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What's happening this week at St. Paul's

October 20-26, 2024

Upcoming Events & News

Rector Search Update: We are accepting candidate applications through November 1st. If you know of someone interested in applying, or think you know of someone who would be a great fit for St Paul’s, please share the name with a search committee member, or encourage your nominee to contact the Rev Canon Jason Alexander at the diocesan transition office.  You can also direct candidates to our updated website at Thank you for your continued support and prayers for the search committee, the Vestry and Wardens, and for St Paul’s. Thank you -David Taverner

All Saints Day: On Sunday, November 3rd, we will celebrate All Saints Day. Please call or email the church office if you would like the names of your departed loved ones read aloud during the service.

Note from the Sr. Warden: The St. Paul’s Place Rental is off in full swing! With this in mind, please refrain from parking in the rectory carport (with the exception of turkey pickup on 11/23 😊). Thank you!

Mark Your Calendar:

  • Coffee Hour: After the service, everyone is invited to the Parish House (two lefts at the bottom of the steps) for refreshments and fellowship
  • Children’s Sunday School: Sunday, October 20th at 9:45 am
  • Choral Evensong: Sunday, October 20th at 5:00 pm
  • Listening & Engagement Sessions with Bishop Harmon: Sunday, October 27th from 1 pm-3 pm at St. Paul’s in Newport
  • Churchmen’s Club Meeting: Tuesday, October 29th, time and location TBA
  • Mahjongg Lessons: Every Sunday at 2:00 pm in the Anglican Hall
  • Adult Sunday School: Sundays, 9:30 am in the Parish Hall
  • The Chosen Discussion Group: Every Friday 5:30-7 pm until the end of October in Anglican Hall; starting November 4th, the meeting will change to every Monday 5:30-7 pm; Season 4 only viewing from 3-4:30pm every Tuesday for 8 weeks (Began October 1st)

Fun & Safe Halloween on Main Street: Spooky season is almost here! If you would like to contribute candy to be given out on Halloween, you can drop it off at the church office or it can be given to Brenda Bittle.

From the Diocese-Listening & Engagement Sessions with Bishop Harmon: Join Bishop Harmon for a collaborative conversation, a gathering aimed at celebrating and growing the ministry of the Episcopal Church in Arkansas. Attendees will reflect on their experiences, share stories, and express their hopes for the future. We look forward to a meaningful exchange of ideas and a renewed sense of community that will strengthen our life together. Each event will last approximately two hours, and host congregations will provide light refreshments. If you have questions, please reach out to Michael McNeely (501-320-6417) or Chrissy Cavender (501-372-2168). Thank you for contributing your voice to these important discussions.

Blessing Box: Looking for ideas about what to donate for the Blessing Box? Rice Krispie treats, pop tarts, ramen noodles, fruit snacks, granola bars or chips work! These items will go in the Blessing Box, and will also be shared with our Lyon College students when the Care Team makes “snack bags” to pass out monthly. Thank you! 😊

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8am-12pm. The office is closed on Wednesdays.

St. Paul’s Prayer List:

Prayer requests will stay on the Parish Prayer List for four weeks with the exception of parishioners with ongoing needs. If you wish a prayer request to remain on the list, please call the office to renew the request.

Intercessions: Jamie Bridgers, Ann Rhodes, Jim & Deb Johnson, Patricia Smith, Joan Davidson, Matt Stephenson, John & Susan Dempsey, Ellen Massey, Bill Olson, Kay Forrest, Sam Crawford, Rebecca Ward, and Cindy Perkey.

Intercessions for Family & Friends: Jim Wilson, Jay, Kitten Lawless, DeAnna McCool, Robin Goertz, Gerry Goertz & Jinny Goertz, Tom & Kathy Celestine, Mark & Jennifer, Susan, Jody Gayle, Stacey Lindsey, Tara Nance, the Sweet Family, Melvin & Jennie Smith, Howard Crosby, David Smith, Lucy Harris, Adam M, Keith Perkins, Jim & Charlotte, Jordy, Shelby & Penelope Rubio, Daniel & Steven King, Sherry Snow, Mark Counts, the Gott family, Nan & Matt Tucker, Walker, Mark Higginbotham, Danny Yeager, the Mooneyhan family, Shannon Bohnert, Micah Jordon, Rodney Brady, Ron Karg, the Waldrip family, Kathy Kleveno, Mike & Brandy Wyatt, John V. Miller, Ben Handford, Patty Healey, Scott Davidson, Jim Reynolds, Christina, the Clouse family, Peggy Comer, Kristin, Marilyn Townsend, James (Richie) Mosser, and Georgina Mosser, Jeannie Sade, Kristi Smith, Raymond Staggs, Gary & Phylis Bratton, Connie Barnett, and Jillian & Casey.

Birthdays & Anniversaries: Sally Fittsizer (10/21), Kim Stalker (10/22), Allan McSpadden (10/25), and Josephine Davidson (10/26).

Lay Ministers Serving This Sunday

Celebrant: Karen Cherwien

Eucharistic Minister (8:00): Kristian Ameigh

Eucharistic Minister (10:30): Paul Hance

Lector: Mike Mundy

Ushers: Brenda & Nikki Bittle

Technical Support: Jon Healey

Coffee Hour: Ardis Gillespie

Altar Guild: Janie Starnes & Paul Hance


Community Meal (10/23/2024):  Team Kipfer

This Sunday’s flowers are given by Mike Schmidt to the glory of God and in honor of Sally, my wife and Anne, my sister whom both share a birthday.

From the Diocese-Listening & Engagement Sessions with Bishop Harmon

Mark your calendars! 

Dear Members of the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas,

Join Bishop Harmon for a collaborative conversation, a gathering aimed at celebrating and growing the ministry of the Episcopal Church in Arkansas. Attendees will reflect on their experiences, share stories, and express their hopes for the future. We look forward to a meaningful exchange of ideas and a renewed sense of community that will strengthen our life together.

Please locate your congregation on the schedule and plan to join the conversation. Each event will last approximately two hours, and host congregations will provide light refreshments. 

If you have questions, please reach out to Michael McNeely ‭(501-320-6417)‬ or Chrissy Cavender (501-372-2168). Thank you for contributing your voice to these important discussions.

RSVP here

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Postal Address:

P.O. Box 2255 Batesville, AR 72503-2255



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