St. Paul's at Midweek
January 17, 2024
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Whoever you are,
and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith,
we welcome you to our inclusive faith community.
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The Coming Days at St. Paul's
Wednesday, January, 17
Anthony of Egypt, Monastic, 356
8.30am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
Eve of the Confession of Saint Peter the Apostle
6.00pm Evening Prayer (Chapel)
6.30am Vigil Eucharist (Chapel)
Thursday, January 18
The Confession of Saint Peter the Apostle
8.30am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
Friday, January 19
Richard Rolle, Walter Hilton, and Margery Kempe, Mystics, 1349, 1396, and c. 1440
Wulfstan of Worcester, Bishop, 1095
8.30am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
Saturday, January 20
8.30am Matutina (Morning Prayer in Spanish - Chapel)
January 21, 2024
The Third Sunday after the Epiphany
8.00am Eucharist (Rite I)
9.00am Forum in the Forum Markan Study
10.00am Eucharist (Rite II)
The Parochial Annual Meeting will take place in the Parish Hall after the 10am Eucharist.
Monday, January 22
Vincent of Saragossa, Deacon and Martyr, 304
8.30am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
10.00am Food Pantry
Tuesday, January 23
8.30am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
3.30pm St. Paul's Book Club (Zoom)
Wednesday, January, 24
Florence Li Tim-Oi, 1992
8.30am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
Thursday, January 25
The Conversion of Saint Paul
8.30am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
5.30pm Leading Them Home Presentation (Zoom)
6.00pm Evening Prayer (Chapel)
6.30pm Eucharist (Chapel)
Friday, January 26
Titus and Timothy, Companions of Saint Paul
8.30am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
Saturday, January 27
John Chrysostom, Bishop and Theologian, 407
8.30am Matutina (Morning Prayer in Spanish - Chapel)
January 28, 2024
The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
8.00am Eucharist (Rite I)
9.00am Forum in the Forum Markan Study
10.00am Eucharist (Rite II)
The 10am service is live-streamed via our Facebook page.
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Tonight: Eve of the Feast of the Confession of Saint Peter the Apostle | |
The liturgical celebration of Peter's confession, a major feast in the Prayer Book calendar, is celebrated this Thursday on January 18. Join us tonight for a Vigil Eucharist to celebrate the Feast of the Confession of Saint Peter the Apostle. Evening Prayer will be recited at 6pm, followed by the Eucharist at 6.30pm. Both services will be held in the Chapel. All are welcome to participate.
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St. Paul's Annual Meeting
January 21
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The Parochial Annual Meeting will be THIS Sunday, January 21, after our 10am Eucharist. This is one of the most important days in our common parish life where reports are made of the previous year's ministries, the budget for the coming year is presented, our Priest-in-Charge makes his report, and elections are held for new Bishop's Committee members and Deanery Representatives who will serve as Delegates to Diocesan Convention. All members of St Paul's are asked to make every effort to be at the meeting. If you have any questions contact either Fr. Luis or Martin Brown, our Bishop’s Warden.
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Thursday, January 25
Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul
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Thursday, January 25, is the feast of the Conversion of St Paul, one of the principal feasts commemorating our parish's patron. We will be keeping the feast with Evening Prayer at 6pm and Eucharist at 6.30pm. Both will be in our chapel. After the Eucharist we hope to go on to The Padre to continue celebrating with drinks and food. Everyone is invited. If you have any questions, speak with Fr. Luis.
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Winter Wonderland
St. Paul's Annual Dinner & Fundraiser
Saturday, February 3, 2024
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It's that time of year again to enjoy a winter evening filled with fun and food! Join us and invite your family and friends for a wonderful night of great food and drink, a silent auction, and a raffle. Get your tickets now! (under the "St. Paul's Special Events" section in Vanco). Contact Cindy Smith to buy tickets or if you have any questions. | |
Our St. Paul’s community response to our food pantry needs have been so generous. This Monday was another busy distribution day at our St. Paul’s food pantry. Our shelves are looking bare. Please consider donating some items for this coming Monday’s outreach. We are most in need of:
Cereal, Canned Chicken, Peanut butter, Chili, Hearty soups, Chef Boyardee, Crackers, Fruit cups, Cup of soup beef, Top ramen;
combs, toothbrushes, and bottled water.
If possible, all canned items should have pop-tops.
Thank you for supporting this vital ministry and remember you can continue to make donations of socks, hats, and gloves throughout the winter. If you have any questions, contact Jan Dunlap.
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Leading them Home: Enhancing the Ministry for the Terminally Ill | |
As many of you know, Martin Brown is a postulant in the ordination process. As a part of his Context for Ministry he will be hosting a series of three talks on Death and Dying: How we can enrich our encounters with others who are transitioning through dying process. In these presentations he will give information regarding the dying process with some of the challenges caregivers may face and explore ways to provide meaningful visits as well as provide help as needed. If you are interested in attending, please see dates and links below. You are welcome to ask Martin more specifics about this project via email or when you see him at church.
Jan 25:
Feb 08:
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Forward Day by Day
The "Forward Day by Day" devotional booklets for February, March, and April are available now. Many people use this publication as part of their regular prayer life. If you do or would like to, be sure to pick one up in the narthex.
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Why is the Christmas Crèche Still Up? | |
When you come into church this this Sunday you may wonder why the crèche is still up. Isn't Christmas over? As we celebrate the Christmas/Epiphany season, our focus is on the manifestation of God’s Light in the person of Jesus, who is both human and divine. And while not a lot of people realize it, the end of this seasonal cycle comes with the Feast of the Presentation on 2 February. It is then we celebrate forty days after Jesus birth and commemorate his being presented in the Temple. It is then we rejoice with the old man Simeon who recognizes Jesus as “a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to [God’s] people Israel.” (Luke 2:32) Christmas/Epiphany has only begun. We have many days to continue our observance and contemplate its significance. The crèche will remain until February 2 as a reminder that the Christmas event is an ongoing process through which God is constantly revealing his glory in the world, most particularly through his people.
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Blessing of Homes and Marking Lintels in Epiphanytide | |
It is traditional early in Epiphanytide to bless homes and particularly to mark with blessed chalk the lintel of one’s door with the initials of the wise men (C[asper], B[althasar], M[elchior]) and the current year. Blessed chalk for marking the lintels of our homes (along with a short order is service) is still available in the narthex. See Fr. Luis if you have any questions.
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Central Valley Events
Advocated by the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin
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Thursday, January 18, 2024.
Doors: 5:30 pm. Start: 6:00 pm. Tower Theatre.
Come share and discuss important issues impacting the Central Valley LGBTQ+ community.
Presented by the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus. Sponsored by Councilmember Annalisa Perea.
RSVP requested –
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As we begin a new quarter the parish prayer list has again be revised. All names from last quarter have been removed. If you would like a name added on the list, please contact Fr. Luis. | |
Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ’s glory, that he may be known, worshipped, and obeyed to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever. Amen. | | |
In Our Prayers
Remember in your prayers Grace, Warren, Lorraine, Emily, Rohana, Roberto, Maureen, Joan, and all those in any kind of need.
Remember in your prayers the recently departed, among them, Phyllis Bloomquist and Rosana Rivera; as well as those whose year's mind falls at this time, among them, Chanelle Bryant, Jose Antonio Reyes, Lincoln Slaughter, Mariam Stepaniam, Amanda Gaona, and Malcom Chun, priest.
Monthly Prayer Diary
You can access the
Prayer Diary for January here
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The task of making the Eucharist possible is entrusted to the Altar Guild, a volunteer group of women and men in our parish who assist the Priest-in-Charge in creating beautiful worship services as well as all other services or ceremonies such as funerals and weddings. Altar Guild members care for the altar, vestments, altar linens of the parish, and eucharistic instruments. We are currently looking for more volunteers who can help for a few hours once a month.
For more information on how to get started, contact Jan Dunlap.
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The Order of the Daughters of the King is an order for women whose mission is the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. At the St. Paul's the order serves our community through their prayers and acts of service.
Do you have a special concern you'd like the Daughters to pray for? Contact Cathy Henry who heads our parish chapter. You can also contact her for further information on the DOK, or you can visit the Order's website here. The Daughters of the King are also at the front of church during the distribution of communion to pray with you for your needs and concerns.
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Finding the Sunday Readings
Did you know you can always find the readings for Sunday by following this link? Did you find two sets of readings for the Sunday? If there are two "tracks", at St. Paul's we are using "Track 2"
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Our Bishop's Committee meets next on
Sunday, December 17.
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Connecting with St. Paul's
and The Episcopal Church
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