St. Paul's at Midweek

August 17, 2022

Whoever you are,
and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith,
we welcome you to our inclusive faith community.

The Coming Week

at St. Paul's

August 21, 2022

The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

8am Eucharist

10am Eucharist

The 10am service will also be live-streamed via our Facebook page.

Monday, August 22

8.30am Morning Prayer

Tuesday, August 23

3.30pm St. Paul's Book Group

6.00pm Evening Prayer

6.30pm Eucharist

August 28, 2022

The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

8am Eucharist

10am Eucharist

The 10am service will also be live-streamed via our Facebook page.

Next Bishop's

Committee Meeting:

August 28, 2022

at 11.30am

Finding the
Sunday Readings

Did you know you can always find the readings for Sunday by following this link?
Did you find two sets of readings for the Sunday? If there are two "tracks",
at St. Paul's we are using "Track 2"

Getting in Touch

Although mail will be regularly collected, the parish office will be closed until further notice.

However, if you have questions or concerns, you can reach
Fr. Luis by email
The Order of the Daughters of the King is an order for women whose mission is the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. At the St. Paul's the order serves our community through their prayers and acts of service.

Do you have a special concern you'd like the Daughters to pray for? Contact Cathy Henry who heads our parish chapter. You can also contact her for further information on the DOK, or you can visit the Order's website here. The Daughters of the King are also at the front of church during the distribution of communion to pray with you for your needs and concerns.
St. Paul's
Food Pantry

St. Paul's Food Pantry is up and running, and serving those in need on regular basis. Its doors are open on the 1st, 3rd and 5th (if there is one) Monday of every month. If you have any questions are want to find out how you can help contact either Jan Dunlap or Dcn Cathy Kline.

Currently our Food Pantry is need of juice packs, powdered milk, small packages of cookies, and Ritz crackers.

This Week

by Sandra Gamboa,

Bishop's Committee Member

It has been an honor to serve on St. Paul’s Bishop’s Committee since February 2022.


As we move further and further away from the COVID restrictions that have slowed or halted some of our parish’s activities, I am excited to see St. Paul’s moving forward and building community relationships and to witness the return of our coffee and hospitality, after service (though currently hampered by the heat), and in person groups and meetings which enable us to strengthen and grow relationships within our parish.


I have been making connections with a local, downtown non profit organization called Apple Core Project which serves the needs of St. Paul’s community with local resources and is a volunteer driven organization. They grow fresh fruits and vegetables on Grace St. and recent parolees help to work and maintain the garden and distribute the fresh food to those in need. In addition to the garden, they collect backpacks with school supplies for students in need, warm coats and jackets for the homeless and between November and December each year sell beautiful blankets. Each blanket you buy, buys an additional blanket for a local homeless person. The blankets are distributed on Christmas eve, along with a warm breakfast burrito prepared by the Hen’s Roost.


Recently, I was able to redirect a number of backpacks with school supplies, which were surplus to Apple Core, to St. Paul’s for distribution to our local schools.  I also picked up a large case of raisins to support the food pantry and 2 cases of hand sanitizer which can be valuable to the homeless in the absence of running water from Apple Core surpluses. It was nice to be able to pool resources and recipients in this manner and I will be looking for further ways to make this happen.  

I would like to let the parish know of any warm jacket collections moving forward and will happily make sure our donations reach the Apple Core Project. The Apple Core Project has a Facebook page with plenty of updates and calls for volunteers whenever they need them for food distribution and for working in the community garden.


In addition to the Apple Core Project, I have connected with Dr. Robyn McClain, the president of the Women’s Stockdale Moose Chapter. She has suggested a possible connection with St. Paul’s when they do fundraiser events. If we send over a couple of volunteers to work with their volunteers on an event, St. Paul’s could receive a percentage of the profits which could be used by our food pantry or any other community outreach efforts that were considered appropriate. These are some of the ideas that I will be bringing before the BC for approval when an opportunity arises for St. Paul’s to participate.


It is a pleasure to serve our St. Paul’s community and I look forward to the participating actively and connecting with our local community in the months to come

Sunday Morning Contemplation Group on Summer Hiatus

The Sunday morning contemplation group is un summer break until September. Watch Midweek for the day it will resume. If you have any questions, contact


Parish Clean Up and Clear Out

You may remember your mother saying that if there is something you haven’t worn, used, or even looked at it for over a year, why are you keeping it. In Matthew's Gospel Jesus even tells us, ““Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.” So, let us get together and go through all that stuff being stored at St. Paul’s that needs to be sold, given away or thrown out! Join Dcn Cathy and other St. Pauls folks on Saturday, August 20, to go through the closets, rooms and basement to clean out our excess! It will be a time of work and even fellowship from 10am to 1pm. Lunch and beverages will be provided; just bring yourself and maybe some boxes if you have any. We will be continuing this cleanup for the next 3 months to get ready for our first annual FALL FESTIVAL including a rummage sale, pumpkin patch, and fun carnival for the kids on Saturday October 10th. Please contact Dc Cathy if you have any questions. If you are unavailable this month, speak with Dcn Cathy to sign up for the next cleaning day.

No Sunday Coffee Hour in August
As we continue to struggle through the high temperatures and with the temperamental ways of our HVAC system, it has been decided that coffee hour will be cancelled throughout the month of August. The hope is that by September the temperatures will have dropped some and we may have a better handle of on our complicated HVAC system. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
A Great Way to Support
Episcopal Migration Ministries and The United Thank Offering
The United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries are teaming up to form the 3rd Annual Great EpisGOpal Race in September, and Michael Cava will be racing the 10K portion to help raise funds for EMM’s Neighbor to Neighbor Initiative.

Neighbor to Neighbor is a program offered by EMM, which was founded through funding from a UTO grant. Neighbor to Neighbor directly trains and provides support to faith communities who serve as community sponsors for their new refugee and immigrant neighbors that come from over 20 other nations.

Michael's personal goal is to raise $500 for EMM before September 11th and would be honored to partner with anyone willing to be involved in this event. Contact Michael for ways to participate, including how to sign up for various racing modes and distances, forming a local team, fundraising, donating, and challenging other teams nationwide. A sign-up list / contact sheet will be provided in the church narthex for Michael to connect with anyone interested in the race. Any questions? Email or call Michael for more information or check out his racing profile page.

Mobile: 805-801-8421 (call or text; leave a voice message and he’ll return your call at end of workday).

Michael’s Racing Profile:

Below you will find three videos to help you learn how to donate and participate.
Perhaps consider joining the parish team, St Paul's Pacers.

How to Donate
How to Sign Up
to Race
How to Join a Team
Christian Education in September
mark your calendars now
Evening Prayer (6.00pm)
Christian “Streams” Bible Study (6.30pm)
In 1998, Richard J. Foster published Streams of Living Water: Essential Practices from the Six Great Traditions of Christian Faith, a landmark work illuminating the six enduring themes of the Christian life “in the midst of constantly evolving faith.” This September, Michael Cava is facilitating a Bible Study briefly exploring the six traditions using the Scriptures as well as the reflections and devotions from Christian saints and writers from the past. Together, with the guidance of Foster and his colleagues at Renovaré, we will sift through the selected writings from a handful of our spiritual parents, study the Scriptures, and reflect on how to exercise and integrate the traditions into our lives.

The study will meet via Zoom for the four Thursdays of September, beginning September 8 at 6.30pm each time, and preceded by Evening Prayer at 6.00pm.
September 8: The Prayer-Filled Life
September 15: The Virtuous Life and Spirit-Empowered Life
September 22: The Compassionate Life and Word-Centered Life
September 29: The Sacramental Life.
The study meets via Zoom (Click here for link), and for anyone interested there will be some optional devotionals available before each meeting. To sign up, send questions, or request the optional readings beforehand, you can reach Michael at

This Fragile Earth

Our Island Home

Diocesan Program for the

Season of Creation

The Diocesan Creation Care Commission invites everyone to four presentations during the month of September.  Each presentation will be via Zoom and gather on Wednesdays from 6.30pm to 8pm.  You can join the Zoom room by clicking here.  Details of each evening's presentations are below.  

Make Time to Sit:

Diocesan Women's Retreat

October 7-9

Gather at ECCO (Episcopal Conference Center at Oakhurst) for a time to rest, reflect, and be restored.

We'll have time for stargazing, prayer, journaling, yoga, arts & crafts, campfire singing, great food, and

plenty of conversation.

Open to all women (and women-identified persons) 21 +

Space is limited (14 open spots) so register soon!

$225/single room, meals & supplies

$195/double room, meals & supplies

Diocesan Day of Discernment
September 10 at 10am
Have you ever wondered what the Church means when she speaks about ministry or discernment? As a Christian, do you reflect on how you might be called to serve God’s kingdom and his people? Do you have questions about ordination, what it means and how it happens? If so, the Day of Discernment is for you. This event is sponsored annually by the Diocesan Commission on Ministry, and is a time to explore and reflect on these questions. Also, if you are discerning a vocation to the ordained ministry, the Day of Discernment is the first official step in that process of discernment.
The next Day of Discernment is scheduled for Saturday, September 10, beginning at 10am and scheduled to end at 2.30pm. Currently the venue is to be determined, but all participants will need to register (the deadline is September 2). You may register by emailing Fr. Luis. He will be touch with further details. Equally, fell free to get in touch with him if you have any questions.
In Our Prayers...

Almighty God, you have given your only Son to be for us a sacrifice for sin, and also an example of godly life: Give us grace to receive thankfully the fruits of his redeeming work, and to follow daily in the blessed steps of his most holy life; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

In Our Prayers
Remember in your prayers Evan, Carey, Ray, Louis, Lisa, Xitlali LoBasso, the LoBasso family, Leila, Jahan, Mahmoud, Kim, April, Ivan, Alex, Carey, Diane, Sonia, all those living with the effects of COVID-19, and all who are in sorrow, sickness, or any kind of need.

Remember all the recently departed; also all those whose year's mind falls at this time, among them Wayne Brown.

Monthly Prayer Diary

You can access the
Prayer Diary for August here.

Connecting with St. Paul's
and The Episcopal Church

St. Paul's Website

St. Paul's Facebook page

Want to Get in Touch?
Church Office
(661) 869-1630

The Rev'd Luis Rodriguez
follow Fr. Luis on facebook

Parish Deacon
The Rev'd Cathy Kline

Deacon Associate
The Rev'd Lisa Jacoby
Bishop's Warden
Martin Brown

Junior Warden
Jan Dunlap
