Sunday of All Saints

1st Sunday after Pentecost

St. Nicholas Bulletin - June 11, 2023

Christ is in our midst! Христос међу нама! Cristo esta entra nosotros!

Homily for the Sunday of All Saints

by Father Philip LeMasters


If you are like me, sometimes when you read the lives of the saints you shake your head and think, “I could never do anything like that.” Many endured horrible tortures to the point of death because they refused to deny Christ. Others denied themselves food, clothing, and shelter in ways that seem beyond the strength of human beings. Some accepted insult and abuse while forgiving their tormentors and turning the other cheek in a fashion that seems not of this world. As today’s epistle reading reminds us, the Old Testament saints endured such trials purely in anticipation of the coming of the Savior. Most of us, who have received the fullness of the promise in Christ, cannot fathom how we could be nearly as faithful as was this cloud of witnesses who point us by their examples and prayers to commend our lives to Christ.

On this Sunday of All Saints, we commemorate all those who have united themselves to the Lord to the point that they have become radiant with His holiness by the power of the Holy Spirit, including those whose are not formally canonized as saints by the Church. The canonized saints are like the members of the hall of fame who stand as shining examples of obedience to the Lord. We celebrate them because their lives are such vivid icons of what it means for a human being to become a partaker of the divine nature by grace. We do not know the names of all the saints, of course. Not all who are illumined with the divine glory are known publically as such; of course, the point of holiness is never simply to draw attention to oneself. It is, instead, to be faithful in offering our lives to Christ. Only He knows the names and number of those Who have done that, for He alone knows our hearts.

If we want to join their number, then we must attend carefully to Christ’s teachings today in the gospel reading. “Everyone who acknowledges Me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father Who is in heaven; but whoever denies Me before men, I also will deny before My Father Who is in heaven.” No doubt, these words concern the importance of remaining faithful to the Lord even in the face of fierce persecution. Martyrs and confessors continue to refuse to deny Him, regardless of the physical abuse they suffer in many countries around the world. But we would let ourselves off the hook by thinking that this teaching refers only to those who lives are literally at risk for being faithful Christians. We must also ask whether we acknowledge Him before our neighbors every day of our lives in what we say and do. It is only our pride that makes us think that true faithfulness must be dramatic and spectacular. Most of us struggle to be faithful even in our routine trials and temptations. We will fail to unite ourselves to Christ in holiness if we fail to see that the most common challenges that we face are our opportunities to acknowledge that we belong to Him, and not simply to ourselves.

The Savior said, “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who does not take his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me.” There is nothing wrong, of course with loving our parents or our children, but if we are to become radiant with the holiness of God, we must keep even our strongest loves in proper order. We must remember that our parents, children, and spouses are gifts of God to us. His love is obviously the ground of all love worthy of the name. Our calling is not to worship people or make them ends in themselves, but to relate to them in a way that fulfills God’s gracious purposes for them and us. If we make false gods out of others, we will make them miserable and probably drive them away. And since God created us in His image and likeness, we will learn the hard way that we will never find fulfillment in anyone but Him.

“People pleasing” is quite dangerous because it is ultimately a self-centered form of idolatry in which we crave the approval of others to the point that we will sacrifice anything for it. Instead of offering even our most prized and intimate relationships to the Lord for His healing and blessing, we end up offering ourselves to others, willing to compromise our faithfulness for the sake of giving whomever we want to impress what we think they want. That is not taking up our crosses, but sacrificing our obedience to the Savior in order to serve lesser gods. And since what drives this attitude is our self-centered desire for the approval of others, it is ultimately a way of worshiping ourselves.

The Lord said that, “everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My Name’s sake, will receive a hundred fold, and inherit eternal life.” That is not only a promise for those who have physically given up their families and possessions, but also for those who have made the less dramatic sacrifice of putting Christ first in how they treat and speak to their spouse, children, family members, and friends. It is a promise for those who have denied themselves in order to have more time, energy, and resources to share with the poor, sick, and lonely. It is a promise for those who turn away from self-centeredness by offering themselves to the Lord in daily prayer, regular worship, and conscientious fasting.

Too often we think that holiness occurs only within the context of the four walls of the Church. If we are to take up our crosses and follow Christ, we must also learn to see the infinite opportunities of dying to self out of love for Him and our neighbors in our daily lives. That means we must take a painfully honest look at ourselves. For example, we may enjoy filling out minds with entertainment—such as news, social media, video games, film, etc.–that only inflames passions of worry, fear, hate, envy, and lust. If so, we need to turn away from it as we focus on the words of the Jesus Prayer or at least something else that does not inflame our passions. If we cannot learn to make such small sacrifices, we will never have the strength to make larger ones.

Regardless of our age, we likely are close to people whose values and way of life are apparently not consistent with obedience to Christ. Even as we must not condemn them personally, we must resist the subtle temptation to compromise our faithfulness to the Lord in what we say and do in order to gain their approval.  It is one thing to show everyone Christ’s love as best we can, but another to fail to acknowledge Him by engaging in conduct and conversation that contradict our primarily loyalty to Him. That would be a form of putting other people, and ultimately ourselves, before God, which is a path only to greater weakness for them and us. We must all discern mindfully and prayerfully whether we are acknowledging Christ in situations where it is much easier to act and speak as though He were not our Lord. We must all be willing to take up the cross of obedience to Him even if it means that we will be met with disapproval.

“Many that are first will be last, and the last first.” The Savior’s statement applies to all who have put Him first in their lives, for doing so requires sacrificing much that the world worships. It is obviously the case for martyrs and confessors to this very day, but also applies to everyone who sacrifices, even in small ways, in order to seek first the Kingdom of God. When we direct our time, energy, and attention to serve Christ, His Church, and our neighbors in whom He is present, we take a lower place in the estimation of the world. When we refuse to sacrifice ourselves on the altars of conventional accounts of success and happiness, we embrace the humility of Christ. Even when we do so in seemingly ordinary ways, we take step in running “with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfection of our faith.” That is how, we too, may join that great cloud of witnesses who have become radiant with the holiness of our Lord. Nothing dramatic or spectacular is required, but only true faithfulness.

~Hymnography of the Day~

Commemorating the Holy Virgin Martyr Theodosia of Tyre, Virgin Martyr Theodosia the Nun of Constantinople, Martyred Fathers and Mothers of Atchara, Repose of the Blessed John of Ustiug the Fool-for-Christ


You descended from on high, O Merciful One! You accepted the three day burial to free us from our sufferings! O Lord, our Life and Resurrection, glory to You!


As with fine porphyry and royal purple, Your Church has been adorned with Your martyr’s blood shed throughout all the world. She cries to You, O Christ God: “Send down Your bounties on Your people, grant peace to Your habitation and great mercy to our souls!”


By rising from the tomb, You did raise the dead and resurrect Adam. Eve exults in Your Resurrection, and the world celebrates Your rising from the dead, O Greatly Merciful One!


The universe offers You the God-bearing Martyrs as the first fruits of creation, O Lord and Creator. By their prayers keep Your Church, Your habitation, in abiding peace through the Theotokos, O most Merciful One!

~Scripture Readings of the Day~


This Week: Matins: Milan Radanovic Epistle: Marijana Rocknage

Next Week: Matins: Lenny Tepsich Epistle: Theodore Sukhernik

EPISTLE: Hebrews 11:33-12:2

DEACON:      Let us pay attention. 

PRIEST:         Peace be unto all!

READER:       And with your spirit!

DEACON:      Wisdom.

READER:      The Prokeimenon in the Eighth Tone: Pray and make your vows before the Lord our God!

CHOIR:          Pray and make your vows before the Lord our God!

READER:      v: In Judah God is known; His name is great in Israel.

CHOIR: Pray and make your vows before the Lord our God!

READER: Pray and make your vows ...

CHOIR: … before the Lord our God!

DEACON: Wisdom!

READER: The Reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Hebrews.

DEACON: Let us attend!

READER: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again. Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. Still others had trial of mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented— of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us. Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

PRIEST: Peace be unto you, reader!

READER: And with your spirit! Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

READER: The righteous cried and the Lord heard them and delivered them out of all their troubles.

CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

READER: Many are the afflictions of the righteous; the Lord will deliver them out of them all.

CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!


АПОСТОЛ: Јеврејима 11:33-12:2

Ђакон:          Пазимо

Свештеник: Мир свима!

Читач:           I Духу Твоме!

Ђакон:          Премудрост

Читач : ПРОКИМЕН- глас 8 Молите се и извршујте своје завјете Господу Богу нашему.

Хор:               Молите се и извршујте своје завјете Господу Богу нашему.

Читач: Зна се у Јудеји за Бога, у Израиљу је велико име Његово.

Хор: Молите се и извршујте своје завјете Господу Богу нашему.

Читач: Молите се и извршујте своје завјете

Хор: Господу Богу нашему.

Ђакон: Премудрост

Читач: Читање посланице Св. Апостола Павла Јеврејима

Ђакон: Пазимо

Читач: Браћо, они који вјером побиједише царства, чинише правду, добише обећања, затворише уста лавовима, угасише силу огњену, утекоше од оштрица мача, од немоћних постадоше јаки, бијаху силни у рату, поразише војске туђинске; Неке жене примише своје мртве васкрсењем; други пак бијаху мукама уморени не приставши на избављење, да би добили боље васкрсење; А други искусише поруге и шибања, па још окове и тамнице; Камењем побијени, престругани, измучени, од мача помријеше; потуцаше се у кожусима и козјим кожама у оскудици, у невољама, у патњама; Они којих свијет не бијаше достојан, потуцаху се по пустињама и горама и по пештерама и по јамама земаљским. И сви ови, освједочени у вјери, не добише обећање; Зато што је Бог нешто боље предвидјео за нас, да не би они без нас достигли савршенство. Зато и ми, имајући око себе толики облак свједока, одбацимо свако бреме и гријех који нас лако заводи, и са стрпљењем хитајмо у подвиг који нам предстоји, гледајући на Исуса, Начелника и Савршитеља вјере, који умјесто предстојеће му радости претрпи крст, не марећи за срамоту, и сједе с десне стране Пријестола Божијега.

Свештеник: Мир свима Читачу!

Читач: I Духом Твоме! Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа

Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа

Читач: Завапише праведници и Господ их чу.

Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа

Читач: Многе невоље имају праведници, али их од свих избавља Господ.

Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа


Matthew 10:32-33; 37-38; 19:27-30 

The Lord said to His disciples, “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.  But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?” So Jesus said to them, “Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.


Матеј 10:32-33; 37-38; 19:27-30 

Рече Господ својим ученицима: сваки који призна мене пред људима, признаћу и ја њега пред Оцем својим који је на небесима. А ко се одрекне мене пред људима, одрећи ћу се и ја њега пред Оцем својим који је на небесима. Који љуби оца или матер већма него мене, није мене достојан; и који љуби сина или кћер већма него мене, није мене достојан. И који не узме крст свој и не пође за мном, није мене достојан. Тада одговори Петар и рече му: Ето, ми смо оставили све и за тобом пошли; шта ће, дакле, нама бити? А Исус им рече: Заиста вам кажем да ћете ви који пођосте за мном, у новом животу, када сједне Син Човјечији на пријесто славе своје, сјести и сами на дванаест пријестола и судити над дванаест племена Израиљевих. И сваки који је оставио кућу, или браћу, или сестре, или оца, или матер, или жену, или дјецу, или земљу, имена мога ради, примиће сто пута онолико, и наслиједиће живот вјечни. Али ће многи први бити посљедњи и посљедњи први.

~ The Week Ahead: Scriptures and Services ~

All Saints

June 11, 2023

Hebrews 11:33-12:2

Matthew 10:32-33,37-38; 19:27-30

8:30 am Matins

9:30 am Liturgy


June 12, 2023

Romans 2:28-3:18

Matthew 6:31-34;


Office Closed


June 13, 2023

Romans 4:4-12

Matthew 7:15-21

Office Closed


June 14, 2023

Romans 4:13-25

Matthew 7:21-23

Office Closed


June 15, 2023

Romans 5:10-16

Matthew 8:23-27

Office Closed

6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal


June 16, 2023

Romans 5:17-6:2

Matthew 9:14-17

Office Closed


June 17, 2023

Romans 3:19-26

Matthew 7:1-8

5 pm Vespers

2nd Sunday after Pentecost

June 18, 2023

Romans 2:10-16

Matthew 4:18-23

8:30 am Matins

9:30 am Liturgy

"We have seen the True Light"

"Видјехом Свјет Истини"

Composer: S. St. Mokranjac

Choir: Hor Branko

Director: Sara Cincarevic

Sviridov - The Mysterious Nativity


First Resurrection Gospel: Matthew 28: 16-20

At that time, the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

~Prayers for the Faithful~

In Our Prayers

Metropolitan Paul, Archbishop Youhanna, Protinica Ljubica Jockovic, Protopresbyter Rodney Torbic, Popadija Sara Golic, Matushka Barbara Ealy, the child Katie Elizabeth and her parents Mileva and Michael Repasky, the child Metodija and his parents Fr. Dn. Milan and Mira Damljanovic, the child Danijela and her parents Mark and Jennifer Belo, the child Louise Bare and her parents Zachary & Elizabeth, Isadora Lazarevic and the newborn Luka John, Bethany Peterson and the newborn Delilah Marie, Emma Howell and the child to be born of her, Kyranna Baker and the child to be born of her, Michelle Adams, Addy Andy, Lori Bare, Dori Bert, Jonathan Bertsch, Darlene & Larry Black, Carole Blitva, Stephan and Barbara Blitva, Walter “Bud” Brown, Guiliana & Aleksandar Carricato, Leann Cox, Joseph Derk, Art Dils, Draga Donato, Tommy and Kara (Blitva) Dorsey, Anaya Garvin, Christian & Melanie Geib, Michael Geppert III, Dr Andrea Govelovich, Nick & Terry Govelovich, Kata Gruich, George Gutshall, Dan Hazlett, Basil Havalchak, Travis Heilman, Adam Herigan, Edith Herigan, Kay Himes, Nicole Stefan Imschweiler, Susan Jacobs, Slobodan Jovicic, Myong Sook Kim, Spencer Klinge, Dorothy Krnjaich, Henry Laichak, Peter Lalic, Dragan Lalovic, Stella Wren Lappas, Catherine Lewis, Dick Livingston, Maggie Livingston, Boro Lojpur, Stephen Lundingrin, Dianne & Jim Martin, Rowan Martin, Jack McFall, Marija Miljkovic, Daria Milletics, Infant of God Ryan Leigh Moffitt, Dave Morris, Peter Mrgich, George Myers, Patty Navarro, Bosiljka Ninkovic, Eva Orr, Lila Packer, Daniel Paddock, Vid & Marica Pejcic, Hope Pesner, Kobe Petrovich, Tracy Petrovich, Logan Roszkowski, Nathan & Jane Rush, Greg Selman, Michael Schaffner, Maryann Seiders, Steven Semic, Benjamin Shaffer, Tessa Shaffer, John Sheaffer, Pat Shoemaker, Branko Smitran, Zorka Starcevich, Tim Stefan, Patricia & Joseph Sypniewski, Leonard Tepsich, Leroy Tepsich Jr, Savka Trivun, Edie & Michael “Bo” Venesevich, Rita Vorkapich, Kristina Vukalo, Steve Vulich, Paula Werner, Draga Worman, Dewey Yetter, Mileva “Millie” Yezdimir, Marija Zabrodnaya, Ashley Ziobrowski, Demetrios & Eleni Ziogas, Miriam “Mim” Codan Ziolkowski


Those Who Need Special Care 


Those to be Baptized

Sloane Ivey & Berkeley Blythe Semic, Emilia Renee & Delilah Marie Peterson, Barrett Scott, Divna & Danica Mitrovic, Nora Katherine & Maeve Noelle Van Huysen, Sloane York

Our College Students

Anastasija Gligorevic, Cayden Healy, Matthew Hoover, Kalei Howard, Sophia Mummert, Kobe Petrovich, Christina Radanovic, Ioanna Radanovic, Kyranna Baker, Madison Vorkapich


Our Dearly Departed Loved Ones

Protopresbyter Srboljub Jockovic, Djordje Kojic, Kristina Turuntas, Djuro Miljevic, Constantine Vloutely, Robert Bazdar, Ljuban Kosovac, John J Milakovic, Mileva Maran


~Vigils Offered~

BAYLOR THOMPSON HOOK  Offered as we lift up our hearts in joyful celebration and glorious thanksgiving on Baylor’s third birthday (June 13). We are awed by his special blessing in our lives. Offered with love by parents Kaitlyn & Tim Hook, grandparents Bill & Bobbi Wenner, Uncle & Godfather Brandon Mumma, Cousin & Godmother Lauren Wenner and the whole family. May the Lord grant you Many Blessings for Many Years! Mnogaja Ljeta!

MIKE & JANET KRNJAIC Offered with much love and God’s Blessings on your Wedding Anniversary (June 15). May God Bless you with many more! Mnogaja Ljeta! Happy Anniversary, from Kat & family.

TOOTSIE KRNJAICH Offering vigils and prayers for our Kuma Tootsie. May God’s blessings be with her during her rehab period. From her Godchildren, Kat and families.

DARLENE BLACK Offered with love by the Barber & Geib Families for God’s Blessings during her recovery. We pray that He will bless her with good health. Our Love & Prayers are with her.

MICHAEL GEPPERT Offered prayerfully by Mom & Dad for improvement in health and God’s blessings and loving care during his recovery.

†WILLIAM G SLADE Offered in loving memory of his repose (8 years—June 14) by his wife Mary. May he rest in eternal peace. Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal! 

†MILDRED (MITZIE) BOROTA Offered in loving memory of her repose (3 years—June 17). May God grant her eternal peace in His heavenly kingdom. Given by Caroline Donato. Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!

Please continue to pray for all of those currently being persecuted for Christ's sake in Kosovo, Metohija, Montenegro, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, the Sudan, China, North Korea, for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ suffering throughout the world, especially in Ukraine and Russia, that they might be comforted with the Joy of our Lord, and for those who are unjustly persecuted that they may be strengthened by the love of Christ which knows no race.  


Stewardship Offering Information

Date 6/4/2023

Collection: $2,168.00

Date 5/28/2023

Collection: $3,081.00

Date 5/21/2023

Collection: $2,608.00

June Birthdays

Nikolas Lukic (June 1), Kolton Myers (June 2), Danica Mitrovic (June 2), Theodore Havalchak (June 3), Nora Van Huysen (June 5), Danilo Yanich (June 6), Marie Hernjak (June 6), Luke Jacobs (June 8), Jim Martin (June 9), Guiliana Bracale (June 10), Kyranna Radanovic (June 11), Jimmy Hernjak (June 11), Russell Heilman (June 13), Baylor Hook (June 13), Braydon Fithian (June 16), Xenia Grabbe (June 20), Aleksandar Bracale (June 20), Brian Lewis Jr (June 22), Cayden Healy (June 26), Michael Krnjaic (June 26), Matthew Hoover (June 28), Wayln John (June 28)


June Anniversaries

Dr. James & Liliya Moses (June 1), Brian & Nikki Lewis (June 4), Mike & Terra Heilman (June 4), Fr Christopher & Popadija Andreja (June 13), Mike & Janet Krnjaic (June 14), Nick & Carole Blitva (June 16), Meghan & Brad Livingston (June 25), Mike & Samantha Stefan

~Bulletin Board~


The next Mother’s Club meeting will be held Sunday, June 11 after Liturgy in the library.


We have begun the process of eliminating our parish debt! Thanks to God for all of those who have already answered the call and sent in their check/pledge. In two weeks, we will have a meter to gauge our progress available in the Lobby. Anything you can do will help!



Thanks to God for all of you who helped to make our Annual Church Picnic a tremendous success! So many cooked, served, prepared desserts, entertained—we cannot possibly list you all. Special thanks to our picnic chairperson, Protinica Andreja, and to Brian and Jill Swartz, who prepared the grounds and kitchen.


Many thanks to all who helped make our luncheon at the Bethesda Woman’s Shelter a huge success on Saturday—it was wonderful having our SOTAYA members participate, a beautiful example of young people ‘stirring up love and good works’ (Hebrews 10:24). Please mark your calendars— all four churches share in preparing lunch for the ladies every second Saturday of the month. Everyone is welcome to join the Pan-Orthodox outreach and fellowship.

Thank you all for your donations to the Pantry Box. The contents were delivered to the Bethesda Women’s Shelter and they were so very thankful. The box is now empty, so time to start filling it up again!!


Thinking of a gift for someone, a special occasion, birthday or a reward for yourself? Panera Bread gift card is a good choice! And there is no need to go to the store, SOTAYA is selling them at a face value of $25. Just see any SOTAYA member or Sladjana for a purchase. Thanks for your support!

June 2023 Calendar


The office will be closed this week (June 12-16).


Save the Date—October 28-29, 2023. Calling all past, current and potential choir members! We are preparing for our upcoming 90th Anniversary Concert. We want YOU to sing with us! Rehearsals will be mandatory in order to sing for the concert. The first concert rehearsal will be on Sunday, June 25 at 12:30pm. As in the past, Father Chris will be conducting concert rehearsals and the performance. We look forward to singing with you all!

Stewardship Reflection

Today, we commemorate all of the Saints. Many of these men and women were individuals, who through finding Christ, were baptized and lived an ascetic life. It was challenging, difficult, came with burdens, and tested them with temptations. As they prayed, labored, taught and lived each day - their existence focused on God and works. We must thank God every day for their commitment to the Orthodox faith!

These works took many forms but all were comparable to the terms we use today - Time, Talents and Treasures. As you arise each morning and before you go to sleep at night, think about all of the ways in which you work, or can work, to give of your Time, Talents and Treasures. Pray and ask God for guidance as to how you can focus your efforts to ensure you are doing all that you can. Be thankful to God, what He has blessed you with, the Saints, who practiced our faith and your fellow Orthodox parishioners who provide of their Stewardship.


Данас ми прослављамо све Свете. Многи од ових жена и људи су нашли Христа кроз Свето Крштење и живели аскетским животом. То је био веома тежак живот са разним изазовима , тешкоћама и искушењима. Кроз њихову молитву , рад и свакодневни начин живота , све је било фокусирано на Бога. Ми треба да свакога дана будемо благодарни Богу за њихов труд и оданост Правосалвној вери. 

Овај њихов труд је био разнолик али веома сличан и нашем данашњем труду- Време , Таленти и Новци. Како устанемо свако јутро и пре него што пођемо на спавање , размислимо о начинима како радимо , како можемо да радимо , да дамо наше Време , Таленте и Новце. Молимо се Богу да нас упути како да устремимо наше напоре да то заиста буде плодотворно. Будимо захвални Богу , са свиме што нас је благословио, за Светитеље који су живели кроз веру као и за све Православне парохијане који су део Старатељства. 

The Sunday of All Saints

The Sunday following Pentecost is dedicated to All Saints, both those who are known to us, and those who are known only to God. There have been saints at all times, and they have come from every corner of the earth. They were Apostles, Martyrs, Prophets, Hierarchs, Monastics, and Righteous, yet all were perfected by the same Holy Spirit.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to rise above our fallen state and to attain sainthood, thereby fulfilling God’s directive to “be holy, for I am holy” (Lev. 11:44, 1 Peter 1:16, etc.). Therefore, it is fitting to commemorate All Saints on the first Sunday after Pentecost. This feast may have originated at an early date, perhaps as a celebration of all martyrs, then it was broadened to include all men and women who had borne witness to Christ by their virtuous lives, even if they did not shed their blood for Him. Saint Peter of Damascus, in his “Fourth Stage of Contemplation,” mentions five categories of saints: Apostles, Martyrs, Prophets, Hierarchs, and Monastic Saints (PHILOKALIA [in English] Vol. 3, p.131). He is actually quoting from the OCTOECHOS, Tone 2 for Saturday Matins, kathisma after the first stichology. Saint Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain (July 14) adds the Righteous to Saint Peter’s five categories. The list of Saint Nicodemus is found in his book THE FOURTEEN EPISTLES OF ST PAUL (Venice, 1819, p. 384) in his discussion of I Corinthians 12:28.

The hymnology for the feast of All Saints also lists six categories: “Rejoice, assembly of the Apostles, Prophets of the Lord, loyal choirs of the Martyrs, divine Hierarchs, Monastic Fathers, and the Righteous....” Some of the saints are described as Confessors, a category which does not appear in the above lists. Since they are similar in spirit to the martyrs, they are regarded as belonging to the category of Martyrs. They were not put to death as the Martyrs were, but they boldly confessed Christ and came close to being executed for their faith. Saint Maximus the Confessor (January 21) is such a saint.

The order of these six types of saints seems to be based on their importance to the Church. The Apostles are listed first, because they were the first to spread the Gospel throughout the world. The Martyrs come next because of their example of courage in professing their faith before the enemies and persecutors of the Church, which encouraged other Christians to remain faithful to Christ even unto death. Although they come first chronologically, the Prophets are listed after the Apostles and Martyrs. This is because the Old Testament Prophets saw only the shadows of things to come, whereas the Apostles and Martyrs experienced them firsthand. The New Testament also takes precedence over the Old Testament. The holy Hierarchs comprise the fourth category. They are the leaders of their flocks, teaching them by their word and their example. The Monastic Saints are those who withdrew from this world to live in monasteries, or in seclusion. They did not do this out of hatred for the world, but in order to devote themselves to unceasing prayer, and to do battle against the power of the demons. Although some people erroneously believe that monks and nuns are useless and unproductive, Saint John Climacus had a high regard for them: “Angels are a light for monks, and the monastic life is a light for all men” (LADDER, Step 26:31). The last category, the Righteous, are those who attained holiness of life while living “in the world.” Examples include Abraham and his wife Sarah, Job, Saints Joachim and Anna, Saint Joseph the Betrothed, Saint Juliana of Lazarevo, and others.

The feast of All Saints achieved great prominence in the ninth century, in the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Leo VI the Wise (886-911). His wife, the Holy Empress Theophano (December 16) lived in the world, but was not attached to worldly things. She was a great benefactor to the poor, and was generous to the monasteries. She was a true mother to her subjects, caring for widows and orphans, and consoling the sorrowful.

Even before the death of Saint Theophano in 893 or 894, her husband started to build a church, intending to dedicate it to Theophano, but she forbade him to do so. It was this emperor who decreed that the Sunday after Pentecost be dedicated to All Saints. Believing that his wife was one of the righteous, he knew that she would also be honored whenever the Feast of All Saints was celebrated.

June Charity

Orthodox Christian Charities of Greater Harrisburg


The Orthodox Christian Charities of Greater Harrisburg, Inc. (OCCGH,) was formed in October of 2009 as a non-profit organization comprised of clergy and faithful from five local Orthodox Churches of the greater Harrisburg metropolitan area. Our goal is to provide opportunities for the citizens of the greater Harrisburg area to come into contact with Orthodoxy, to serve as an educational support to our local parishes, and to develop projects that witness to our Faith, as well as provide financial assistance to organizations and individuals who are in need. 


Club Picnic.............. July 30

Serb Fest.................. Sept 23

90th Anniversary of the SSS Marinkovic...... October 28-29, 2023