for Christ's sake in Kosovo, Metohija, Montenegro, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, the Sudan, China, North Korea, for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ suffering throughout the world, especially in Ukraine, that they might be comforted with the Joy of our Lord, and for all of those suffering from the pandemic, for those who minister, and for those who are unjustly persecuted that they may be strengthened by the love of Christ which knows no race.
Stewardship Offering Information
Date 1/22/2023
Collection: $3,990.00
Date 1/15/2023
Collection: $5,279.00
Date 1/8/2023
Collection: $2,641.00
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remaining January Birthdays
Jane Svitchan (Jan 29), Maxim Reznitchenko (Jan 29), Ashtyn Isadora Cruz (Jan 30)
February Birthdays
Linsay Barry (Feb 1), Sloane York (Feb 2), Lincoln Grey Moore (Feb 5), Pete & Joe Petrovich (Feb 6), Jasmine Jacobs (Feb 6), Rod Vorkapich (Feb 8), Maeve Van Huysen (Feb 8), Sladjana Gligorevic (Feb 9), Parker Rae Petrovich (Feb 10), Ruby Cangialosi (Feb 12), Isla Goodling (Feb 13), Waad Jacobs (Feb 15), Blake Bazdar (Feb 16), Susan Jacobs (Feb 18), John Semic (Feb 21), Anaya Garvin (Feb 21), Emily Fithian (Feb 22), Ethan Imschweiler (Feb 22), Janet Krnjaic (Feb 24), Michael York (Feb 24), Natasha Milanovich (Feb 26), Steve Cashman (Feb 27), Alan Radanovic (Feb 29), Mike Sunajko
February Anniversaries
Dean & Karen Stefan (Feb 6), Ferris & Jody Atty (Feb 28)
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As with previous years, Fr. Chris will be blessing homes according to the zip code schedule printed in the bulletin. You will receive a call and/or email the week beforehand, letting you know which day Father will be coming. Please have ready: a candle, a bowl of water, the list of names you would like Fr. Chris to pray for, both living and departed. If you do not hear from Daria the week before your scheduled house blessing or you were inadvertently overlooked last year, and would like to have your house blessed, please reach out to her at 717-939-3872
Hello! Welcome to St. Nick’s! If you can say this with a smile, you are a born GREETER. Have you ever felt uncomfortable upon entering a place where no one knows you? It is not a great feeling. St. Nick’s is asking you to be a steward willing to share your warm welcome to all those who enter our beautiful church for the first or the five hundredth time. Please let Daria or Terry know that you can be that steward once every 6 weeks.
Jovanka Shaffer and JoAnn Filepas will be seated in the church hall after Liturgy on Sundays to collect 2023 dues. Dues remain at $5 for the year.
Please see Nikki Lewis to pay your 2023 Mother’s Club Dues and Popadija Andreja to pay your 2023 Serb Club Dues.
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Just a reminder, January is Poverty Awareness Month. Please consider dropping off non expired canned and dry goods along with paper towels, tissues, feminine products, diapers, etc… in the Food Pantry Box, that is in our lobby. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Office hours are Monday thru Friday from 9am until noon. You may call the office during these hours at (717-939-3972) or come by the office in person. Office hours will be adjusted when services are occurring during those hours.
Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday at 11 am. Please send all bulletin requests to You may also call the office at (717-939-3872).
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As with previous years, Fr. Chris will be blessing homes according to the zip code schedule printed in the bulletin. You will receive a call and/or email the week beforehand, letting you know which day Father will be coming. Please have ready: a candle, a bowl of water, the list of names you would like Fr. Chris to pray for, both living and departed. If you do not hear from Daria the week before your scheduled house blessing or you were inadvertently overlooked last year, and would like to have your house blessed, please reach out to her at 717-939-3872
Hello! Welcome to St. Nick’s! If you can say this with a smile, you are a born GREETER. Have you ever felt uncomfortable upon entering a place where no one knows you? It is not a great feeling. St. Nick’s is asking you to be a steward willing to share your warm welcome to all those who enter our beautiful church for the first or the five hundredth time. Please let Daria or Terry know that you can be that steward once every 6 weeks.
Jovanka Shaffer and JoAnn Filepas will be seated in the church hall after Liturgy on Sundays to collect 2023 dues. Dues remain at $5 for the year.
Please see Nikki Lewis to pay your 2023 Mother’s Club Dues and Popadija Andreja to pay your 2023 Serb Club Dues.
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Just a reminder, January is Poverty Awareness Month. Please consider dropping off non expired canned and dry goods along with paper towels, tissues, feminine products, diapers, etc… in the Food Pantry Box, that is in our lobby. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Office hours are Monday thru Friday from 9am until noon. You may call the office during these hours at (717-939-3972) or come by the office in person. Office hours will be adjusted when services are occurring during those hours.
Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday at 11 am. Please send all bulletin requests to You may also call the office at (717-939-3872).
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January Charity
The International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)
IOCC is a humanitarian aid agency of Orthodox Christians. Established in 1992 by the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA), it works in cooperation with the Orthodox Church and on behalf of Orthodox Christians. In carrying out its mission, offering emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthening the capacity of the Orthodox Church to so respond, IOCC applies the highest profession standards and renders itself fully accountable to the public and its donors. Since its inception, IOCC has administered more than $580 million in humanitarian relief, sustainable development and self-help programs worldwide.
Approximately 92% of all money donated directly helps those facing dire situations and every dollar given helps secure $7 in support from various sources. All assistance is provided solely on the basis of need and benefits orphans, refugees and displaced persons, the elderly, school children, families and people with disabilities. Over the course of their history, IOCC has been able to assist people in 50 countries with priority currently in the Balkans (Bosnia, Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro), Cameroon, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Haiti, Iraq, Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, Romania, Syria, Uganda, and the United States. Since the need for help is great, IOCC continually works to expand its programs to other areas. Visit for additional information.
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Order Deadline is January 29, 2023
Pickup is February 5, 2023
Following Divine Liturgy
Cost $8.00 per dinner
Menu includes
Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Stuffing, Corn, Apple Sauce & Roll
Call Sue Petrovich at 717-944-1258 to place an order or if you have any questions. You may also turn your order forms into the Church Office.
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The following positions for the Parish Council are open for nominations for the Annual Assembly in February:
II Vice President—responsible for the operation of the Church buildings and grounds
Treasurer—responsible for managing Church expenses
Secretary—responsible for taking minutes for meetings
Member at Large—responsible for assisting II VP in operation of buildings and grounds
All those who are interested in serving on the Council are required to the following:
1) Regularly attend services
2) Regularly participate in the Holy Mysteries of Confession and Communion
3) Regularly offer of their Time, Talents and Treasures to the Church
Please notify Fr. Christopher if you are interested in serving our parish by calling 717.939.0251 or emailing at
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Upcoming House Blessing Schedule
Monday, January 30 — Friday, February 3
(Feb 4 Make-up Day)
17011, 17015, 17018, 17025, 17050, 17053, 17055
Monday, February 6 — Wednesday, February 8
17102, 17109, 17110, 17111, 17112
Monday, February 13 — Friday, February 17
(Feb 18 Make-up Day)
17019, 17221, 17225, 17257, 17315, 17316, 17320, 17331, 17365
17070, 17319, 17339, 17345, 17361, 17362, 17363, 17370, 17402, 17406, 17408
Friday, February 24 — Saturday, February 25
17003, 17028, 17032, 17038, 17042, 17045, 17067, 17078
17502, 17512, 17522, 17540, 17543, 17545, 17552, 17557, 17601, 17602, 17603
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