First Sunday after Pentecost

John 16:12-15
Friday, June 14, 2019
In This Issue
Weekly Services

Sunday - 3 Services

10:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist

1:00 p.m.
South Sudanese Service
Dinka Language

5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist
Spanish Language


12:05 p.m. Holy Eucharist
For the Summer Schedule please contact the church office. 


6:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist
More St. Paul's Here!
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This 1st 10:00 Service Weekend at St. Paul's
Join us for Coffee Hour IN THE GARDEN ROOM after the 10am service for goodies and fellowship, and ON THE PATIO for summer games and fun for all ages.  Please see other important information about this weekend below, and thank you in advance for grabbing your name-tag at the south entrance so we can get to know each other better.  
Rector's Notes: Trinity Sunday, the First Sunday after Pentecost, seems a curiosity in our postmodern times.  Just for the fun of it, turn to page 864 of the BCP and read the Quicunque Vult, more commonly called the Creed of St. Athanasius.  This 6th century document is a creedal declaration of both the Trinity and the nature of the Incarnation.  As such, the QV is an authoritative declaration of orthodoxy (right belief) necessary for salvation, "He(sic) therefore that will be saved must thus think of the Trinity."  Moreover, the creed concludes, "This is the Catholic Faith which except a man(sic) believe faithfully, he(sic) cannot be saved."  QV and other creeds become the foundation of the long standing and primary commitment to "orthodoxy" in the Christian Church.   However, in my sermon on Sunday, I am going to visit the question of "orthodoxy" (right belief) and "orthopraxy" (right actions) as two related elements of living our baptismal faith in the world as a sacramental expression of the love of God in the world.  I will argue that "orthodoxy" is sometimes exercised with such picayune assiduity as to build barriers to "orthopraxy" as we seek to live our faith as the Body of Christ is the world.   If every there is a Sunday to consider such an obscure but essential topic, it is Trinity Sunday.  

Update  on the Luther/Bonhoeffer 2020 trip.  Because of my retirement, Dr. Kurt Knecht, St. Paul's organist, will be taking my place as the group leader for this amazing trip.  Kurt is very knowledgeable of both Luther and Bonhoeffer.  He will bring great insight into their contributions to our western Christian tradition.  Moreover, with his musical talent, you may even get to hear him play a few tunes on various keyboards as you travel around Germany.  I promise this is a trip you do not want to miss.  Check the box lower down for more information about registering for this trip.
Parish Calendar 
More information about all of these events can be found in the "more information" section below.

May/June: The House that Abraham Builds
Work Continues  

June 16: New Summer Worship Schedule Begins

June 21: KC Baroque presents Women of Note

Sunday School
"Godly Play" 

Please join us at 10:00 am on the third floor.  Everyone aged 4-11 is welcome to come and bring a friend. Children join the worship service in time for communion. Nursery care provid ed for younger children on the 2nd floor.

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Education for Ministry Registration Ends July 2019
If you'd like to know more about this four-year Episcopal program, please contact EfM Mentors Marie Thompson or Linda Voigts.

Upcoming Events ~ More Information

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 What is this New Summer Schedule? As one member of the Communications Ministry Team put it - "Can we paraphrase the Prophet Marley who said 'One love, one heart, ONE SERVICE-- let's get together and feel all right!' ?" 

Benefits of one service:
* get to see everyone.
* better table at brunch
* more uninterrupted time for the rest of the day
* earlier tee/tea time? :-) 
* gives the faithful Sunday morning ministry teams (acolytes, greeters, altar guild, preachers, ushers, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, presiders, musicians) a bit of a breather for the season. 
It's a great time to be a part of this family of faith. 

Bring your friends. Worship God. Spread the Gospel. 

A Prayer For the Good Use of Leisure

O God, in the course of this busy life, give us times of
refreshment and peace; and grant that we may so use our
leisure to rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our
spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. 
Amen. BCP 825

Help Wanted 

TEFAP & Backstage Hands Needed
at Pantry

TEFAP: The Emergency Food Assistance Program has experienced a large increase in quality and quantity of food coming into our pantry. As a result, more clients are coming, bringing friends, and we are able to help them all. We served over 120 households last month (last year we averaged 80 per month). While we are happy to be able to help more, we really need more able bodied folks to help with moving, setting up, and distributing all of this heavy food. If you are able to help, it's only once a month, on the 3rd Saturday of the month, from 8am - noon. If you work with a youth group, scouting group, or know of youth or young adults needing service hours, we would welcome the connection. Please contact Melissa Hill via St. Paul's at [email protected]. Thank you!

Backstage: Many of us have seen, and been a part of, the food distribution at  our Pantry. It is humbling, hard and holy work.  But there is a very important part of our Pantry ministry that goes mostly unseen, and it's there that we can use your help.  To save money , where possible and practicable , o ur Pantry acquires bulk supplies of essential items for our pantry clients. It takes time and care to divide-up these supplies for distribution. It includes things like  rice, pasta, dry beans , laundry   and dish detergent, hair care supplies, frozen foods, etc. If you are able to come and help us sort these into shareable sizes, please let us know . Thanks so much. Richard Scarritt , Easom Bond and Sterling Roath .

We need more caring
hands on-deck in the
St. Paul's Parish Nursery.
Each Sunday we have two paid staff persons caring for our youngest (and cutest!) members. All are required to take the "Safeguarding God's Children" training, pass a background check, and love our kids and their families. We also occasionally need nursery caregivers during the week for special meetings, worship services, or events. Please speak with Catie Brouse if you are ready to join the team. Service hours for high school students are available, but the training requirements remain. Thank you!

Coffee Hour Hosts

June 16 - ?you?
June 23 - Rebecca Forsyth & Ellen Haden
June 30 - ?you?

Hosting Coffee Hour is a fun and easy way to get to know other St. Paul's members! The host brings the food and the church provides the drinks. An example of what a host might bring would be: two large pans of brownies (cut very small), maybe a bowl of fruit (oftentimes grapes cut into small clusters), and a bowl or two of pretzels or popcorn. If you have questions or wish to co-host with another member, please contact Alison.  Dates are available.


verse for the week

Wake up! Strengthen whatever you have left, teetering on the brink of death, for I've found that your works are far from complete in the eyes of my God. - Revelation 3:2 

voice for the week

Truth will never start out popular in a world more concerned with marketability than righteousness. It will initially suffer ridicule and even violence - yet ultimately it is undeniable. - Lauryn Hill

prayer for the week

Christ who overcame death, breathe life into our souls, bodies, and minds. Send us out in Your truth and all-encompassing love. Amen. 

thought for the week

I am with people who are poor in spirit. They teach me that being is more important than doing, the heart is more important than the mind, and doing things together is more important than doing things alone.--Henri J. M. Nouwen
Other News & Thanksgivings

Thanks to All for a Great St. Paul's Garage Sale!
This year's motto was "Turning Stuff Into Food." We had the luck of a beautiful day, and enough volunteers, merchandise and customers to make almost $700, which will be divided between our Pantry and our School in Haiti. Not only did we work hard, but we had long stretches to relax and visit, and really get to know each other. Special thanks to everyone who donated items and to volunteers Eartha Kating, Mitzi Foster, Becky Baker, John Caruthers, Ellen Aisenbrey, Pat Rudy, & Beth Herbers. Together we are changing the world.  ~ Catherine Beachy

The Name Tags are Here! The Name Tags are Here!
Please pick up your name-tag from the display in the reception lobby at the South Entrance, and wear it.  If you don't see yours, leave us a note and we'll get one up there asap. Remember, wearing a name tag is something you do for everyone else... it's not about you.  
Thanks in advanc e for being kind and supportive as we continue to make adjustments.
The lanyards are only for those Sundays when the clips don't work on your clothing.  It's fine if you take your name tag home or keep it in the glove compartment of your car. Just remember to wear it next time. Or you can replace it on the display neatly and somewhat in order. That helps others find theirs more easily. There will be baskets (soon) at the exits to remind you to leave it if that is your preference, and a volunteer will replace it on the display.  If you want to help with this ministry, let us know. Thanks again. 
Your Name Tag Ministry Team ~ Betsy Parker & Ann Ready 

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Curious to know how you can save $350 on
St Paul's Reformation Tour
through Germany
in Sept 2020?
Dr. Kurt Knecht will be the group leader for this event.  Kurt is well read in both Luther and Bonhoeffer and will bring great insight into these two important periods in Germany as well as the impact of these two theologians on Christianity more broadly.
for information or a brochure and reserve your spot before June 1, 2019.


 Prayer Request Forms are for requesting prayers for yourself, and for others. They are available from the box on the wall in the tower room near the pulpit, on the Usher's Desk at the 40th street door, and the Receptionist Desk at the South/School side door. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Pastoral Care Ministry Team, please contact Heidi Carter, Associate for Ministry.

 2019 Stewardship

     Every year, in response to the many and great gifts God freely bestows upon us, we are all invited to make a pledgeto the financial support of St. Paul's Parish.
     Our gifts become a witness in the world of this parish's response to God's call to us to be a faithful community serving all God's creation.  You can use the link below to make your pledge or contact the  Church Office  for a paper pledge form.
     Thank you for your support financially, for your participation, and by remembering our efforts in your prayers.

B eyond the Walls of St. Paul's
Opportunities to Stay Connected and Involved

Please Visit Our Website at for information about The Diocese of West Missouri's  Youth Ministries , The Episcopal Church, Outreach opportunities and Advocacy and Community Engagement. Scroll down the welcoming page to find a series of interesting links and information. Thank You.

click for:

July 8-16:   Pilgrimage 2019 
(Register by  April 30 )

by 6:00 p.m. Wednesdays.  Please help out the Epistle editor and submit your items in a timely way. Thanks!

St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Day School

11 E 40th St.

Kansas City, Mo.   64111

(816) 931-2850