Loudoun Hunger Relief Raises $60,000 in GiveChoose,
Receives a Surprise Truck with Month's Supply of Cereal
from Hanley Energy
Left to Right: Loudoun County Department of Economic Development Executive Director Buddy Rizer, Loudoun Hunger Relief Board Chair Carol Barbe, Loudoun Hunger Relief President and CEO Jennifer Montgomery, Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Chair Phyllis Randall, Hanley Energy CEO Clive Gilmore
We Believe No One Should Be Hungry.

We are lucky to have your help.

Yesterday, Loudoun County showed up for those in need in a BIG way. GiveChoose, our annual online day of giving, raised a record amount overall for Loudoun's nonprofits. Loudoun Hunger Relief benefited from donations and prize money totaling just over $60,000! That's about the amount of money we spend monthly on food purchases, and we are truly grateful to receive these dollars and turn them into food for those in need.

Today, Hanley Energy showed up for those in need, delivering the results of their sponsored cereal drive --about a month's worth of cereal for LHR--AND donating the truck itself! A small, socially distanced event was attended by LHR staff and board, led by President and CEO Jennifer Montgomery and board Chair Carol Barbe, Hanley Energy CEO Clive Gilmore, Chair of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Phyllis Randall, and Loudoun County Economic Development Executive Director Buddy Rizer, to name a few. Many thanks to Sterling Restaurant Supply, Merritt Properties and TechnoGuard Inc. for serving as cereal donation partners.

Loudoun Hunger Relief is so grateful today. Our community is embracing those in need on so many levels, through financial support, food donations, and corporate philanthropy.

We are grateful that the 800 families a week we are seeing on average will have adequate, nutritious food. We are lucky to have you.
If you missed our FaceBook live of today's event with Hanley Energy, check it out in our FaceBook feed!
Loudoun Hunger Relief | loudounhunger.org