Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost | |
Christ is in our midst! Христос међу нама! Cristo esta entra nosotros! | |
The Good Witness of Becoming our True Selves
By Fr. Philip LeMasters
If you are like me, you often do not recognize yourself in your own words, thoughts, and deeds. Sometimes we see how we fall short in an instant, while other times it becomes clear to us in retrospect, perhaps even years later. Regardless, it is so easy for us all to be so consumed by anger, pride, lust, envy, and other disordered desires that we lose control of ourselves and act more like a bundle of inflamed passions than like a person created in God’s image and likeness. And then when we calm down and come to our senses, we are understandably ashamed and embarrassed. It is a great blow to our egos to recognize how easily our sense of self disintegrates before the passions that so often run wild within us. When we recognize this difficult truth about ourselves, we can understand at least a bit why the man in today’s gospel lesson wanted to leave his hometown and follow Jesus Christ. He had been so filled with demons that he said his name was Legion. He had not lived a recognizably human existence, for he was naked, in a cemetery, and without family or friends. Everyone was terrified of him, and even shackles and chains could not restrain him. He had become a monster and people fled from him in fear. But after the Lord delivered him from the forces of evil, this fellow was clothed and in his right mind. The transformation was so shocking that his neighbors were terrified to the point of asking Christ to leave town.
Imagine how this poor man felt at that point. Even as he must have been overjoyed at his deliverance, he knew that everyone he encountered was well aware of his miserable past. They had seen him as a crazy, dangerous, and evil person and had wanted nothing to do with him. Instead of simply thanking Christ for delivering him, these people asked the Lord to leave their region. They were deeply disturbed by what had happened. Of course, this man was at the center of the controversy and he wanted to put it all behind him. So he wanted to follow the One Who had given him back his life and his true identity.
That is not what the Lord had in store for him, however, for He told him to stay in his town and tell everyone about what God had done for him. Perhaps that was because there could have been no greater witness to the good news of Christ’s salvation than the living testimony of someone who had so obviously been set free from the forces of evil, who had so obviously been given back his life as a human being. The people of that region did not understand Who Christ was or what it meant to encounter Him in their lives. They had been simply afraid of Him. But perhaps through the persistent witness of someone who had been so wretched and depraved and then became a healthy and whole person again, their eyes would be opened. Perhaps then they would come to see that they too needed the blessing of the One Who restored “Legion” to his true self.
Surely, one of the reasons that many people do not take Christianity seriously today is that they do not encounter people who lives are visibly different because of their commitment to Jesus Christ. Many in our culture equate being a Christian with simply being a good citizen or a nice person. Many have realized that it is quite possible to be a good citizen and a nice person without being a Christian. Some who claim to be Christians do not attend a church of any kind. Some who do attend services do not live in ways different from anyone else in our culture. If we water down our Orthodox Christian faith to the point that it concerns only what we do for a couple of hours on Sunday, we will fit right in with the dominant trends of our culture that lead people not to take Christ seriously. If our participation in the Body of Christ does not strengthen, heal, and transform us for lives of holiness, then we will not bear witness to what happens when human beings become their true selves through the blessing of our Savior.
St. Seraphim of Sarov said, “Acquire the Spirit of peace and a thousand souls around you will be saved.” In other words, those who are filled with the Holy Spirit and healed of their passions will live in such a way that their example will draw others to the Lord. They will exist as human persons healed, fulfilled, and transformed. They will move from being “Legion” to being themselves in God’s image and likeness. They will become living icons of our Lord’s salvation. Whether we like it or not, we all bear witness to Jesus Christ every day in all that we say and do, whether for good or bad. Family, friends, coworkers, and classmates probably know that we are Orthodox Christians, and they likely take pretty seriously the example that we give them. If we identify ourselves with Christ and do or say this or that, then that is what we encourage them to believe about our Lord. If we do not become living icons of holiness, then we are sending the wrong message to everyone we encounter. If we do not bear powerful testimony by how we live each day of the healing power of the Savior, then we are being unfaithful witnesses to Him.
Contrary to popular opinion, we do not fulfill a religious obligation simply by attending services on Sunday morning, though we obviously should do so. For Orthodox Christians to think about fulfilling or meeting perfectly what God desires for us by a particular action is a contradiction in terms, for our Lord teaches that we are to “be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matt. 5:48) To become a partaker of the divine nature by grace is an infinite journey, a process of healing and transformation for which there is no upward limit, for God is infinitely holy. (2 Pet. 1:4) Instead of imagining that we are mastering a skill or checking off a box, we must remember that our calling is truly to become like God in holiness. No matter where we are on the journey, we have an infinite distance yet to go. And if we ever think that we have arrived or completed the course, we should think again.
Remembering that the Savior told the man to stay in his village and proclaim the good news, we must embrace the spiritual disciplines of the Christian life with integrity if we are to offer faithful testimony to our Lord. We must fast and deny ourselves if we are to have any hope of living in a way that shows that human beings are called to something higher than slavery to self-centered desires. We must forgive those who offend us and reconcile with those from whom we have become estranged if we are to model an alternative to the anger, fear, and hatred so powerful in the world today. We must open our hearts to God in prayer on a daily basis if we are to find the strength to become our true selves in Christ as opposed to a bundle of inflamed passions. We must regularly receive the Holy Mystery of Confession in order to find healing from our sins as we prepare to receive the Body and Blood of the Lord which enable us to participate even now in the banquet of heaven, the complete fulfillment of all things in Christ. And then we must make a liturgy of every moment of our lives, offering ourselves and all our blessings back to the Lord for Him to use as is best for the salvation of the world.
Whenever we are embarrassed to do so out of shame for our failings, weaknesses, and ongoing struggles, we must remember that formerly demon-possessed man. He obeyed Christ by staying in a place where he did not want to be, among people who probably were not comfortable around him. Still, he obeyed and proclaimed the good news by his words and deeds. If we are truly in Christ and want to bear faithful witness to Him, then we must swallow our hurt pride and do the same.
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Commemorating St Stephen Milutin of Serbia, Venerable Teoktist (Dragutin) of Serbia, St Jelena of Serbia, Apostles Tertius, Mark, Justus and Artemas of the Seventy, Hieromartyr Zenobios and his sister Zenobia of Aegae in Cilicia, Hieromartyr Marcian Bishop of Syracuse, Martyr Eutropia of Alexandria, Martyr Anastasia of Thessalonica, St Jotham Zedgenidze
The angelic powers were at Your tomb; the guards became as dead men. Mary stood by Your grave, seeking Your most pure body. You captured hell, not being tempted by it. You came to the Virgin, granting life. O Lord, Who rose from the dead, glory to You.
Truly you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; your humility exalted you; your poverty enriched you. Hierarch Father Nicholas, entreat Christ our God that our souls may be saved.
On earth you loved Christ with all your soul and observed His commandments. Like a river, you abundantly watered with your generosity those who withered from poverty; and you provided for the needs of your people. Even the tomb with your relics offers the pleasant scent of healing to everyone. We therefore supplicate you, O Holy Milutin, pray that abundant mercy be granted to our souls.
When Christ God the Giver of Life, raised all of the dead from the valleys of misery with His mighty hand, He bestowed resurrection on the human race. He is the Savior of all, the Resurrection, the Life, and the God of all.
Steadfast Protectress of Christians and constant Advocate before the Creator; despise not the cry of us sinners, but come speedily to help those who call on You in faith. Hasten to hear our petition and to intercede for us, O Theotokos, for You always protect those who honor You!
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~Scripture Readings of the Day~ | |
This Week: Matins: Milan Radanovic Epistle: Grant Govelovich
Next Week: Matins: Lenny Tepsich Epistle: Aleksandra Saran
EPISTLE: Ephesians 2: 4-10
DEACON: Let us pay attention.
PRIEST: Peace be unto all!
READER: And with your spirit!
DEACON: Wisdom.
READER: The Prokeimenon in the Sixth Tone: O Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance!
CHOIR: O Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance!
READER: v: To You, O Lord, will I call. O my God, be not silent to me!
CHOIR: O Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance!
READER: O Lord, save Your people ...
CHOIR: ...and bless Your inheritance!
DEACON: Wisdom!
READER: The Reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Ephesians.
DEACON: Let us attend!
READER: Brethren, but God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
PRIEST: Peace be unto you, reader!
READER: And with your spirit! Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the heavenly God.
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER: He will say to the Lord: “My Protector and my Refuge; my God, in Whom I trust.”
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
АПОСТОЛ: Ефесцима 2: 4-10
Ђакон: Пазимо
Свештеник: Мир свима!
Читач: I Духу Твоме!
Ђакон: Премудрост
Читач : ПРОКИМЕН- глас 6 Спаси, Господе, народ Свој и благослови наследство Своје.
Хор: Спаси, Господе, народ Свој и благослови наследство Своје.
Читач: Теби, Господе Боже мој, вапим: немој ме оставити без одговора.
Хор: Спаси, Господе, народ Свој и благослови наследство Своје.
Читач: Спаси, Господе, народ Свој
Хор: и благослови наследство Своје.
Ђакон: Премудрост
Читач: Читање посланице Светога апостола Павла Ефесцима
Ђакон: Пазимо
Читач: Браћо, a Бог, који је богат у милости, због велике љубави своје којом нас завоље, и нас, који бијасмо мртви због гријехова, оживи са Христом – благодаћу сте спасени – И с Њим заједно васкрсе и заједно посади на небесима у Христу Исусу, да покаже у вијековима који долазе превелико богатство благодати своје добротом према нама у Христу Исусу. Јер сте благодаћу спасени кроз вјеру; и то није од вас, дар је Божији; Не од дјела, да се не би ко хвалисао. Јер смо његова творевина, саздани у Христу Исусу за дјела добра, која Бог унапријед припреми да у њима ходимо.
Свештеник: Мир ти читачу!
Читач: I Духом Твоме! Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач: Који живи у закону Вишњега, у сјени Свемогућега почива.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач: Говори Господу: Ти си уточиште моје и бранич мој, Бог мој, у кога се уздам.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
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Luke 8:26-39
At that time, they sailed to the country of the Gadarenes, which is opposite Galilee. And when He stepped out on the land, there met Him a certain man from the city who had demons for a long time. And he wore no clothes, nor did he live in a house but in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out, fell down before Him, and with a loud voice said, “What have I to do with You, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, do not torment me!” For He had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had often seized him, and he was kept under guard, bound with chains and shackles; and he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the wilderness. Jesus asked him, saying, “What is your name?” And he said, “Legion,” because many demons had entered him. And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss. Now a herd of many swine was feeding there on the mountain. So they begged Him that He would permit them to enter them. And He permitted them. Then the demons went out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd ran violently down the steep place into the lake and drowned. When those who fed them saw what had happened, they fled and told it in the city and in the country. Then they went out to see what had happened, and came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid. They also who had seen it told them by what means he who had been demon-possessed was healed. Then the whole multitude of the surrounding region of the Gadarenes asked Him to depart from them, for they were seized with great fear. And He got into the boat and returned. Now the man from whom the demons had departed begged Him that he might be with Him. But Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you.” And he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him.
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Лука 8:26-39
У вријеме оно, Исус доплови у земљу Гадаринску која је према Галилеји. А кад он изиђе на земљу, срете га неки човјек из града у коме бијаху демони дуго времена, и у хаљине не облачаше се, и не живљаше у кући, него у гробовима. А кад видје Исуса, узвикнувши паде пред њим и из свега гласа рече: Шта хоћеш од мене, Исусе, Сине Бога Вишњега? Молим те, не мучи ме! Јер он заповједи духу нечистоме да изиђе из човјека; јер га мучаше много година, и везиваху га веригама и ланцима чувајући га, и кидаше везе, и тјераше га демон по пустињама. А Исус га запита говорећи: Како ти је име? А он рече: Легион; јер многи демони бијаху ушли у њега. И мољаху га да им не заповједи да иду у бездан. А ондје пасијаше по гори велико крдо свиња, и мољаху га да им допусти да у њих уђу. И допусти им. А пошто изиђоше демони из човјека, уђоше у свиње; и јурну крдо са стрмени у језеро, и утопи се. А кад видјеше свињари шта се догодило, побјегоше и јавише у граду и по селима. И изиђоше да виде шта се десило, и дођоше Исусу, и нађоше човјека из кога бијаху изишли демони гдје сједи одјевен и присебан код ногу Исусових; и уплашише се. А они што бијаху видјели, обавијестише их како се спасе бјесомучни. И мољаше га сав народ из околине гадаринске да оде од њих; јер бијаху обузети страхом великим. А он уђе у лађу и врати се. А човјек из кога изиђоше демони мољаше га да би с њим био; али га Исус отпусти говорећи: Врати се дому своме, и казуј шта ти учини Бог. И отиде проповиједајући по свему граду шта му учини Исус.
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~ The Week Ahead: Scriptures and Services ~ | |
~Prayers for the Faithful~
In Our Prayers
Metropolitan Paul, Archbishop Youhanna, Protinica Ljubica Jockovic, Protopresbyter Rodney Torbic, Popadija Sara Golic, Matushka Barbara Ealy, the child Katie Elizabeth and her parents Mileva and Michael Repasky, the child Metodija and his parents Fr. Dn. Milan and Mira Damljanovic, the child Louise Bare and her parents Zachary & Elizabeth, Shayle York and the newborn Šeren Lily, Kaitlyn Hook and the child to be born of her, Cassandra Semic and the child to be born of her, Michelle Adams, Addy Andy, Lori Bare, Dori & Doug Bert, Jonathan Bertsch, Darlene & Larry Black, Carole Blitva, Stephan and Barbara Blitva, Walter “Bud” Brown, Guiliana & Aleksandar Carricato, Leann Cox, Joseph Derk, Art Dils, Draga Donato, Tommy and Kara (Blitva) Dorsey, JoAnn Filepas, Anaya Garvin, Christian & Melanie Geib, Michael Geppert III, Dr Andrea Govelovich, Nick & Terry Govelovich, Kata Gruich, George Gutshall, Dan Hazlett, Travis Heilman, Adam Herigan, Edith Herigan, Kay Himes, Edward Hojnicki, Nicole Stefan Imschweiler, Susan Jacobs, Slobodan Jovicic, Myong Sook Kim, Spencer Klinge, Dorothy Krnjaich, Henry Laichak, Peter Lalic, Dragan Lalovic, Stella Wren Lappas, Catherine Lewis, Dick Livingston, Maggie Livingston, Boro Lojpur, Stephen Lundingrin, Dianne & Jim Martin, Rowan Martin, Jack McFall, Marija Miljkovic, Daria Milletics, Dave Morris, Peter Mrgich, George Myers, Patty Navarro, Bosiljka Ninkovic, Lila Packer, Daniel Paddock, Vid & Marica Pejcic, Hope Pesner, Kobe Petrovich, Sue Petrovich, Tracy Petrovich, Linda Rodgers, Logan Roszkowski, Chloe Ruff, Nathan & Jane Rush, Greg Selman, Michael Schaffner, Maryann Seiders, Steven Semic, Benjamin Shaffer, Tessa Shaffer, John Sheaffer, Branko Smitran, Zorka Starcevich, Tim Stefan, Patricia & Joseph Sypniewski, Leonard Tepsich, Leroy Tepsich Jr, Savka Trivun, Edie & Michael “Bo” Venesevich, Rita Vorkapich, Kristina Vukalo, Steve Vulich, Paula Werner, Draga Worman, Dewey Yetter, Mila “Millie” Yezdimir, Marija Zabrodnaya, Jason Zeigler, Ashley Ziobrowski, Demetrios & Eleni Ziogas, Miriam “Mim” Codan Ziolkowski
Those Who Need Special Care
Those to be Baptized
Sloane & Berkeley Semic, Barrett Scott, Divna & Danica Mitrovic, Nora & Maeve Van Huysen, Sloane & Šeren York
Our College Students
Sophia Adams, Kyranna Baker, Cameron Barber, Michael Geppert, Anastasija Gligorevic, Cayden Healy, Matthew Hoover, Kalei Howard, Faith Kingsbury, Sophia Mummert, Kobe Petrovich, Christina Radanovic, Ioanna Radanovic, Madison Vorkapich, Anastasija Vukalo
Our Dearly Departed Loved Ones
Protopresbyter Alexander Veronis, John J Milakovic, Mileva Maran, Eva Orr, Helen Kapac, Basil Havalchak, Dragoljub (Don) Maransky, Marshall Vujasinovich, Goran Stekovic
~Pomen Offered~
†NATALIJA MANDIC Pomen was offer yesterday by the Tomica family in loving memory of the 1 year repose of Dusanka’s mother Natalija Mandic (November 7). Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
~Vigils Offered~
ALL MILITARY Offered with prayers for the men and women of the U.S. and Serbian military forces; veterans, reservists, or active duty; especially our stewards. We pray, Lord, that You grant them mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation and forgiveness. Protect them as they have protected, and continue to protect us. Give hope and comfort to all who love them and safely return those currently deployed to their families. With love by the stewards of St. Nicholas Church. Mnogaja Ljeta! Many Years!
RICHARD WENNER, DANILO DONALD SEMIC, DR DANILO DONALD YANICH, TEODOR TOSH YANICH, MICHAEL PECK, BRANDON DAVID MUMMA, GARRETT WHITE Offered with love and respect to honor the military service of our family members by the Yanich and Matich family. We are grateful to them and all our servicemen & women and pray the Lord grants them good health & well-being. Mnogaja Ljeta! Many Years!
MIKEY & SHAYLE YORK Offered in joyous celebration of their Wedding Anniversary (Nov 17). God’s blessings for many more. Mnogaja Ljeta! Much love, Baba and family.
ARLENE BARBER Offered prayerfully that God watches over her during her upcoming surgery and recovery. With Much love from Pete.
MARIJA PILIPOVIC Offered with love and prayers for our dear friend, Baba Marija, for her health and quick recovery & rehab after her surgery. With love from Zorka & family.
TOOTSIE KRNJAICH Offering vigils and prayers for our Kuma Tootsie. May God’s blessings be with her during her rehab period. From her Godchildren, Kat and families.
MICHAEL GEPPERT Offered prayerfully by Mom & Dad for improvement in health and God’s blessings and loving care during his recovery.
†NATALIJA MANDIC Offered by Dusanka Tomica and family in loving memory of her mother (1 year—Nov 7). Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
†PETAR YANICH Offered in loving memory of our cousin Zeke (34 years—Nov 8). Our memories of him remain clear and vibrant. We miss him and pray that he rests in the Lord’s peace and mercy. Given by his cousins. Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
†NIKOLA NICHOLAS GLEDICH, SR, †SUBDEACON RICHARD HATHAWAY, †BRANKO BERNARD KOBAC, †ZARKO JAMES MATICH, †PAVLE PAUL MRAOVIC, †DAGOBERTO PAOLINELLI, †ADAM ARCHIE SEMIC, †JOSEPH R TARASI, †LUBOMIR LOU VASITY, †DANILO DANIEL VORKAPICH, †DJORDJE GEORGE VORKAPICH, †MILAN MICHAEL VORKAPICH, †NIKOLA NICHOLAS VORKAPICH, †DRAGAN BENJAMIN YANICH, †DANILO DANIEL YANICH, †MILUTIN EMIL YEZDIMIR, †PETAR PETER YANICH, †DMETER DRAGOVICH SR, †JOSEPH B TARASI, †NIKOLA NICHOLAS YANICH Offered on the observance of Veterans Day (Nov 11), we offer prayers in loving memory of departed family members & Kumovi who served honorably in the US military. With the saints, O Lord, give rest to the men and women who served this country in war and peace, and shelter them where there is neither sickness nor sighing but life everlasting. Given by the Yanich & Matich Family Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
†FRANK MILLETICS Offered in loving memory of his birthday (Nov 15). Always in our hearts, Dave, Daria, Jason & Sarah. Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
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Please continue to pray for all of those currently being persecuted for Christ's sake in Kosovo, Metohija, Montenegro, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Morocco, China, North Korea, for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ suffering throughout the world, especially in Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Palestine, that they might be comforted with the Joy of our Lord, and for those who are unjustly persecuted that they may be strengthened by the love of Christ which knows no division.
Stewardship Offering Information
Date 11/5/2023
Collection: $4,049.00
Date 10/29/2023
Collection: $2,994.00
Date 10/22/2023
Collection: $2,839.00
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November Birthdays
Vadim Reznitchenko (Nov 2), Calvin Filepas (Nov 5), Dori & Doug Bert (Nov 6), Mila Ann Livingston (Nov 6), Jim Werner (Nov 9), Marko Rocknage (Nov 11), Tomislav Gligorevic (Nov 13), Leann Cox (Nov 13), Trenton Petrovich Jr, (Nov 13), Philip Lamancusa (Nov 15), Dori Barry (Nov 16), Jovan Milanovich (Nov 16), Matt Healy (Nov 18), Millie Yezdimir (Nov 19), Tomislav Lojpur (Nov 19), Michelle Kingsbury (Nov 20), Michael Dean Stefan (Nov 21), Brian Lewis Sr (Nov 21), Brandon Mumma (Nov 22), Dianne Martin (Nov 23), Marko Miljkovic (Nov 24)
November Anniversaries
Danielle & Joseph Van Huysen (Nov 4), Paula & Jim Werner (Nov 5), Nicholas & Joann Hernjak (Nov 5), Mira & Milijan Lukic (Nov 11), Doni & Steve Cashman (Nov 21), Nick & Terry Govelovich (Nov 23)
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Today, November 12, there will be a brief SOTAYA meeting after Church, along with an outing to hike at Ricketts Glen afterward. All SOTAYA members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The next senior’s meeting/luncheon will be Nov 14 at 12 noon in our social hall. It will be our Thanksgiving Dinner, price will be sent at a later time, but will be higher than the normal $6. You will not be allowed to use a free meal ticket if you won one. Hope to see you there, we can share some of the things that we are grateful for this Holiday Season.
Our Adult Education classes continue after Vespers on Wednesday evenings. This year, at your suggestions, Father Chris will be focusing upon the lives of the Holy Apostles. We will begin with the twelve, then learn of the 70.
On Sunday, November 19, after divine liturgy, SOTAYA will be having a CEVAPI SALE. The Cevapi will be served in lepinja with kajmak and onions and will cost $8 per portion and there will be no advanced orders.
Just a reminder we are still collecting non perishable items for Bethesda Mission Women & Children Shelter. They may be placed in the collection box in the lobby. Most needed items are Toilet Paper, Paper Towels and Feminine Hygiene items.
Please consider donating any unused or lightly used furniture to ‘New Digs Ministry’ (5 Pleasant View Drive in Mechanicsburg). Women who are recovering and starting a new life are taken there to furnish their apartments.
To pay your 2024 dues (or if you still owe 2023 dues) please see Nikki Lewis for Mothers Club, Jovanka Shaffer for KSS, Linda Yandric for Seniors, Jason Milletics for Choir and Protinica Andreja for Serb Club.
It is that time again, getting ready for a new academic year. Please follow this link to register your children for our Church School program. All children, ages 3—18 are expected to attend classes each Sunday to grow in the Faith and in fellowship.
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If you are not receiving envelopes and wish to. If you are receiving envelopes and no longer wish to. Or if you need to make an address change. Please inform the church office by Sunday, November 19.
Office hours are Monday thru Friday from 9 am until noon. You may call the office during these hours at (717) 939-3872 or come by the office in person. Office hours will be adjusted when services are occurring during those hours.
Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday at 11 am
Please send all bulletin requests to the church office at
You may also call at (717) 939-3872
We are entreating the Lord for help with this good work, paying our debt and having sustainable income. This week, the Moleben will be served in the evening at 6:30pm, with the exception of Thursday, when it will still be in the morning. We will continue this Moleben for 40 days, entreating the Lord to provide for our needs. Come and pray for the stability of our St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church.
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This is a very important fundraiser for our Church and without YOU this project cannot happen. St Nicholas needs your time, talents, and treasures to provide the cookies we need for the sale.
We ask that cookies be dropped off at the Church on:
Monday through Thursday (Dec 4 - 7) from 9am until noon or all-day Friday, (Dec 8).
Cookie Packing will be done on Saturday, December 9 (TBD)
Pick-up is Sunday, December 10th from 1 pm—3 pm
Cost is $23 for 3 dozen.
We kindly request Sonja Henies, Wreaths, Vanilla Kiefles, Filled Kiefles, Wedding balls or any other traditional homemade Christmas Cookie.
Please help this project be a huge success and sign up on the sheets posted in the lobby. Contact Tracy Petrovich (717-648-9609) or Nicole Petrovich (717-648-8061) with any questions or to let us know what you will be donating.
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November Charity
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)
IOCC has maintained an active partnership with the Serbian Orthodox Church since 1992, initially responding to crises of war, dislocation, and other hardships. IOCC aids those in need around the world, without discrimination, as it works to strengthen the capacity of national and local Orthodox Churches and organizations to avert disasters, respond to emergencies, and rebuild communities. IOCC has provided emergency assistance and sustainable development programs in all parts of Serbia. The more we practice spiritual hospitality, the closer we draw ourselves to Christ, and with Christ in our hearts and souls, the greater is our love for all people. Our donations become IOCC’s humanitarian works. It is our responsibility and our blessing to help IOCC continue its ministry. To learn more about IOCC’s programs, please visit the website at
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